Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


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Spanking in Thailand in December and January

Monday, August 31st, 2015

I vis­it­ed Hong Kong and Sin­ga­pore a few years ago and it was great fun.  Such nice and polite boys and girls  there..well most of the time.  A few of them had a naughty streak and I had to spank and cane their bot­toms on sev­er­al occasions.

This time I will be going to Thai­land for 5 weeks in Decem­ber and Jan­u­ary. If you hap­pen to be in that part of the world please feel free to con­tact me for a pos­si­ble sea­son or just a chat.


Cocobolo Stinger

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

I have acquired a huge selec­tion of imple­ments over the years and I though I had every­thing until I was pre­sent­ed with this lit­tle imple­ment, the Cocobo­lo Stinger.…

This is what the young man who made it had to say.….

In per­haps a moment of mad­ness recent­ly I decid­ed just for fun to make a lit­tle wood­en pad­dle out of a love­ly dense and beau­ti­ful hard­wood called cocobo­lo —  a cocobo­lo stinger.  I made a gift of it at a ses­sion with Miss Sven­son and she has cer­tain­ly ful­ly test­ed its effec­tive­ness on a bare bot­tom!  It has an exquis­ite sting and fit­ted per­fect­ly into the ses­sion.  What I love about a ses­sion with Miss Sven­son is her excel­lent com­bi­na­tion of strict­ness and kind­ness when deal­ing with mis­deeds.  And from my point of view it feels like an amaz­ing com­bi­na­tion of sharp and painful pun­ish­ment but at the same time deep enjoy­ment.  My thanks. —  I.L.  ”

Admiring my favourite Cane

Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

Back from holiday

Thursday, August 20th, 2015

I real­ly look for­ward to some seri­ous spank­ing now .….
Please use the con­tact page to con­tact me for book­ings, I pre­fer emails as I am often out and about but phone calls will be answered when I can. If you con­tact me for the first time please intro­duce yourself.

Wor­ried about using your real name ?.…. that is not a prob­lem you can invent a spe­cial name for the naughty boy inside you, Per­haps avoid  Steve, Michael and John as I now have a lot of those names in my con­tact list. Per­haps some­thing more orig­i­nal like these names I found online.

Milo, Rufus, Max, Jerome, Julian, Miles, Sid­ney, Bene­dict, Dylan, Lawrence, Tris­tan, Eric, Aaron, Gre­go­ry, Edwin, Patrick, Gabriel, Chris­t­ian, Reuben, Elliot, Josi­ah, Adam, Har­ri­son, Michael, Vic­tor, Amos, Nathaniel, Eugene, Wal­ter, Ray­mond, Leonard, Ernest, Clif­ford, Nicholas, Elias, Aubrey, Jasper, Dominic, Clement, Alfred, Hec­tor, Levi, Scott, Sebas­t­ian, Theo, Evan, Aiden,  Ash­ton. Arman, Apol­lo, Avery, Chase, Dalziel, Den­holm, Ethan, Fran­cis, Isaac, Ivan, Julius, Luke, Mar­ius, Nathan, Saul, Tavish, Troy, Lysander, Aure­lien, Mor­gan, Ignatius.…and the list could go on and on.

I look for­ward to hear­ing from you




Sunday, August 2nd, 2015

I am tak­ing hol­i­day from the 5th to the 20th of August.

If you want to book a ses­sion after the 20th of August please email me.

Have a good summer.

I had to spank a naughty girl again

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

No more sessions in Penge

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

I have decid­ed  to ter­mi­nate the rent agree­ment in Penge and I will no longer offer ses­sions there.  I work full time in Gilling­ham and offer ses­sions there most day between 11am and 8pm.



People who book and don’t show up…

Thursday, June 11th, 2015

One of the biggest draw­back of my job is time wast­ing or time wasters.  I have writ­ten about this again and again but the prob­lem is not going away.

80% of the calls I receive are from some­one who have no inten­tions of actu­al­ly com­ing to see me, they just want to talk to me and imag­ine what I could do to them.

Today I had two peo­ple booked to come to see me, both seemed gen­uine and hon­est but did not respond to my mes­sages and did not show up at the time we had agreed.

Basi­cal­ly my day was wast­ed wait­ing for two clients in case they would show up… and if that is not enough I turned down some­one else who want to come at the same time.

I have loved my job and most of the time with no regret.… but I have some doubts that I would like to con­tin­ue in this busi­ness unless clients change their attitude.

Please show me some respect and stop wast­ing my time.





Penge Sunday the 6th of June

Monday, June 1st, 2015

I will be in Penge all day on Sun­day 7th of June and would be hap­py to see a few naughty boys.

I had to cane a naughty girl again

Monday, June 1st, 2015