Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


People who book and don’t show up…

One of the biggest draw­back of my job is time wast­ing or time wasters.  I have writ­ten about this again and again but the prob­lem is not going away.

80% of the calls I receive are from some­one who have no inten­tions of actu­al­ly com­ing to see me, they just want to talk to me and imag­ine what I could do to them.

Today I had two peo­ple booked to come to see me, both seemed gen­uine and hon­est but did not respond to my mes­sages and did not show up at the time we had agreed.

Basi­cal­ly my day was wast­ed wait­ing for two clients in case they would show up… and if that is not enough I turned down some­one else who want to come at the same time.

I have loved my job and most of the time with no regret.… but I have some doubts that I would like to con­tin­ue in this busi­ness unless clients change their attitude.

Please show me some respect and stop wast­ing my time.





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