Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Archive for March, 2013


Lost for words

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Lost for words

By Claris­sa

It could only have been about fif­teen min­utes, but she couldn’t check her watch as she had her hands on her head, fac­ing the wall, out­side the head­mistress, Miss Svenson’s, office. Fif­teen min­utes, but it felt like an eter­ni­ty. She had start­ed out fourth in a line of mis­cre­ants, and now it was down to her. Two girls had already come and gone, dis­patched from the office in vary­ing states of dis­tress. Now it was the turn of the third girl, Rober­ta Jami­son, and she had been in there an age. Miran­da was mus­ing on why this might be when, sud­den­ly, the heavy mahogany door of Miss Svenson’s study swung open, and out stepped Rober­ta. ‘Your turn now,’ mum­bled the girl to Miran­da, ‘she wants you in straight­away.’ Miran­da turned round, man­ag­ing to raise a brief half-smile to her tear-stained fel­low, before knock­ing on the dread­ed door herself.

Miss Sven­son was sit­ting behind her desk, a fine, crook-han­dled cane promi­nent­ly on dis­play before her. This was a weapon Miran­da had become famil­iar with over the past few years – that and, of course, the strap. She did not know which she hat­ed the most, but hav­ing tast­ed the bite of both, she was at least pre­pared for their sting: Miss Sven­son couldn’t real­ly hurt her.

Well Miran­da, I haven’t seen you in my office for a while,’ began Miss Sven­son. Miran­da remained silent.

I assume you have a note?’ con­tin­ued Miss Svenson.

Miran­da stepped for­ward and held out the note she had placed in the top pock­et of her blazer.

Cat still got you tongue I see,’ went on the Head, as she picked up her glass­es and read through the missive.

Miran­da said nothing.

Well, this sounds like a very child­ish offence,’ assert­ed Miss Sven­son at last, sur­vey­ing the tall fifth-for­mer before her.

Go and fetch me that chair,’ she sud­den­ly instruct­ed, indi­cat­ing a low wood­en chair near the win­dow, ‘and put it in front of the desk.’

Miran­da didn’t move.

Do it, right now!’ com­mand­ed the Head.

Miranda’s feet obeyed, despite her mind reel­ing in con­fu­sion: this was not how she took the cane, or the strap for that matter.

Miss Sven­son stood up, wait­ed for the chair to be set­tled, then sat down.

Come here and bend over my lap.’

Again, Miran­da didn’t move.

Come here at once,’ con­tin­ued Miss Sven­son, her voice ris­ing to a crescen­do, ‘or I will spank you hard­er and longer.’

Spank? Miran­da was hor­ri­fied: she had nev­er been spanked before; nev­er had to lie across the lap of the head mis­tress – this was too much.

Come here!’ ordered Miss Sven­son, and this time the girl did move, approach­ing the Head and then low­er­ing her­self care­ful­ly over her lap as indicated.

Before she could do any­thing else, Miss Sven­son had pulled back her skirt and slammed her hand down hard on her behind.

Ow…ouch!’ issued from Miranda’s lips in shock, as anoth­er blow, and anoth­er rained down.

Be qui­et!’ ordered Miss Sven­son, Miran­da grit­ting her teeth as the blows increased in inten­si­ty; ‘This is not your place to speak!’


Monday 15th of April — Opportunity not to be missed — Miss Svenson will be joined by Miss Clara Hewitt!

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

 The love­ly but strict Miss Clara Hewitt will spend the day with me on Mon­day 15th and we will be avail­able for dou­ble ses­sion from 11am until 7.pm.

We offer

Short or long ses­sions from 15 min to 2 hours  to very rea­son­able rates.

Please con­tact me for details

This is a ones a month only even and slots will go fast — make sure you book your ses­sion for a very spe­cial experience.

Spanking session availability

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

From the 1st of April I will no longer pub­lish avail­able dates for spank­ing ses­sions. Please con­tact me by email for dates.

Please use the con­tact page to email me.


Penge Penal Institute, 28 April

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 28 April, 12–30 pm

Two 17-year-old youths, one male, one female, birched for an act of gross inde­cen­cy at a bus stop on Sat­ur­day night. Youth A (male) sen­tenced to 24 strokes of the birch, youth B (female) to 12 strokes. SCO Rod­well asked the youths why the court had not sen­tenced them to the same pun­ish­ment, ‘Because that’s how them sil­ly judges think,’ said youth A. ‘It ain’t fair.’ SCO Rod­well asked youth B if she con­curred that the sen­tenc­ing was unfair. Youth B, after con­sid­er­ing the mat­ter, said she did. ‘After all, we was both doing what we was doing, wasn’t we?’ SCO Rod­well asked whether, since there was una­nim­i­ty on the point, it would be rea­son­able for her to give each youth 18 strokes, thus equal­is­ing their sen­tences. The youths, after delib­er­at­ing with each oth­er, agreed. The 18-stroke birch­ings were duly admin­is­tered, full force, by DCO Pren­der­gast. Both youths were reduced to tears, but thanked the cor­rec­tion offi­cers for treat­ing them fairly.




Penge Penal Institute, 18 April

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 18 April, 6–30 pm

Male youth of 16 caught loi­ter­ing out­side the Insti­tute. On being chal­lenged by DCO Pren­der­gast, who had seen him from the win­dow, the youth con­fessed that he had been lis­ten­ing to the sound of a female shoplifter, a for­mer neigh­bour of his, being caned on the bare bot­tom. ‘It real­ly excit­ed me,’ he admit­ted. DCO Pren­der­gast warned the youth that loi­ter­ing in such a man­ner for pur­pos­es of sex­u­al grat­i­fi­ca­tion was a crim­i­nal offence: she would either have to report him to the police, with a court sum­mons sure to fol­low, or bring the mat­ter to the atten­tion of SCO Rod­well, who could admin­is­ter appro­pri­ate sanc­tions on the spot. The youth, after much dither­ing, chose the lat­ter. SCO Rod­well rep­ri­mand­ed the youth severe­ly, then placed him over her knee, pulled down his under­pants and spanked him for the next fif­teen min­utes, using a strap and hair­brush. The youth sub­se­quent­ly apol­o­gised and promised not to repeat the offence.