Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Privacy and discretion

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Pri­va­cy and dis­cre­tion is very impor­tant to me and of course to my clients.

Some times I get wor­ried new­bies ask­ing me if my place is dis­creet and if we will be pri­vate. Some peo­ple are so wor­ried about this issues that they don’t ever take the step and try how a spank­ing feels like.

I cer­tain­ly under­stand why peo­ple are wor­ried but some times their fear has been blown out of propo­si­tion. Some peo­ple even imag­ine that I would secret­ly take pho­tos of them and post it on the inter­net. When peo­ple are so full of fear, they may not be ready for a spank­ing ses­sion at all and they may need more time to think things over.

The oth­er option is to try to be ratio­nal and under­stand what I am and what I real­ly do. I have been in the spank­ing busi­ness for some years now, first in North Lon­don where I lived for 4 years. I was very care­ful so my neigh­bours did­n’t sus­pect any­thing and they nev­er did as far as I know.

After that I was based in South East Lon­don for 3 years, and yet again nev­er any strange looks or ques­tions. My present place out here in the Med­way is in a quite part of town and is very pri­vate and dis­creet. The neigh­bours are busy with their own lives and no one are real­ly interested.

When it comes to myself I am of course aware of peo­ples con­cern and I have some rules I follow.

Obvi­ous­ly I would nev­er take a pho­to­graph of any­one unless they ask me to. I only post pic­tures online of mod­els who have filled in a con­sent form and 99% of the time, they are pro­fes­sion­al mod­els. I nev­er post pic­tures of clients online even if they ask me to.

I nev­er call clients on the phone unless they have left a mes­sage and asked me to. I don’t send unso­licit­ed email unless you have asked for it or have signed up for my mail­ing list.

When you come to my place We will be pri­vate and you will not bump into oth­er clients leav­ing or com­ing. It is extreme­ly import to me that clients feel secure and com­fort­able and that is why I move out here.  I have a pri­vate space were you can enjoy spank­ing and cp ses­sion with­out worries.


Why I don’t have a wish list on website.…

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Some peo­ple have asked me and I know some ladies have wish lists on their web­sites. Wish lists usu­al­ly list­ing lux­u­ry items like per­fume, jew­ellery and expen­sive fash­ion brand cloth­ing. Per­haps the rea­son I choose not to have a wish list is my Scan­di­na­vian upbring­ing which focused on always doing ones best rather than show­ing off bling and lux­u­ry.  When that is said of course I also like the smell of per­fume and if you want to bring a lit­tle some­thing you will nev­er go wrong with a bot­tle of French Mer­lot or a Cham­pagne brut.  Clients who are not so well to do, don’t need to feel guilty for not bring­ing extra gifts, I don’t discriminate.


This one went home with a very sore bottom!

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

One naughty boy learnt a painful lesson the other day…

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Get spanked by Miss Svenson and Miss Sullivan.…

Saturday, February 21st, 2015


Miss Sul­li­van is occa­sion­al­ly avail­able to join me for dou­ble strict treat­ment —  £160 an hour — ses­sion must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.

Get spanked by Miss Svenson and Clara Hewitt…

Friday, February 20th, 2015


Clara Hewitt will join me from time to time and we look for­ward to lots of spank­ing fun and lots of swish­ing with the canes!  One hour ses­sion with two very strict ladies £160! (Day­time only)  ses­sions must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.

School uniforms

Friday, February 13th, 2015

I have been buy­ing up bits and peaces for school uni­form for my videos for some time now. Many of you have seen the Belling­ton acad­e­my uni­forms in the videos. Most of the uni­forms are for girls and they are small­er sizes.
I real­ly want­ed to be be able to offer school uni­forms to the naughty boys as well and I have bought a few larg­er size blaz­ers. In addi­tion to that I will add shorts. socks and shirts to the col­lec­tion so all naughty boys can be prop­er­ly dressed for deten­tion or classes.

The schoolroom

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Read about my new school­room and more here  The school­room

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the new year.

Thursday, December 25th, 2014

Parties, School days and Spanking B&B

Monday, December 15th, 2014

The main rea­son I moved to Kent is to have more space for fun activities.

I plan to run reg­u­lar school days with some of the well known strict teach­ers from the area, I will be able to offer school uni­form rental as well as a school lunch. Fur­ther I plan to run tea par­ties and din­ner par­ties for spe­cial girls as well as boys along with some very strict no non­sense ladies. Switch par­ties may also be on the agen­da if peo­ple are inter­est­ed. For some of the good clients I know and trust, I will also offer an unfor­get­table BB stay in a tra­di­tion­al boys room, with bed­time and ear­ly morn­ing spankings.

Get in touch if you are inter­est­ed and make sure you sign up for my newsletter.