Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Why I don’t have a wish list on website.…

Some peo­ple have asked me and I know some ladies have wish lists on their web­sites. Wish lists usu­al­ly list­ing lux­u­ry items like per­fume, jew­ellery and expen­sive fash­ion brand cloth­ing. Per­haps the rea­son I choose not to have a wish list is my Scan­di­na­vian upbring­ing which focused on always doing ones best rather than show­ing off bling and lux­u­ry.  When that is said of course I also like the smell of per­fume and if you want to bring a lit­tle some­thing you will nev­er go wrong with a bot­tle of French Mer­lot or a Cham­pagne brut.  Clients who are not so well to do, don’t need to feel guilty for not bring­ing extra gifts, I don’t discriminate.


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