Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — third entry by Tony…

Richard nev­er worked hard at school but he could have done and passed many exams quite eas­i­ly but he chose to be lazy instead† often copy­ing oth­er boys exam papers or cheat­ing by steal­ing the mas­ters answer papers, today though was going to be dif­fer­ent because he was going to be caught red­hand­ed in the act of gross mis­con­duct. The class­room was qui­et the mas­ter had popped out to the play­ground to have a cig­a­rette and left as he thought the boys all work­ing very hard on a maths test how­ev­er Richard had dif­fer­ent ideas as soon as the mas­ter Mr Williams had gone Richard rushed to the front of the class and looked in his brief­case for all the answers to the test so he could cheat on every­one and get 100% cor­rect answers great idea he thought as he made his way back to his desk and start­ed to read a com­ic as all the oth­er boys worked try­ing to get the sums right unfor­tu­nate­ly for Richard

Mr Williams had been watch­ing this though the class­room win­dow where he could not be seen by the boys and was furi­ous at what he saw, he rushed in to the class­room hold­ing a strap in his hand no Richard this is not for you lad you need the can­ing of a life time and that is†what you are going to get from Miss

Sven­son the head­mistress you lazy boy and with that he took Richard by the ear and led him upstairs to the head­mistress­es study where he explained in detail what he had seen though the window†the head­mistress was shocked and Miss Sven­son went to a locked cup­board on the real wall of the study and removed her largest and longest cane in her armoury, take down your trousers and under­pants boy she said and bend your­self over that†desk to expose your bare bottom†I am going to give you twelve of the best†and maybe more tomor­row after assem­bly in the great hall if you don’t behave prop­er­ly and take this like a man† do you under­stand Richard? yes miss he replied  and await­ed the first stroke of the cane to bite into his bot­tom he did­n’t have to wait long there was a loud hiss of the cane and down it came  caus­ing a very sharp pain with an intense sting in Richard’s rear end which he disliked†and let out a huge howl shut up†the head­mistress said† this is only the first stroke your’e bot­tom will be much red­der after the next few strokes have land­ed on tar­get and push your head well down so that your bot­tom is uppermost†in our minds as†I want a good tar­get to aim for.

Richard was not enjoy­ing this treat­ment at all his face pressed†onto a hard wood­en desk and his bare bot­tom well pre­sent­ed and arched for the head­mistress to hit when­ev­er she felt like bring­ing down the stick  he was wish­ing he had nev­er cheat­ed in the first place but now it was too late to turn the clock back he would have to injure the pain of a real can­ing so rich­ly deserved and with the agree­ment and sup­port of his par­ents who had been phoned pri­or to the can­ing for their approval, a few more strokes and the pain was unbear­able in his bot­tom† he also want­ed to cry but bit his lip in an effort to stem the pain com­ing from the nasty invad­er who was vis­it­ing his bot­tom now every two sec­onds or so how could he hold out†much longer prob­a­bly not, tears where already in his eyes now but the head­mistress car­ried on regard­less† until all strokes had been admin­is­tered and Richard would apol­o­gise and amend his ways for good



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