Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — second entry by Kevin…

It was with some trep­i­da­tion that I climbed the stairs to Miss Sven­son’s classroom.

Hav­ing long har­boured the fan­ta­sy of being dis­ci­plined by a female author­i­ty fig­ure, I was both excit­ed and more than a lit­tle nervous.


Doubts start­ed to creep in; I won­dered if I could indeed live with­out the real­i­ty and just leave it as a love­ly fantasy.


The feel­ings went back a long way, back to my junior school days.


That was when Miss Dakin had made me stand on that chair for dis­rupt­ing her class.


Miss Dakin had always been far stricter with the boys than with the girls. Sev­er­al of my male class­mates who had been in my cur­rent posi­tion, had then been kept back after class to expe­ri­ence the painful delights of Miss Dak­in’s strap and/or slipper.


Often this was car­ried out whilst the boy was strad­dled across Miss Dak­in’s lap. And, if I am being total­ly hon­est, I also longed to be across her lap.


So while I stood there on the chair, my legs felt like jel­ly. But I was also excit­ed in a strange way that I had nev­er expe­ri­enced before, antic­i­pat­ing being tak­en across Miss Dak­inís lap and spanked for the first time in my life.


But after the class had been dis­missed and I was still stand­ing on†the chair, Miss Dakin sim­ply called to me you can go now Kevin, but don’t dis­rupt my class again because I won’t be so lenient next time What a dis­ap­point­ment that was !


But letís get back to Ms Svenson.


As we climbed the stairs I kept think­ing ìdo I real­ly need this, sure­ly I can live with­out know­ing what this feels like?.


But the soft swish of Miss Sven­sonís skirt and the clip of her heels on the stairs were quite com­fort­ing and they made me think again..I mean she’s only a petite lady, so how much could it hurt, itís going to be such great fun.


We had agreed before the ses­sion that Miss Sven­son would be in charge of a sce­nario based around the old tra­di­tion of six of the best I would be the obnox­ious school­boy who had been warned sev­er­al times before about his behaviour.


Miss Sven­son, of course, would be the strict head­mistress at the end of her teth­er. Final­ly she has decid­ed that cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is the only way for­ward for this out of con­trol pupil.


As soon as we entered the room, Miss Sven­son point­ed to the cor­ner and said go and stand in that cor­ner boy, fac­ing the wall, and with your hands on your head, and be silent !


Stand­ing in the cor­ner, still not sure of what I had got myself into, I could hear Miss Sven­son read­ing the note I had pre­pared, out­lin­ing my many wicked misdeeds.

I could hear her ìtut­tingî and the sound of her tap­ping her fin­ger­tips on her desk in frus­tra­tion and grow­ing anger.


I stood there think­ing She actu­al­ly sounds quite annoyed.I hope she remem­bers that this is all just role play.


Then I near­ly jumped out of my skin as she said loud­ly  Come here boy ! stand in front of my desk !


As I stood to atten­tion in front of Miss Sven­sonís desk, she looked up at me and said ìstand up straight boy, no slouch­ing in my officeî She then con­tin­ued to read the note.


I could hear her mut­ter­ing under her breath. tut tut, play­ing tru­ant, smok­ing on school premis­es, inso­lent to teach­ers, run­ning in school cor­ri­dors dear, oh dear..


Well boy , and what do you have to say for yourself?!


Er.dunno Miss, but it wonít hap­pen again Miss, I said, rather weakly.


I have a way of mak­ing you remem­ber to behave boy !


She stood up quick­ly and walked over to a cup­board mount­ed on the wall, which she unlocked with a key that she had tak­en from her desk draw.


Have you seen what’s in this cab­i­net before boy?


No Mis­sî I replied.


Then from the cup­board she took out a very long and ter­ri­fy­ing­ly thick cane.


I know that my eyes widened into saucers when I saw it.I did­n’t remem­ber the canes that I saw at school hav­ing looked half as fear­some as this one.


Bend for­ward over my desk boy and stand on your tip toes as well


I did as I was told and won­dered, once again, what I had got myself into.


Now, I am going to admin­is­ter 6 strokes of the cane to your bot­tom, and I want you to remain still through­out the pun­ish­ment. If you move out of posi­tion or try to rub your bot­tom before I have fin­ished, youíll get extra strokes, is that all under­stood boy?


I gulped and said Yes miss


Excel­lent, you will also count out each stroke loud­ly , and in a clear voice, and you will thank me for each stroke as well so you will say.One, thank you Miss, Two, thank you Miss is that understood?


This was start­ing to sound a lit­tle wor­ry­ing, but I said Yes Miss


Good, right we havenít got all day so letís get this over and done with shall we boy?




Miss Sven­son tapped the cane on my behind. I thought ìwell this is alright, I don’t know what I was wor­ried about, I hard­ly felt that


I said loud­ly One, thank you Miss ì


Miss Sven­son laughed out loud, don’t be sil­ly boy, Iím just get­ting ready to give you the first stroke, I was just tap­ping the cane on your behind to pre­pare myself


OhI said, and then ìOwwwî as the cane land­ed with a loud thwack right across both cheeks of my backside.


It felt like some­one had laid a red hot pok­er on my bum cheeks and left it there.I jumped up and danced around shout­ing wouch..oohhhh and rub­bing my back­side for all I was worth.


Miss Sven­son stood there with much amuse­ment glint­ing in her eyes as she said ìOh dear, much as I am enjoy­ing your lit­tle dance Kevin, itís just earned you two more strokes..


Get­ting back to busi­ness, Miss Sven­son said..back into posi­tion now boy, you have anoth­er 7 strokes to enjoy


As my back­side slow­ly eased a lit­tle, I con­sid­ered mak­ing a run for it or ask­ing Miss Sven­son if I could be excused, but that would have been a cop-out. So I duti­ful­ly bent back down over the desk to await the next stroke.


Haven’t you for­got­ten some­thing Kevin? said Miss Sven­son did I not ask you to count the strokes?


Oh yes, sor­ry Miss, One thank you miss I replied.


Good boy,I’ll let you off this time, but donít for­get to count again or I WILL add more strokes onto your punishment


The next five strokes were no eas­i­er than the first, but I man­aged to stay in posi­tion and I remem­bered to count (I did­n’t dare to forget)


After the six strokes Miss Sven­son said I could stand up, which I did gratefully.


Now then, you took those last five very well, but we still have two to go


Yes Miss I said as start­ed to bend down again.



No Kevin, the extra strokes that I award are han­dled a lit­tle dif­fer­ent­ly. Take down your trousers and then bend back over the desk


Er..is that real­ly nec­es­sary Miss, I mean it hurts a lot even with trousers on?


Miss Sven­son asked in an amused tone And just who is in charge here Kevin?


So, I start­ed to undo my trousers and turned again towards the desk as a thought came into my mind. I had­nít antic­i­pat­ed this and I could­nít remem­ber which under­pants I had on. I had a hor­ri­ble feel­ing that it might be a pair of nov­el­ty ones that had been agift from a friend of mine, they are more or less cov­ered in images of naked women.


The thought of Miss Sven­son whack­ing her cane on these brazen­ly sex­ist images filled me with dread. She would be real­ly annoyed to see these images and maybe the next two strokes would be a lot hard­er as a consequence.


But I was com­mit­ed to this and so I dropped my trousers and bent over the desk.


After a long pause Miss Sven­son said Those are very inter­est­ing under­pants Kevin..


Er yes Miss, I’m real­ly sor­ry Miss, I had­n’t realise that you would want me to drop my trousers, I would have worn some­thing more appro­pri­ate if I had known


ìYes well, I canít pos­si­bly use my cane on those ladies, it would be high­ly dis­re­spect­ful to themî


I heaved a sigh of relief as I realised I was about to be let off the two extra strokes.


No, we can’t have that, so you had bet­ter drop your under­pants as well Kevin


As I lay there across Miss Sven­son’s desk I could hard­ly believe what I had just heard so I said ìIím sor­ry Miss, did you say that I have to drop my pants as well?


That’s right noth­ing like a bare bot­tom can­ing from a woman to improve a boy’s respect for the fair­er sex, and I think weíll add two more strokes as pun­ish­ment for show­ing such dis­gust­ing dis­re­spect to women


I gulped as I stood up, dropped my under­pants, and bent back over the desk. I know I had asked for this, but I real­ly was­n’t look­ing for­ward to it. But to back out now would have been cow­ard­ly and it would have shown me up in Miss Sven­son’s eyes.


I felt very noble as I wait­ed for my pun­ish­ment, I knew I was doing the right thing.


I felt like that right up until the first stroke on my bare behind..


wwww­c­c­c­ch­h­h­h­hh..! I screamed as my behind explod­ed with pain.


That’s what I like to hear Kevin, Iíll make you sing a lot more notes like that before I let you go home.. keep it up my lad.. laughed Miss Svenson.





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