Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 6 by Charles O!

Charles read the advert care­ful­ly in the newsagents win­dow†† ëGar­den­er required, full time, five days a week톆 ëWowí he thought, and wrote down the phone num­ber and address quick­ly as he need­ed to return with­in the hour to Aunt Elsa.†† She did not tol­er­ate late­ness and excus­es from any­one, and least of all from him.


Look­ing appre­hen­sive­ly at his watch Charles ran the last fifty yards to his Aunts house. The neigh­bours occa­sion­al­ly saw his fleet­ing fig­ure always run­ning, round the small Hert­ford­shire vil­lage, and decid­ed that this young man must be on a fit­ness drive!


ëIíve seen an ide­al job adver­tise­ment Aunt Elsa톆 Charles said breath­less­ly.† He had been liv­ing with his beau­ti­ful Aunt for a num­ber of months now, and she had insist­ed that he should now look for some gain­ful employment.


ëI was tidy­ing your room this morn­ingí Aunt Elsa said dis­mis­sive­ly, ëand I found some dis­gust­ing and quite filthy porno mag­a­zines under your bed, togeth­er with some smelly wet tis­sues. What have you become, Charles?††† Noth­ing more than a per­vert!† This type of behav­iour will not be tol­er­at­ed by me, and cer­tain­ly would not hap­pen in my coun­try.† Real men do not do such juve­nile things in Scandinavia!í


ëIímÖIím sor­ry Aunt Elsaí


ëGo down to the cel­lar and wait for me there, fetch the cane also thatís hang­ing up in your bedroomí


ëNoÖ.No Aunt ElsaÖÖÖÖ­Please!† No… .í


But Elsa looked at him with sheer dis­gust in her strong blue eyes and he knew imme­di­ate­ly it was no use. He could not win, and felt once again the strange but enjoy­able feel­ing as his back went cold from his ner­vous­ness and his knees felt like large chunks of jelly.


ëI should have realised I was in trou­ble, as Elsa is wear­ing her black stock­ingsÖí Charles thought to himself


Elsa decid­ed to wait for fif­teen min­utes, and used this time to change her cloth­ing††† She now wore a white blouse, pen­cil skirt which just touched her knees, black seamed stock­ings and three inch stilet­to shoes.† Her long beau­ti­ful blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail


She looked at her reflec­tion in her full sized bed­room mirror.


ëDamm!í…† She noticed a lad­der in her black seamed stockings.

ëWell, I will pun­ish him for that tooí she thought to her­self, and smiled sweetly.


Her steps echoed on the cold flag­stone stairs as she descend­ed slow­ly and deliberately

Charles could hear her com­ing, and shiv­ered in the dark­ness the oth­er side of the door, he was kneel­ing naked, and felt an elec­tri­fied ter­ror run­ning through his cold body


When Aunt Elsa switched on the cel­lar light she said

ëCome here, and posi­tion your­self over my whip­ping benchí

Swish! Went the cane, time after time again, tears filled his eyes, and the pain seared his bottom


ëOh. But Charles, you are not count­ing the strokes of the cane, nor say­ing ëThank You Aun­tieí either, so lets start again shall we?í


ëOne…† †Thank you Auntie,

ëTwo,Ö Thank you Auntie,

ëThree,… Thank you Auntieí


Once Charles count­ed to twelve, Aun­tie Elsa decid­ed to have the now tear­ful young man over her knees for a sound hand spank­ing of his now red and glow­ing bot­tom cheeks


ëOh look you have lad­dered my stock­ings; I shall have to pun­ish you for that too!í


Down came her strong hand, time after time again.


ëI am tru­ly sor­ry Aun­tie; he sobbed as his Aunt now gen­tly mas­saged a cream into his stingi­ly sore bot­tom cheeks. She mar­velled at the red­ness, but did not wish to break his skin.


ëThere, there, that will do for now.†† Return to your room, and hang the cane up where it belongs Charlesí


After eat­ing his din­ner Charles was sent to bed ear­ly, but did not sleep as he found the pain both excru­ci­at­ing and won­der­ful at the same time.


The next day he pre­pared break­fast for his Aunt as usu­al.† He knocked gen­tly on her bed­room door, and deft­ly car­ried the break­fast tray in his oth­er hand.




Charles entered her beau­ti­ful bed­room smelt the heady per­fume, and gazed at her with pure devo­tion in his eyes.† She was wear­ing a black busi­ness suit, white blouse, and tan coloured stock­ings, so he knew at once that she was in a bet­ter mood.


ëBy the way Charlesí she said as he was leav­ing the room

ëI phoned that num­ber regard­ing the gar­den­ing job, and am pleased to say you now have full time employ­ment.† Your new employ­er is Mrs Birch, we had a long chat about you, she is quite a like mind­ed lady too, and will stand no non­sense from YOU!††† Your first job is to cut some trees down, and make me a new cane! You may go now.í


ëThank you Aun­tie Elsaí


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