Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 5 by James P!

It was a sum­mer after­noon in North Lon­don.†† In a pleas­ant well-fur­nished room, a mid­dle-aged man was bent over the end of a sofa; his trousers were neat­ly fold­ed on a chair at the oth­er end of the room, his box­er shorts were pulled down to the top of his thighs and the tails of his shirt pulled up so that his but­tocks were bare. ††He had want­ed, had almost a phys­i­cal hunger for this moment for near­ly two weeks and now it had come.


The oth­er per­son in the room, a smart­ly dressed lady, held a straight-han­dled cane in her left hand.†† The cane was longer, dark­er in colour and heav­ier than a school cane.††† The cane came down hard and the man pushed his face into the sofa as if he hoped its cush­ion might absorb the pain he felt when the cane land­ed.†† There was a qui­et pause and then the cane made an arc through the air again.†† It is doubt­ful if, at that moment, the man had the com­po­sure of mind to won­der about the ori­gin of Miss Sven­sonís unusu­al cane.


The cane had not been pur­chased from an Inter­net site but from a shop in Waltham­stow rec­om­mend­ed to Miss Sven­son by a Miss Black­stock, an elder­ly lady now liv­ing on the South Coast.†† For many years Miss Black­stock had been the strong and inspir­ing head­mistress of a North Lon­don school; she had felt it her duty to make as much of the son of a labour­er as the son of a gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er.††† And if either stepped too far out of line, cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment was her rem­e­dy. †††This cane was cer­tain­ly not stan­dard Lon­don local edu­ca­tion author­i­ty issue and she used it only on the most recal­ci­trant boys. †Miss Black­stock was feared and loved in equal measure.


Tom­my Jones owned the shop in Waltham­stow sell­ing mod­est three-piece suites, beds and import­ed cane fur­ni­ture. ††Edith Black­stock was Tom­myís child­hood sweet­heart and mar­riage had not dulled his fond­ness for her.††† The cane fur­ni­ture pro­vid­ed a clue that in the ear­ly 1950ís Sergeant Tom­my Jones had been sta­tioned at Ipoh in Per­ak dur­ing the Malayan Emer­gency.†† A use­ful by-prod­uct of this ser­vice to Queen and coun­try had been his cane fur­ni­ture import busi­ness that put bread on his fam­i­lyís table. ††Once in a while Edith came to his shop just to chat and drink the thick sweet tea he made with con­densed milk to remind him of the Malay drink ìteh tarikî.†† Tom­my was proud when Edith became a head­mistress.†† One day she came to the shop red-faced with frus­tra­tion with one of her pupils, a boy who could Öbut again and again chose not to.†† Tom­my told her she was too kind, ìyou have to be cru­el to be kindî he said and made the first of the canes for her from a dense jun­gle rattan.


Raised red lines marked the mid­dle-aged manís but­tocks.†† The beat­ing was over.†† Miss Sven­son did­nít let him stand up imme­di­ate­ly so that he had time to regain his com­po­sure.† When he did stand up, box­er shorts now pulled up and shirt­tails hang­ing down so that he looked like an actor in a West End farce caught in fla­grante delic­to, he thanked Miss Sven­son and meant it.


He had thanked Miss Sven­son again at the door as he left.†† Walk­ing back towards the tube sta­tion to make his way home, he reflect­ed that the very sys­tem that had nur­tured his need had also enabled him to earn the where­with­al to sat­is­fy that same need.†† This irony would not have trou­bled Miss Blackstock.


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