Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 2 by Andrew!

Andrew, looked down at the note again. ‘Report to Miss Sven­son’. He
was­n’t wor­ried. he had heard of Miss Sven­son, but what would this be,
anoth­er lec­ture per­haps. He smiled to him­self and thought no more of it.

Two hours lat­er he found him­self walk­ing into an old build­ing, and up
a flight off stairs. It was an old build­ing, almost old fash­ioned, a
lit­tle cold. He had thought about ignor­ing the note (he has better
things to do), but at the last minute decid­ed should go and ‘do the
right thing’. If not, it would just mean more notes, more reports,
more lec­tures. Very tire­some. He was, how­ev­er, run­ning a lit­tle late,
but what did that mat­ter, he did­n’t care.
Final­ly he arrived at the top of the stairs, stopped for a moment,
turned and saw the big door. Well, lets see what this is about the
thought, as he knocked on the door.

He wait­ed, it seemed at least thir­ty sec­onds, then he heard footsteps
slow­ly get­ting loud­er as they came clos­er to the door. It sound­ed like
heels on wood­en floor­boards. The door slow­ly opened.

In front of him, stood a immac­u­late­ly dressed woman, white shirt, dark
skirt, she looked quite formidable

In a strong but calm voice she said ‘Your Late’, she moved slight­ly to one
side, point­ed and sim­ply added ‘in here’

Andrew walked into the office, it was very well pre­sent­ed, a big desk,
books, some plants, he could sense a wom­an’s touch, though it also
seemed busi­ness like. One thing was strange how­ev­er, close to the
mid­dle of the room, stood a lone chair, a high backed chair, a sturdy
chair, on the mid­dle of the chair sat a wood­en hairbrush.

Stand Still’ a voice beck­oned behind him, again calm, but a strong
voice. For the first time Andrew felt a lit­tle uneasy, per­haps this
was going to be a stern­er lec­ture than usu­al. He glanced again at the
chair, this was strange, and this did not go unno­ticed by Miss Svenson,
who sim­ply added ‘Well might you look boy’. Andrew did not quite
under­stand, but once she said this, he looked away.

Miss Sven­son, walked around him, as if cir­cling her prey. She did
not said any­thing imme­di­ate­ly, but looked at Andrew direct­ly in the
eyes. He could not main­tain the eye con­tact, already a vic­to­ry for
Miss Svenson.

Final­ly, she spoke:

Let me tell you why you are here, and do not speak, I will not be

I have been giv­en a list of your mis­de­meanors, I don’t pro­pose to
go through them all, but I assure you, I know all about you. To
com­pound this you have the audac­i­ty to arrive late to this
appoint­ment, that in itself will not be tolerated’

I intend to get the bot­tom of your behav­ior and atti­tude young man,
right too the very bot­tom, I guar­an­tee you’. She said this with almost
a sat­is­fied smile.

She con­tin­ued ‘I have a no non­sense approach to pun­ish­ment, and I
intend to deal with you, right now, today’ ‘I hope you did not come
along expect­ing just a rep­ri­mand on your behav­ior, no, today you will
be pun­ished and pun­ished prop­er­ly and severely’

Andrew, could not quite believe what he was hear­ing, did she say

Before he could pon­der too long, Miss Sven­son con­tin­ued ‘let me tell
you what is going to hap­pen, I know you have seen the chair and my
hairbrush’.…..she paused, a per­fect­ly timed pause.…..‘well, you
are going to pull down your trousers and under­pants, and I am going to
take you across my knee, and I am going to spank you bare bot­tom, I am
going to spank you with my hair­brush, and make no mis­take, I am going
to spank you very very hard, believe me when I say you will not be
sit­ting com­fort­ably for some­time after I have fin­ished with you’

Andrew felt a cer­tain dis­be­lief in what he was hear­ing, did she say
spank­ing, and even worse, did she say bare bot­tom? He start­ed to
tense, his mouth was becom­ing very dry. No this could not be right,
but the only word he could actu­al­ly muster was ‘bare?’

In a strict but calm strict voice, Miss Sven­son glared ‘quite bare,
oth­er­wise it com­plete­ly defeats the pur­pose’ and added alarm­ing­ly for
Andrew ‘and I haven’t got all day to waste on you, time to get on with

Andrew felt this could not be hap­pen­ing, was this real, it felt
sur­re­al. How­ev­er, the real­i­ty came all too quickly.

She pulled Andrew by the ear over to the chair. ‘Pull down your
trousers and underpants’

Andrew stood rigid, and at the same time, he noticed Miss Svenson
slow­ly rolling up her right sleeve, very pre­cise­ly and slowly
reveal­ing, a strong arm.

Miss Sven­son picked up the hair­brush and slow­ly sat down on the
chair, mak­ing her self com­fort­able. She looked at Andrew ‘I will not
tell you again’ She start­ed to pat her hand with the hair­brush, it
made qui­et a thwack.

Andrew was now mor­ti­fied, but this was a strong and for­mi­da­ble woman
who clear­ly meant what she said, she was in total con­trol of the
sit­u­a­tion, and Andrew sud­den­ly felt com­pelled to do exact­ly as he had
just been told, and, though a lit­tle hes­i­tant­ly slowly
undid his belt and start­ed to low­er his trousers fol­lowed to his
com­plete embar­rass­ment by his under­pants to stand there effec­tive­ly naked
from the waist down in front of Miss Svenson.

Andrew stood and watched, as Miss Sven­son lift­ed her skirt just
slight­ly to reveal her legs, she did not want her per­fect­ly ironed
skirt creased with what was about to hap­pen. The next word were
inevitable, but chill­ing in there mean­ing, in a very harsh tone ‘GET
OVER MY KNEE’. Miss Sven­son would allow no hes­i­ta­tion and a strong
arm pulled Andrew across her knee. A hand pushed Andrew’s head to the
floor, Miss Sven­son posi­tioned the bare bot­tom in front of her to her
sat­is­fac­tion. A hair­brush was the per­fect imple­ment for over the knee
pun­ish­ments and Miss Sven­son intend­ed to use it to its full extent,
this young man did not know what he was in for, noth­ing short of a
full force spank­ing, a thor­ough good hid­ing, a thrash­ing, a tanning,
there were a num­ber of words to describe it, but Miss Sven­son knew
this was going to some­thing that would not be for­got­ten in a hurry.

One hand held Andrew in posi­tion, in the oth­er Miss Sven­son lightly
tapped the help­less bare bot­tom in front of her with the fierce imple­ment of cor­rec­tion. Then, it happened,
the hand was raised and Miss Sven­son bought the hair­brush crashing
down on to Andrew’s bare bot­tom as hard as pos­si­ble, then anoth­er, and †anoth­er, alter­nat­ing from one cheek to anoth­er. The pain was much much
hard­er than Andrew could ever have imag­ined, much hard­er, he tried to
stay sto­ic, but it did not take long before he start­ed to make slight
yelps as the hair­brush land­ed one stroke after anoth­er, incessantly,
he could not believe the strength of Miss Sven­son, who seemed to know
exact­ly how too pun­ish. Andrew eyes start­ed to water, but there was no
let up, Miss Sven­son con­tin­ued to show­er spank after spank and †Andrews bot­tom was turn­ing form pink to red, to bright red, to †crim­son. Miss Sven­son was indeed and expert and indeed severe. This †was the spank­ing of a life­time. Miss Sven­son stopped, but it was only
a pause, ‘I have only just start­ed’ were the words Andrew did not want
to hear, but heard all the same.

It may only have been a few min­utes, 3,4 maybe 5 min­utes of actu­al spanking,
but the spank­ing was hard from the first spank too the last, and was
as painful as any­thing Andrew had ever known. His bot­tom was purple
and very very sore. The pun­ish­ment was real, severe and very painful.

Final­ly, Andrew was allowed to stand and com­pose him­self, but only
after Miss Sven­son had inspect­ed his bot­tom and decid­ed his
pun­ish­ment was ‘sat­is­fac­to­ry’ It was over.

He pulled up his under­pants and trousers and found him­self rub­bing his
bot­tom, he had been thor­ough­ly pun­ished and felt sor­ry for himself.

As he left thor­ough­ly chas­tised Miss Sven­son remind­ed Andrew this was
the min­i­mum he could expect if he ever had too attend again, and under
no cir­cum­stances was he too be late.

It was lat­er that evening, still sore and sor­ry, Andrew put his hand
in his pock­et, found and pulled out the note…‘report to Miss
Svenson’.…..with a wry look he knew it was not a lec­ture you
received when you report­ed too Miss Sven­son, it was not a note he
want­ed to get too often, but some­thing told him he would prob­a­bly be
back again sometime.

That is my sto­ry, I hope you like it, and hope you don’t mind I used
you as the sub­ject matter.




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