Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 3 by Cpexplorer!


Miss Sven­son, to the boyís dis­may, asked to see what he was work­ing on.


ìItís noth­ing impor­tant, Miss,î sug­gest­ed the boy.


But Miss Sven­son insist­ed and looked at the com­put­er screen.† It was a new doc­u­ment with a heading:


ìCaned by Miss Svensonî


ìWell, well, whatís all this about?î asked Miss Svenson.


ìI was going to write a sto­ry about you can­ing me again, Mis­sî, admit­ted the boy.


ìI see. And is this the first such story?î


ìNot real­ly, Miss, I write it in my diary at home when you pun­ish me.î


ìWell, then, I think we shall have to give you some­thing to inspire your writ­ing, donít you?î said Miss Svenson.


ìYes, Mis­sî, whis­pered the boy, blushing


ìFol­low me to my office.î


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *


ìHow many strokes did you give himî, asked Miss Sven­sonís sec­re­tary lat­er that day.


ìI gave him a dozen.†† Heíll get anoth­er dozen tomor­row and again the day after.†† I decid­ed it would be more fun to spread his pun­ish­ment over three days.† Iíve also asked him to bring his diary tomor­row.† I would like to see what heís writ­ten about those pun­ish­ments heís had from me.î


ìI donít know how you do it.† All your stu­dents seem to end up being caned by you — and prac­ti­cal­ly beg­ging for more.î


The sec­re­tary was being a lit­tle disin­gen­u­ous, as her own bot­tom had fre­quent­ly enjoyed the atten­tion of Miss Sven­sonís hand and she always wore her sex­i­est under­gar­ments to work in the hope and expec­ta­tion that Miss Sven­son would find a rea­son to pun­ish her.


ìMen are very sim­ple crea­tures.† On my first day with a new stu­dent, I always make sure that he sees Iím wear­ing stock­ings and sus­penders.† After that, heíll do what­ev­er I say.† Give a man a glimpse of your stock­ing top and heíll want to fol­low you to the ends of the earth!† Thatís my philosophy,î laughed Miss Svenson.


ìYou will tell me what hap­pens tomorrow,î asked the sec­re­tary, ìabout the diary and everything?î


Miss Sven­son caught the glint of excite­ment in her sec­re­taryís eye.† ìI think youíd bet­ter get on with your work, young ladyî said Miss Svenson.


ìYes, Miss,î replied the sec­re­tary, imag­in­ing her own diary and all the sweet sins and secrets it contained.


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *


V excit­ing at work.† Miss S is going to cane the boy three days in a row.† Boy has a diary too!†† Just like naughty me!† Sheís going to read his.† What if she got to read mine!† That would make me blush.† All those naughty thoughts.† Lots of spank­ing for me then!!


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *

Miss Sven­son crossed her silk-stockinged legs and began to leaf through the† boyís diary.† Her stu­dent stood ner­vous­ly, aroused by the sight of his tutor dan­gling a shoe from her toes, by the shape of her foot, her smooth, ele­gant legs, by the hint of the dark welt of her stock­ing top and by the knowl­edge that anoth­er can­ing was not far off.


Miss Sven­son found the entries for the days when she had pun­ished her stu­dent and read out loud the words and phras­es that appealed to her, adding her own com­men­tary and eye­ing the boy provocatively:


ìíThe admin­is­tra­tion of superb cor­po­ral pun­ish­men­tí ñ well itís nice to know that my efforts are appreciated.î


ìíAn exquis­ite can­ingí ñ my, you are an aficionado.î


ìíMiss Sven­sonís warm and wel­com­ing lapí ñ I hope you donít get to enjoy these pun­ish­ments too much, or one day youíll be pay­ing a hun­dred pounds an hour for the pleasure!î


The boy blushed furi­ous­ly at this last observation.


Miss Sven­son stood up, removed her jack­et, and fetched her favourite, slen­der, cane from the cup­board.† She swished it a few times and then laid it on her desk.† She sat her­self on the desk and pulled the boy towards her by his belt.


ìTo­day Iím going to pun­ish you with some­thing of yours and some­thing of mine,î said Miss Sven­son, as she unbuck­led the boyís belt and pulled it through the loops.† ìLow­er your trousers and shorts and kneel up on that chair,î she said as she dou­bled the belt over in her hand.


The boy felt the cool air on his bot­tom then Miss Sven­sonís warm hands as she tucked his shirt out of the way and ran her hands over his bot­tom and pat­ted it gen­tly.† Miss Sven­son stood back and, after a pause, brought the belt down across the cen­tre of her stu­den­tís well-pre­sent­ed bot­tom.† The boy gasped with the excite­ment of the begin­ning of anoth­er pun­ish­ment from Miss Svenson.


Miss Sven­son belt­ed the boy until his bot­tom was red and warm to her touch.† She then picked up her cane and repo­si­tioned the boy with his hands on the desk, up on tip-toes with his bot­tom as high as pos­si­ble.† She stood back, still and ele­gant, and applied the first stroke with a flour­ish.† She wait­ed until first the stroke sank in ful­ly, then raised the cane and admin­is­tered anoth­er beau­ty.† The begin­ning of a love­ly weal appeared per­fect­ly across the boyís bottom.


Miss Sven­son caned the boy until the full dozen strokes were account­ed for.† She not­ed with some sat­is­fac­tion the numer­ous welts across his bot­tom and enjoyed caress­ing and pinch­ing them before telling him to get dressed and return to his work.


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *


Boy caned again today.† Sound­ed v excit­ing.† Want­ed to ask if I could come and watch part three tomor­row, but lost my nerve.† Did­nít want to push Miss S too far!!


Miss S spanked me twice for day-dream­ing!† Think­ing about that can­ing again.† Poor boy!† I think heís cute, this one.† Wish I could kiss his bot­tom bet­ter.† Oops, dream­ing again.† Over Miss Sís knees again!


I do love it when Miss S spanks me.† Over her knee, knick­ers down — ouch.† So excit­ing! †Spanked on the bare ñ double-ouch!!


So glad I wore my nice panties and suspenders.


Please, please, please, let Miss S find a rea­son to let me join in tomor­row.† Oh, but what if she canes me too?!!


Off to bed now!!!!


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *


Miss Sven­son stood back and admired the two round, sexy bot­toms on dis­play before her.† Her stu­dent on the left and her sec­re­tary on the right were each bend­ing over a chair, and pre­sent­ing his or her naughty, already well-spanked bot­tom.† Miss Sven­son held in her hand her swishy cane.


Miss Sven­son had been spank­ing her stu­dent sound­ly, when she thought she a noise beyond the door.† She bid the boy get up and opened the door in time to catch her naughty sec­re­tary sneak­ing away.† As a pun­ish­ment for spy­ing on the boyís spank­ing, to which the sec­re­tary read­i­ly con­fessed, she had to stand in the cor­ner, fac­ing the wall, with her hands on her head while Miss Sven­son con­clud­ed the boyís spank­ing.† Then, in full view of the boy, the sec­re­tary was tak­en over Miss Sven­sonís lap, her panties drawn down and her love­ly bare bot­tom spanked soundly.


Miss Sven­son then decid­ed it was time for the cane.† The boy and the sec­re­tary each had to fetch a chair and ìbend overî in the appro­pri­ate position.


ìNow, we come to the final instal­ment of twelve strokes,î said Miss Sven­son.† ìOn­ly, today, we have two sets of twelve, with a naughty female bot­tom to share the experience.î


ìPlease, Miss,î said the sec­re­tary, ìIím very sor­ry for spy­ing, I wonít do it again, please not the cane, Miss.î


ìYou donít hear the boy com­plain­ing, do you?î, asked Miss Svenson.


ìPlease, Miss, may I take the sec­re­taryís can­ing for her?î, sug­gest­ed the boy, rather gal­lant­ly, Miss Sven­son thought.


ìVery well,î said Miss Sven­son after a pause, ìyou shall receive eigh­teen strokes and the sec­re­tary only six.î


ìBut, please, Miss,î respond­ed the sec­re­tary, regret­ting her ear­li­er cow­ardice, ìI feel as much to blame as he is ñ please may we have an equal punishment?î


ìIf you insist,î said Miss Sven­son, ìthen you shall both receive eigh­teen strokes.î


ìOh, Miss,î cried the boy and the girl in near unison.


ìEnough of this,î con­clud­ed Miss Sven­son, ìletís get on with your caning!î


Miss Sven­son gave each six of the best, repeat­ed three times, laid on with her trade­mark style and ele­gance.† The boy took his strokes sto­ical­ly but the sec­re­tary was more ani­mat­ed and vocal with lit­tle gasps, the odd ìouchî and lots of sexy bot­tom wig­gling, which Miss Sven­son only tol­er­at­ed so far.† By the third set, the sec­re­tary was under instruc­tion to ìstay still and be qui­etî.† Miss Sven­son noticed that the boy reached over and squeezed the sec­re­taryís hand and, as this seemed to help her take her can­ing with less fuss, she allowed it to continue.


ìA very sat­is­fy­ing morning,î thought Miss Sven­son after she had dis­missed the naughty pair and as she returned her favourite cane to the cup­board.† ìAny excuse from now on, and Iíll have those two bot­toms in front of me side by side.† Each as sexy as the oth­er!† What fun Iíll have.î


*†††††††††† *†††††††††† *


The best day ever!† V excit­ed this morn­ing choos­ing my knick­ers!† Decid­ed on the full-bot­tomed panties rather than the thong.† Then Miss Sven­son has to take them down if she spanks me.† And they go real­ly well with my new sus­pender belt.


Spied on Miss S spank­ing the boy.† Tum­my felt very fun­ny.† Tapped on the door very light­ly, hop­ing to get caught.† Miss S heard it.† Judged it just right.† Almost out of sight when door opened.† Caught in the act!!† Con­fes­sion time!!† Stand­ing in the cor­ner, lis­ten­ing to the spank­ing, v excit­ing too.† Then over Miss Sís knees. She let the boy watch!† So excit­ing ñ I near­ly came!


Then caned togeth­er!! †Side by side.† So-o‑o sexy and excit­ing.† Looked at boyís face ñ eyes closed, look of bliss when Miss S canes him.† Heís so yum­my!† But then the cane for me too!† More than I bar­gained for!† The boy was v brave.† Want­ed to take my can­ing too.† I argued too much, got us both in more trou­ble.† Sil­ly me!† Did­nít think I could take it.† The boy held my hand ñ so sweet ñ much bet­ter after that, although the cane is v painful. Just had anoth­er look at my bum ñ wish I could let the boy kiss it better.


And so to bed Ö and sweet dreams!!






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