Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Sun­day 17 January

One of my most reward­ing days in my entire teach­ing career. Peter McEl­waine, who left last sum­mer and now has a well-paid job in a local build­ing soci­ety, came round to have tea with me and, in the course of a most cor­dial con­ver­sa­tion, THANKED me for not spar­ing the rod! ‘I hat­ed it at the time,’ he told me, ‘but the great thing about you, Miss Black­stock, was that you nev­er flogged a boy with­out good cause. Firm but fair: that was your mot­to.’ He then remind­ed me (I had com­plete­ly for­got­ten the inci­dent, I am ashamed to say) of the time I strapped him for run­ning in the cor­ri­dor. ‘I’ve nev­er run in the cor­ri­dor since,’ he said, with a cheeky wink. Was it my imag­i­na­tion or was their nos­tal­gia in his eyes as he con­tem­plat­ed my leather strap, hang­ing in its usu­al place?


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