Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Tues­day 19 January

Will boys nev­er learn? I had put up a large notice on the board, enti­tled SOCKS, warn­ing boys that any­one who didn’t wear the school socks in the pre­scribed fash­ion, pulled right up, could expect ‘seri­ous con­se­quences’. Did I have to spell out what I meant? Not twen­ty-four hours after I post­ed the notice, I caught Ross Junior – one of the dim­mer boys in the Remove, which is say­ing some­thing – with his socks around his ankles, sum­moned him to my study, flexed my cane, told him to take down his trousers and he had the cheek to look sur­prised, even indig­nant! I gave him six of the best for not wear­ing his socks prop­er­ly and four ‘extras’ for being a total moron. Harsh, but effec­tive, I fan­cy, judg­ing from the tears welling up in his eyes.


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