Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


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From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Thurs­day 17 Decem­ber †1952

Anoth­er dis­taste­ful episode involv­ing my way­ward sec­re­tary Celia. I had just giv­en Watkins six of the best on the bare ñ he had been run­ning in the cor­ri­dor for the third time in a week ñ when I heard a faint cough out­side the door of my study. On going to inves­ti­gate, I found Celia kneel­ing on the floor with her ear to the key­hole. She had been lis­ten­ing in on Watkin­sí can­ing! At a human lev­el, I could iden­ti­fy. There is cer­tain­ly some­thing hyp­not­ic, even erot­ic, in the sound of a cane land­ing full force on naked but­tocks. But that is no excuse for what I regard as lit­tle bet­ter than voyeurism. A sim­ple solu­tion was at hand and I wast­ed no time in apply­ing it. Six of the best for Celia, pants down, with Watkins watch­ing! From the sheep­ish way Celia left the room after­wards, I think she had learnt her lesson.


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Tues­day 14 Decem­ber 1952

… hands in his bloody pock­ets! Con­sid­er­ing he was sup­posed to be read­ing the les­son at the school car­ol ser­vice, I took a very dim view indeed. I have thought for some time that Wil­son has been get­ting above him­self, but the lit­tle ras­cal is usu­al­ly clever enough not to get caught. He also has an annoy­ing habit of smirk­ing when oth­ers receive a thrash­ing. Well, he was for the high jump this time! An exem­plary sen­tence was called for, and I took great plea­sure in admin­is­ter­ing it. First, I made him write out fifty times, ëBoys who behave like total slobs get bot­tom mark­sí. Then I marked the said bot­tom accord­ing­ly, strap­ping his bare back­side until it was as red as a ripe toma­to. He wonít be putting his hands in his pock­ets any time soon.


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Thurs­day 9 Decem­ber 1952

I have intro­duced a new rule this week, at the sug­ges­tion of Mr Wheat­ley, our head of sport, who is a stick­ler for phys­i­cal fit­ness and is wor­ried that some boys seem to put on sur­plus weight in win­ter, when they get less chance to exer­cise out­doors. ëThose of you who have had to vis­it my study will be famil­iar with the unpleas­ant sen­sa­tion of being told to touch your toes while I cane you,í I announced at assem­bly, to ner­vous gig­gles all round. ëWell, from now on, boys unable to touch their toes can expect TWO EXTRA STROKES!í More ner­vous gig­gles. As luck would have it, the very next boy I had to cane, lat­er that day, was podgy lit­tle Bil­ly May­fair, nick­named Bil­ly Bunter for obvi­ous rea­sons. There was no chance of May­fair touch­ing his toes ñ or of escap­ing the two extra strokes, which I made sure were real stingers, deliv­ered full force. I sus­pect the fat slob may be going on a diet…


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Wednes­day 1 Decem­ber 1952

.… which made me so furi­ous I lost my rag com­plete­ly. ëYOU… WILLNEVERTALKTOMELIKETHAT…††EVERAGAINYOUSNIVELLINGLITTLEBOY,í I roared, at the top of my voice, accom­pa­ny­ing each word I uttered with a full-bod­ied stroke of the strap. That made thir­teen strokes in all and, even though I had allowed†Crosthwaite†to retain his under­pants, the effect on his ten­der 14-year-old bot­tom can be read­i­ly imag­ined. It was not just any old strap either, but the heav­i­est and nas­ti­est one in my whole col­lec­tion ñ made inScot­land, I believe. I felt guilty after­wards. Am I slow­ly turn­ing into a deranged sadist? But I cer­tain­ly got my point across.


Story Competition — the winner!

It was a dif­fi­cult choice as the qual­i­ty of the sto­ries is very high. But there can only be one winner.…

James W is the win­ner of this com­pe­ti­tion. Con­grat­u­la­tion to you James please con­tact me †so we can arrange your prize.

To every­one else thank you so much for all the great sto­ries, if you enjoy writ­ing you can start sub­mit­ting new sto­ries for the next com­pe­ti­tion †now.

Please send the sto­ries in †Word Documents.

The next com­pe­ti­tion will take place in Sep­tem­ber and the prize will be a 40 min spank­ing ses­sion in Miss Sven­son study.



Story Competition please vote for your favourite story!

Hel­lo everyone

I have pub­lished 14 sto­ries to take part in the com­pe­ti­tion. If your sto­ries was not includ­ed you can resub­mit it for the next com­pe­ti­tion in Sep­tem­ber. †Now please help pick the win­ner by giv­ing points from 1 to 10 and post it as a com­ment to each sto­ry. Obvi­ous­ly you can­not vote for your own story.

The win­ner will be announced Fri­day 1st of July so it is still some time to vote.


Story Competition — fourteenth entry by Andrew.…

Andrew, looked down at the note again. ‘Report to Miss Sven­son’. He
was­n’t wor­ried. he had heard of Miss Sven­son, but what would this be,
anoth­er lec­ture per­haps. He smiled to him­self and thought no more of it.

Two hours lat­er he found him­self walk­ing into an old build­ing, and up
a flight off stairs. It was an old build­ing, almost old fash­ioned, a
lit­tle cold. He had thought about ignor­ing the note (he has better
things to do), but at the last minute decid­ed should go and ‘do the
right thing’. If not, it would just mean more notes, more reports,
more lec­tures. Very tire­some. He was, how­ev­er, run­ning a lit­tle late,
but what did that mat­ter, he did­n’t care.
Final­ly he arrived at the top of the stairs, stopped for a moment,
turned and saw the big door. Well, lets see what this is about the
thought, as he knocked on the door.

He wait­ed, it seemed at least thir­ty sec­onds, then he heard footsteps
slow­ly get­ting loud­er as they came clos­er to the door. It sound­ed like
heels on wood­en floor­boards. The door slow­ly opened.

In front of him, stood a immac­u­late­ly dressed woman, white shirt, dark
skirt, she looked quite formidable

In a strong but calm voice she said ‘Your Late’, she moved slight­ly to one
side, point­ed and sim­ply added ‘in here’

Andrew walked into the office, it was very well pre­sent­ed, a big desk,
books, some plants, he could sense a wom­an’s touch, though it also
seemed busi­ness like. One thing was strange how­ev­er, close to the
mid­dle of the room, stood a lone chair, a high backed chair, a sturdy
chair, on the mid­dle of the chair sat a wood­en hairbrush.

Stand Still’ a voice beck­oned behind him, again calm, but a strong
voice. For the first time Andrew felt a lit­tle uneasy, per­haps this
was going to be a stern­er lec­ture than usu­al. He glanced again at the
chair, this was strange, and this did not go unno­ticed by Miss Svenson,
who sim­ply added ‘Well might you look boy’. Andrew did not quite
under­stand, but once she said this, he looked away.

Miss Sven­son, walked around him, as if cir­cling her prey. She did
not said any­thing imme­di­ate­ly, but looked at Andrew direct­ly in the
eyes. He could not main­tain the eye con­tact, already a vic­to­ry for
Miss Svenson.

Final­ly, she spoke:

Let me tell you why you are here, and do not speak, I will not be

I have been giv­en a list of your mis­de­meanors, I don’t pro­pose to
go through them all, but I assure you, I know all about you. To
com­pound this you have the audac­i­ty to arrive late to this
appoint­ment, that in itself will not be tolerated’

I intend to get the bot­tom of your behav­ior and atti­tude young man,
right too the very bot­tom, I guar­an­tee you’. She said this with almost
a sat­is­fied smile.

She con­tin­ued ‘I have a no non­sense approach to pun­ish­ment, and I
intend to deal with you, right now, today’ ‘I hope you did not come
along expect­ing just a rep­ri­mand on your behav­ior, no, today you will
be pun­ished and pun­ished prop­er­ly and severely’

Andrew, could not quite believe what he was hear­ing, did she say

Before he could pon­der too long, Miss Sven­son con­tin­ued ‘let me tell
you what is going to hap­pen, I know you have seen the chair and my
hairbrush’.…..she paused, a per­fect­ly timed pause.…..‘well, you
are going to pull down your trousers and under­pants, and I am going to
take you across my knee, and I am going to spank you bare bot­tom, I am
going to spank you with my hair­brush, and make no mis­take, I am going
to spank you very very hard, believe me when I say you will not be
sit­ting com­fort­ably for some­time after I have fin­ished with you’

Andrew felt a cer­tain dis­be­lief in what he was hear­ing, did she say
spank­ing, and even worse, did she say bare bot­tom? He start­ed to
tense, his mouth was becom­ing very dry. No this could not be right,
but the only word he could actu­al­ly muster was ‘bare?’

In a strict but calm strict voice, Miss Sven­son glared ‘quite bare,
oth­er­wise it com­plete­ly defeats the pur­pose’ and added alarm­ing­ly for
Andrew ‘and I haven’t got all day to waste on you, time to get on with

Andrew felt this could not be hap­pen­ing, was this real, it felt
sur­re­al. How­ev­er, the real­i­ty came all too quickly.

She pulled Andrew by the ear over to the chair. ‘Pull down your
trousers and underpants’

Andrew stood rigid, and at the same time, he noticed Miss Svenson
slow­ly rolling up her right sleeve, very pre­cise­ly and slowly
reveal­ing, a strong arm.

Miss Sven­son picked up the hair­brush and slow­ly sat down on the
chair, mak­ing her self com­fort­able. She looked at Andrew ‘I will not
tell you again’ She start­ed to pat her hand with the hair­brush, it
made qui­et a thwack.

Andrew was now mor­ti­fied, but this was a strong and for­mi­da­ble woman
who clear­ly meant what she said, she was in total con­trol of the
sit­u­a­tion, and Andrew sud­den­ly felt com­pelled to do exact­ly as he had
just been told, and, though a lit­tle hes­i­tant­ly slowly
undid his belt and start­ed to low­er his trousers fol­lowed to his
com­plete embar­rass­ment by his under­pants to stand there effec­tive­ly naked
from the waist down in front of Miss Svenson.

Andrew stood and watched, as Miss Sven­son lift­ed her skirt just
slight­ly to reveal her legs, she did not want her per­fect­ly ironed
skirt creased with what was about to hap­pen. The next word were
inevitable, but chill­ing in there mean­ing, in a very harsh tone ‘GET
OVER MY KNEE’. Miss Sven­son would allow no hes­i­ta­tion and a strong
arm pulled Andrew across her knee. A hand pushed Andrew’s head to the
floor, Miss Sven­son posi­tioned the bare bot­tom in front of her to her
sat­is­fac­tion. A hair­brush was the per­fect imple­ment for over the knee
pun­ish­ments and Miss Sven­son intend­ed to use it to its full extent,
this young man did not know what he was in for, noth­ing short of a
full force spank­ing, a thor­ough good hid­ing, a thrash­ing, a tanning,
there were a num­ber of words to describe it, but Miss Sven­son knew
this was going to some­thing that would not be for­got­ten in a hurry.

One hand held Andrew in posi­tion, in the oth­er Miss Sven­son lightly
tapped the help­less bare bot­tom in front of her with the fierce imple­ment of cor­rec­tion. Then, it happened,
the hand was raised and Miss Sven­son bought the hair­brush crashing
down on to Andrew’s bare bot­tom as hard as pos­si­ble, then anoth­er, and† anoth­er, alter­nat­ing from one cheek to anoth­er. The pain was much much
hard­er than Andrew could ever have imag­ined, much hard­er, he tried to
stay sto­ic, but it did not take long before he start­ed to make slight
yelps as the hair­brush land­ed one stroke after anoth­er, incessantly,
he could not believe the strength of Miss Sven­son, who seemed to know
exact­ly how too pun­ish. Andrew eyes start­ed to water, but there was no
let up, Miss Sven­son con­tin­ued to show­er spank after spank and† Andrews bot­tom was turn­ing form pink to red, to bright red, to† crim­son. Miss Sven­son was indeed and expert and indeed severe. This† was the spank­ing of a life­time. Miss Sven­son stopped, but it was only
a pause, ‘I have only just start­ed’ were the words Andrew did not want
to hear, but heard all the same.

It may only have been a few min­utes, 3,4 maybe 5 min­utes of actu­al spanking,
but the spank­ing was hard from the first spank too the last, and was
as painful as any­thing Andrew had ever known. His bot­tom was purple
and very very sore. The pun­ish­ment was real, severe and very painful.

Final­ly, Andrew was allowed to stand and com­pose him­self, but only
after Miss Sven­son had inspect­ed his bot­tom and decid­ed his
pun­ish­ment was ‘sat­is­fac­to­ry’ It was over.

He pulled up his under­pants and trousers and found him­self rub­bing his
bot­tom, he had been thor­ough­ly pun­ished and felt sor­ry for himself.

As he left thor­ough­ly chas­tised Miss Sven­son remind­ed Andrew this was
the min­i­mum he could expect if he ever had too attend again, and under
no cir­cum­stances was he too be late.

It was lat­er that evening, still sore and sor­ry, Andrew put his hand
in his pock­et, found and pulled out the note…‘report to Miss
Svenson’.…..with a wry look he knew it was not a lec­ture you
received when you report­ed too Miss Sven­son, it was not a note he
want­ed to get too often, but some­thing told him he would prob­a­bly be
back again sometime.








Story Competition — thirteenth entry by Lordy.…

There is that timid knock on her study door. Just a cou­ple of sec­onds to con­sid­er your fate.
Time stands still just†like a life­time as you squirm on hear­ing the words..
“Wait right there… I shall deal with you shortly”.……
Oh boy will she deal with you echos in your ear.
There is a twitch†of nerves as your bot­tom groans with the knowl­edge of the heat to come!
Her voice†makes me trem­ble as I final­ly hear the dread­ed word “Enter”
Bees wax pol­ish fills the air from the old wood­en floor­boards as I open†the the door marked Headmistress!.….
I hear the swish­ing of a slender†cane flow­ing thru the air.
I shud­der with antic­i­pa­tion as I fol­low the click­ing of her black stilet­tos wide eye,
as she places the cane next to her sol­id oak straight back antique chair.
There is a waft of Chan­nel No5 drift­ing my way. 
The whole scene was just like a dream†from yesteryear’s.
Just how do I describe such an icon­ic lady as Miss Elsa Svenson? 
Strict, car­ing and demure are just some of the words that come to mind.
Miss Elsa Sven­son is that for­mi­da­ble Head­mistress, stern,
mature and most com­mand­ing with curves that are intox­i­cat­ing to say the very least.
Her regale attire dressed in crisp starch white blous­es, gown, seam stock­ings, flash of thigh and black tight short­ish skirt 
rid­ing high to show off her firm ample lap, much  famed for dish­ing out dis­ci­pline in that time hon­oured tradition.
Yes a thor­ough­ly long hard over the knee bare bot­tom spank­ing, slip­per­ing, strap­ping and canning
all admin­is­tered with such care, vigour and zest as the mis­cre­ant is most sound­ly dealt with across this schoolmarms†accommodating lap.…
Many a sting­ing hot bot­tom can tes­ti­fy to having†been giv­en a lesson†never to be†forgotten by Miss Svenson ,
a true believ­er in the guid­ance of strict discipline.
My thoughts turn to the telling off and the dread­ed out­come from the irate head­mistress with the likes of …
” What you need young man is a damn good spank­ing”… I’m going to give you†the hid­ing of your life”.…. 
“Just wait till I take you over my knee”… “Let’s see how long†a bare bot­tom slip­per­ing will take to mend your ways”…
“I keep a cane just for deal­ing with such mis­de­meanours”… “Its about time I gave you the strap­ping of your life!”.….”
You are real­ly going to get it this time” Hmm­mm just the tip of the ice­berg as there are so many lines that bring me to atten­tion I’m thinking!! 
The read­er by now must be think­ing of the sto­ry behind all this and await­ing the out­come of being sent to Miss Elsa Svenson? 
Alas!!..as I write this I’m look­ing for­ward to post­ing the true account of†being dealt with
as the sto­ry com­pe­ti­tion win­ner of a tru­ly won­der­ful spank­ing ses­sion with Miss Elsa Svenson.
“You can’t write that” said Lisa Thay­er, my web mis­tress cyber head­mistress from LA.…
Actress, poet, singer/songwriter, artist, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, web designer.
Just to name a few of the strings on her bow! 
Hmm­m­mm I thought†maybe she should write my sto­ry instead…I so want that spank­ing prize!!!!

Story Competition — twelfth entry by Peter.…

Peter Grainger was feel­ing rather pleased with him­self. He had just spent the bet­ter part of 2 hours in the new slot machine arcade in the High Street — and had won over £15! Now, he would have the plea­sure of decid­ing how to spend it. Peter’s day was turn­ing out much bet­ter than anoth­er, ordi­nary, mun­dane day at Hymers school for boys.

Peter remind­ed him­self how he had come to be play­ing on the slot machines today — he’d decid­ed to play tru­ant for the day when he remem­bered that he’d mixed up the day for hand­ing in his Eng­lish home­work. It should have been com­plet­ed and ready to hand in at 2pm when his class timetable read ‘dou­ble Eng­lish’. He had­n’t even start­ed it — and there was no way Peter want­ed to be in trou­ble for not doing his home­work again. It was the third time this term — and Peter remem­bered what hap­pened at that par­tic­u­lar land­mark last term.

Peter had been sent to the new Head­mistress, Miss Sven­son, who had tak­en a dim view of Peter’s excus­es for not doing his home­work. She heard that Peter had been slip­pered already that term and decid­ed a more severe pun­ish­ment was required on this occa­sion. Miss Sven­son was not in the mood for non­sense from lazy school­boys that after­noon and decid­ed that Peter need­ed some ‘encour­age­ment’ to improve his behav­iour. Peter got a strap­ping from Miss Sven­son that day — 6 strokes — and he did not want a repeat of that punishment.

In fact, Peter was wor­ried that he might be even more severe­ly pun­ished sec­ond time around. He was told that he had actu­al­ly got off quite light­ly — Miss Sven­son usu­al­ly gave 10 strokes when a boy was sent to her for a strap­ping — and some­times it was also giv­en on the bare. Peter decid­ed not to risk it, he might just as well bunk off for the day — say he was sick — and hand his home­work in on time tomorrow.

So, Peter was now feel­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased with him­self. He had avoid­ed being report­ed to Miss Sven­son, and he now had an extra £15 in his pock­et. Today was turn­ing into a good day.….

Grainger — what are you doing here?’ Peter spun round, shocked by the sound of Miss Carter’s voice. Miss Carter was his his­to­ry teacher at school and had just left her den­tist’s surgery — which hap­pened to be direct­ly across the road from the amuse­ment arcade where Peter had spent most of the morn­ing. Peter stam­mered some incom­pre­hen­si­ble excuse about not being well and did­n’t even get to fin­ish his sen­tence before Miss Carter assertive­ly told him to get him­self back to school ‘at once, Grainger’. Peter felt him­self unable to argue any more — and head­ed back in the direc­tion of school whist Miss Carter kept him in her stern gaze. Peter just hoped that he would­n’t be report­ed by Miss Carter. His plan to avoid a strap­ping for not hav­ing his home­work ready was now in tat­ters though. Eng­lish was at 2pm and there was no way to avoid that les­son now.

Peter arrived at Hymers school just as the morn­ing class­es were fin­ish­ing — and the boys were fil­ing into the din­ing hall — there was still a full hour before he was due to hand in his Eng­lish home­work, so still a chance to avoid being report­ed to Miss Sven­son. Peterís mind raced. Peter came up with an idea, he had £15 in his pock­et from his morn­ingís gam­bling — maybe he could ëper­suadeí one of his class­mates to lend him their home­work. He could try an offer of £10 and would still be ahead on the day. Of course, none of the oth­er boys would risk a vis­it to Miss Sven­son, so it could only be one of the boys who had not missed a home­work dead­line dur­ing that term. They would still be risk­ing a slip­per­ing, but Peter could think of a cou­ple of his class­mates who may be tempt­ed by some ready cash! Peter decid­ed to ask Paul Maguire to swap his Eng­lish home­work for the £10 on offer. Paul had a rep­u­ta­tion as one of the naugh­ti­er boys and was no stranger to the slip­per or Miss Sven­son for that mat­ter. He had, how­ev­er, kept out of trou­ble so far that term and would not be in dan­ger of being sent for a strap­ping. Paul also liked mon­ey. Peter made him an offer.

At 2pm Peter and the rest of his class head­ed towards their dou­ble Eng­lish class. Peterís plan had back­fired — Paul and anoth­er boy turned him down flat when he pro­posed ëbor­row­ingí their home­work. Oth­er boys had got wind of the scheme too. Peter had to con­fess that he had not done his Eng­lish home­work along with one oth­er boy in his class. Peterís class­mate was called out to the front of the class and told to bend over, before get­ting 6 whacks from the Eng­lish teach­ers slip­per across his back­side. Peter was told that his fail­ure would be report­ed to Miss Sven­son. Peter knew what that meant. It was Tuesday

Miss Elsa Sven­son was not pleased,. She had attend­ed a Head­teach­ers con­fer­ence in Brighton and would now have to stay an extra two nights in the town due to a rail strike. She liked Brighton but need­ed to get back to the school to attend to impor­tant business.
Miss Sven­son final­ly got home and in to work on Fri­day. She had impor­tant mat­ters to deal with and was not pleased at the list of adverse reports regard­ing cer­tain boys which were made to her. A total of 15 boys had been report­ed to her for var­i­ous mis­de­meanours and each of them deserved to be strapped. A fur­ther 7 boys were report­ed for rather more seri­ous offences — and they would, most like­ly, be caned. One boyís behav­iour was trou­bling her most of all.

Peter Grainger, along with four of his class­mates, was not enjoy­ing this morn­ingís maths les­son. They all knew that Miss Sven­son had returned to the school. They had all been report­ed for one mis­de­meanour or anoth­er dur­ing the week and they all feared that a strap­ping or even a can­ing await­ed them when the were sum­moned to her study. Two of the boys did not have long to wait. A mes­sen­ger inter­rupt­ed the les­son and read out the names of those who were to report imme­di­ate­ly to Miss Sven­sonís office. The two boys returned to class about 20 min­utes lat­er feel­ing extreme­ly sor­ry for them­selves. They were amongst the group of boys who were strapped — they both got her max­i­mum of 10 strokes and Miss Sven­son had laid the strokes on hard today. They would not sit com­fort­ably for some time.
Peter was sur­prised that his name was not read out at the same time as the two boys who had just returned. He knew he had been report­ed and was ready to join them if his name was called. He would have to wait, how­ev­er. The two oth­er boys who were ëfor ití had been report­ed for much more seri­ous offences than for­get­ting home­work. One boyís bul­ly­ing ways had caught up with him and anoth­er had been caught cheat­ing in a test the day before. Both of them were expect­ing to get the cane. Peter was now wor­ried that he, too, may be one of the recip­i­ents of a can­ing. He had not had the cane before, but by all accounts it was much worse than the strap and that had been awful enough last term.

> Once again, lessons were inter­rupt­ed and the two boys who were fear­ing the cane were sum­moned to see Miss Sven­son. Both returned to class after some 20 min­utes. Both were in a some­what dishev­elled state and found it painful to walk back to class. Sit­ting still for the remain­der of the day would be a real chal­lenge. Peter was relieved that his name was not amongst that par­tic­u­lar group of boys.
> It was an hour lat­er when a dif­fer­ent mes­sen­ger inter­rupt­ed lessons again and said that Grainger was required to report to Miss Sven­son in her study. The walk along the cor­ri­dors, across the school quad­ran­gle and through the assem­bly hall to Miss Sven­sonís study was not pleas­ant. Peter was now fear­ing the worst. He had, rather hope­ful­ly, thought that he may not have been report­ed after all. He was not amongst the group of boys who had been strapped although he had ful­ly expect­ed to be. Nor had he been one of the boys who had been caned. Peter began to realise that he was going to be receiv­ing some indi­vid­ual atten­tion from Miss Svenson.
Elsa Sven­son was appalled by the three sep­a­rate reports which had been made to her regard­ing Peter Graingerís behav­iour. The boy had come to her atten­tion on sev­er­al occa­sions in the past — and had been one of those boys who usu­al­ly man­aged to avoid the most seri­ous con­se­quences. Peter had just the one entry in Miss Sven­sonís pun­ish­ment book, a strap­ping last term when he had got off rel­a­tive­ly light­ly. Six strokes with the stan­dard strap had been applied to Peterís bot­tom on that occa­sion — firm strokes but not laid on espe­cial­ly hard. Today, how­ev­er, would be different.
Miss Sven­son had remind­ed her­self of the updat­ed Gov­er­norís rules regard­ing cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment at Hymers. These were revised from time to time and the most recent ver­sion allowed her the use of a new ëse­nior plusí cane which replaced the birch as the pun­ish­ment instru­ment of last resort for very seri­ous offences which may oth­er­wise deserve expul­sion from the school. Eng­lish was not Elsa Sven­sonís first lan­guage, though she spoke flu­ent­ly and prid­ed her­self on her immac­u­late knowl­edge of Eng­lish gram­mar and meaning.

The gov­er­nors rules allowed the Head­mistress to admin­is­ter up to 10 strokes with the strap — either the stan­dard one or the extra heavy ver­sion which Miss Sven­son usu­al­ly favoured. This could be admin­is­tered on the mis­cre­an­tís bare bot­tom if it was con­sid­ered appro­pri­ate. It was explained to Miss Sven­son when she raised the point that if she felt that a boy deserved more than 10 strokes — then he should be caned. Miss Sven­son read on Ö. ëand, up to 12 strokes of the junior, stan­dard or senior cane may be admin­is­tered with up to 6 of those strokes giv­en on the bare bot­tom and, for par­tic­u­lar­ly seri­ous breach­es of dis­ci­pline, up to 12 strokes of the senior plus cane may be admin­is­tered. If a boy is deserv­ing of so seri­ous a pun­ish­ment then all strokes of the senior plus cane should be admin­is­tered on the bare bottom.í

Elsa Sven­son was deter­mined that Peter would be prop­er­ly dealt with for each offence. The lit­er­al inter­pre­ta­tion of the Gov­er­nors rules allowed her to admin­is­ter a strap­ping AND a can­ing AND 12 strokes with the new senior plus cane. The rules clear­ly stat­ed AND between the var­i­ous dis­ci­pli­nary sanc­tions — if they had meant ëorí then they would have said that! Would­nít they?! With that, there was a knock on her study door.

Peter Grainger looked very for­lorn. He had just been on the receiv­ing end of a seri­ous scold­ing for his behav­iour from Miss Sven­son. She told him how he had let him­self down, had attempt­ed to impli­cate his class­mates in a scheme to pass off anoth­er boyís home­work as his own and had brought the school into some dis­re­pute by being in a gam­bling estab­lish­ment when he should have been in school. Peter had already heard that Miss Sven­son had used the heavy strap across the bot­toms of sev­er­al boys ear­li­er in the day. He could not help but notice the fear­some look­ing strap which was hang­ing by the side of her desk. Peter was not look­ing for­ward to his fate — but he knew that the strap would be prefer­able to the cane — and he could see two canes lying on Miss Sven­sonís desk. One looked fair­ly famil­iar, he had been threat­ened with the cane on an ear­li­er vis­it to Miss Sven­son if he were sent to her again, and Peter right­ly assumed that that par­tic­u­lar cane had stung sev­er­al naughty boys bot­toms already that day. The sec­ond cane was dif­fer­ent. It was dark­er in colour, slight­ly longer and looked par­tic­u­lar­ly fear­some. Miss Sven­son had used it once before on that day — admin­is­ter­ing the max­i­mum of 12 strokes to the boy whose bul­ly­ing of junior boys need­ed to be severe­ly dealt with. Miss Sven­son had been both delight­ed and sur­prised at how much more severe that cane was than even her senior cane. She was also pleased at her hand­i­work — leav­ing clear­ly defined stripes across the bul­lyís bare bot­tom. Miss Sven­son was look­ing for­ward to per­fect­ing her tech­nique with this new cane.

Miss Sven­son informed Peter that he would be pun­ished sep­a­rate­ly for each of his report­ed breach­es of dis­ci­pline and that she would deal first with his fail­ure to com­plete his Eng­lish home­work. ëTrousers and pants down Grainger — and bend over the deskí. Peter was on the verge of tears already, with­out a sin­gle stroke being applied to his bot­tom — he had­nít real­ly expect­ed to be pun­ished on his bare bot­tom — but he was relieved, at least to see Miss Sven­son select the strap from her range of dis­ci­pli­nary instru­ments. At least it was the strap and not the cane ëTen strokes Peter, and you will count the strokes aloudí. ëYes, Miss Sven­soní, said Peter in a waver­ing voice. Miss Sven­son laid on each of the 10 strokes as hard as she had any that day. She intend­ed that Peter would expe­ri­ence as severe a strap­ping as she admin­is­tered to the naugh­ti­est boys in the school and did not expect him to take the 10 strokes in silence. She was not disappointed.

Stand up Peter. Now you can stand in that cor­ner of my study, with your hands on your head, and con­tem­plate exact­ly why you have been strapped. I will then deal with your truancy.í Peter spent some five min­utes in the cor­ner, his arms ached from hav­ing them over his head — but that was just about the least of his wor­ries. Peter heard Miss Sven­son select a cane and swish it through the air a few times. The sound of it was quite ter­ri­fy­ing and Peter final­ly realised that he was going to be both strapped and caned. He was then ordered back over the desk, again trousers and pants down, and told that the pun­ish­ment for play­ing tru­ant was always 6 of the best with the cane. Boys who vis­it­ed pub­lic hous­es or gam­bling estab­lish­ments and brought the school into dis­re­pute were caned on the bare — even for a first can­ing. Peter was required to count each of the 6 sting­ing, sear­ing strokes before again being con­fined to the cor­ner of Miss Sven­sonís study — hands on head — to fur­ther con­tem­plate his var­i­ous misdemeanours.

Miss Sven­son left Peter in that state for some 10 min­utes, whilst she attend­ed to some paper­work and filled out the var­i­ous entries in the pun­ish­ment book. The final entry read, Grainger, attempt­ed decep­tion and cheat­ing, 12 strokes, Senior Plus cane, bare.

Peter assumed the posi­tion for the third time that day, his bot­tom which was already sore and marked was about to expe­ri­ence the most severe can­ing which Miss Sven­son was per­mit­ted to admin­is­ter. The 12 strokes were applied expert­ly and with­out com­pro­mise. Miss Sven­son was pleased at the accu­ra­cy which could be achieved with her new cane. The 12 strokes were all applied par­al­lel across Peterís bot­tom with the final 6 laid on espe­cial­ly hard.

This was a day which nei­ther Elsa Sven­son nor Peter Grainger would for­get in a hurry.