Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — thirteenth entry by Lordy.…

There is that timid knock on her study door. Just a cou­ple of sec­onds to con­sid­er your fate.
Time stands still just†like a life­time as you squirm on hear­ing the words..
“Wait right there… I shall deal with you shortly”.……
Oh boy will she deal with you echos in your ear.
There is a twitch†of nerves as your bot­tom groans with the knowl­edge of the heat to come!
Her voice†makes me trem­ble as I final­ly hear the dread­ed word “Enter”
Bees wax pol­ish fills the air from the old wood­en floor­boards as I open†the the door marked Headmistress!.….
I hear the swish­ing of a slender†cane flow­ing thru the air.
I shud­der with antic­i­pa­tion as I fol­low the click­ing of her black stilet­tos wide eye,
as she places the cane next to her sol­id oak straight back antique chair.
There is a waft of Chan­nel No5 drift­ing my way. 
The whole scene was just like a dream†from yesteryear’s.
Just how do I describe such an icon­ic lady as Miss Elsa Svenson? 
Strict, car­ing and demure are just some of the words that come to mind.
Miss Elsa Sven­son is that for­mi­da­ble Head­mistress, stern,
mature and most com­mand­ing with curves that are intox­i­cat­ing to say the very least.
Her regale attire dressed in crisp starch white blous­es, gown, seam stock­ings, flash of thigh and black tight short­ish skirt 
rid­ing high to show off her firm ample lap, much  famed for dish­ing out dis­ci­pline in that time hon­oured tradition.
Yes a thor­ough­ly long hard over the knee bare bot­tom spank­ing, slip­per­ing, strap­ping and canning
all admin­is­tered with such care, vigour and zest as the mis­cre­ant is most sound­ly dealt with across this schoolmarms†accommodating lap.…
Many a sting­ing hot bot­tom can tes­ti­fy to having†been giv­en a lesson†never to be†forgotten by Miss Svenson ,
a true believ­er in the guid­ance of strict discipline.
My thoughts turn to the telling off and the dread­ed out­come from the irate head­mistress with the likes of …
” What you need young man is a damn good spank­ing”… I’m going to give you†the hid­ing of your life”.…. 
“Just wait till I take you over my knee”… “Let’s see how long†a bare bot­tom slip­per­ing will take to mend your ways”…
“I keep a cane just for deal­ing with such mis­de­meanours”… “Its about time I gave you the strap­ping of your life!”.….”
You are real­ly going to get it this time” Hmm­mm just the tip of the ice­berg as there are so many lines that bring me to atten­tion I’m thinking!! 
The read­er by now must be think­ing of the sto­ry behind all this and await­ing the out­come of being sent to Miss Elsa Svenson? 
Alas!!..as I write this I’m look­ing for­ward to post­ing the true account of†being dealt with
as the sto­ry com­pe­ti­tion win­ner of a tru­ly won­der­ful spank­ing ses­sion with Miss Elsa Svenson.
“You can’t write that” said Lisa Thay­er, my web mis­tress cyber head­mistress from LA.…
Actress, poet, singer/songwriter, artist, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, web designer.
Just to name a few of the strings on her bow! 
Hmm­m­mm I thought†maybe she should write my sto­ry instead…I so want that spank­ing prize!!!!

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