Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 eight entry by Andrew M — Miss Elsa Svenson’s “World Of Reparation.”

Miss Elsa Svenson’s “World Of Reparation.”

A nov­el of fiction.
By: Andrew Morgan

Episode one: The Interview

Wednes­day morn­ing had been ardu­ous and fraught with annoy­ances that began very ear­ly. The clocks changed that morn­ing as a pre­lude to sum­mer, and day­light sav­ings time her­ald­ed a domi­no effect of delayed appoint­ments, main­ly caused by those who hadn’t pre­pared ade­quate­ly for its arrival. Even the day­light was an hour late today, Miss Sven­son pon­dered. Tar­di­ness not even she had the pow­er to cor­rect. The irony was not lost on her as she sat wait­ing impa­tient­ly for her last inter­vie­wee to arrive. Fifty min­utes late and unbe­liev­ably, not even a phone call. She glanced at the small antique clock, which looked slight­ly out of place on her mod­ern desk and found some solace in the reg­u­lar­i­ty of the metal­lic tick tock sound. She was an old fash­ioned woman at heart.

A small puff of air waft­ed through the open glass door into her win­dowed office, briefly dis­turb­ing the neat­ly stacked sheaf of resumes on her desk. She was a woman of clar­i­ty and per­cep­tion who saw through peo­ple with ease. She noticed every­thing. Look­ing up from her papers, she watched with inter­est as the hand­some young man hur­ried down the cor­ri­dor towards her, brief case under his arm, blond hair tou­sled over his fore­head and tie askew. His suit was some­what wrin­kled and ill fit­ting. A tad too small as if he he’d grown out of it. He was sweat­ing a lit­tle and very out of breath.

I’m so sor­ry I’m late,” he pant­ed dab­bing a cot­ton hand­ker­chief to his brow “I do apol­o­gize, the agency just called me this morn­ing and I had to scram­ble. I got here as fast as I could”. He gushed for­ward, hand thrust out ready to shake. I’m Rod­ney, are you Mrs. Swanton?”
“Miss Sven­son” she cor­rect­ed him, eying the out­stretched palm with dubi­ous cau­tion, it still held the damp hand­ker­chief in it. She couldn’t decide whether to be amused or irri­tat­ed, but either way her face was impas­sive. She placed the pen she had been writ­ing with delib­er­ate­ly down on the desk par­al­lel to her writ­ing pad and looked him up and down. Ignor­ing his prof­fered hand she ges­tured him to take a seat in the chair oppo­site her desk. She made a men­tal note to check his “late­ness sto­ry” with the agency. None of the oth­ers she’d seen yes­ter­day had been late.
Stand­ing there look­ing at the han­ky in his own hand Rod­ney was sud­den­ly uncom­fort­able real­iz­ing how sil­ly he must look. He retract­ed it quick­ly and in doing so acci­dent­ly rapped his knuck­les on the cor­ner of the desk caus­ing the han­ky to fall to the floor. Winc­ing but try­ing not to show it, he bent over to pick it up. He whisked it out of sight into his pock­et and sat down awk­ward­ly cross­ing his legs. The pants were def­i­nite­ly too tight. He had only been in her office for a minute but already this woman com­plete­ly unnerved him. 

Miss Sven­son had nev­er employed a male sec­re­tary before and she wouldn’t usu­al­ly enter­tain such an idea in her line of busi­ness, but the pre­vi­ous can­di­dates had lacked the expe­ri­ence she was seek­ing and sev­er­al things in his resume intrigued her. His last name for one.
“Over­lapp!” she announced curt­ly. Hear­ing his name said in that tone star­tled him enough to sit bolt upright. “That’s an unusu­al sur­name, have you ever researched its geneal­o­gy?“ This first ques­tion caught him off guard. “Well, no, not real­ly”. I think it’s Hun­gar­i­an or Swedish or some­thing. It’s usu­al­ly spelled with an umlaut on the O, but my lap­top doesn’t have that char­ac­ter set so I had to do with­out. I didn’t think any­one would notice.” 

Hmm.” she mur­mured, “It says here that you have had exten­sive expe­ri­ence of man­ag­ing the appoint­ment book for a Fam­i­ly Ther­a­py Prac­tice?” “Yes I have he pro­claimed enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly, I was with Doc­tor Allopa for six full months and she had a very busy prac­tice. I always kept her client appoint­ments on track. I would think this job would very much be the same?”

The inter­view con­tin­ued for some thir­ty min­utes dur­ing which time she asked numer­ous ques­tions about his expe­ri­ence and was quite pleased with the answers he gave. But there was one par­tic­u­lar ques­tion on her mind. “Rod­ney?” she asked, “what inter­ests you about this job? You do under­stand the nature of the busi­ness I’m in don’t you? The kind of ther­a­py I do? I’m assum­ing you did your due dili­gence and looked me up online before you came to inter­view didn’t you?” This caught him off guard, “Oh yes Miss Sven­son,” he fibbed, I’m extreme­ly inter­est­ed in this field of work, and I think I could learn a lot under your guid­ance. She gave a wry smile. Rod­ney took that to mean things were going his way so he thought he’d bol­ster her impres­sion of him by adding… “Well as you know, its a dif­fi­cult job mar­ket out there and there aren’t too many posi­tions like this for younger men with my lev­el of expe­ri­ence, I’m hop­ing some­one of your stature and promi­nence would take me under their wing so to speak.” “Well, you are right about that,” she said qui­et­ly under her breath, “not many jobs like this at all.” Take you under my wing? She thought to her­self. Be care­ful of what you wish for, you might just get it.

He was obvi­ous­ly bright and quick wit­ted, and his attempt at hon­est dis­clo­sure was endear­ing if not a lit­tle manip­u­la­tive, and, if he could indeed type 80 words a minute as his resume said, and if real­ly did have excep­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion­al skills, she was lean­ing towards offer­ing him a pro­ba­tion­ary peri­od. There was just one thing she need­ed to do before mak­ing her deci­sion. “Rod­ney, would you mind giv­ing me just a minute and wait in the adjoin­ing room, I need to make a brief phone call.”

He stood in the room next door and could see her through the glass as she paced the floor, talk­ing intent­ly on the phone. She had closed her door so he could not hear the con­ver­sa­tion but he could see her clear­ly. She had been sit­ting before, so now stand­ing and turn­ing he was sud­den­ly struck by how dis­arm­ing­ly attrac­tive she was. Her blonde hair pulled back tight­ly into a bun, her white silk blouse but­toned to the top and a small cameo brooch off­set­ting the line of her neck. The blouse was tai­lored, starched, and it tapered with con­form­ing darts under her ample bust line and then tucked neat­ly into the waist­band of her black knee length skirt. The skirt could not pos­si­bly have fol­lowed her con­tours more per­fect­ly. As she turned her back to him he noticed its pin stripes run­ning ver­ti­cal­ly down and curv­ing out­wards like small rip­ples on a pond as they framed her shape­ly rear. The term “Har­mon­ic Con­ver­gence” popped into his head as he fixed his gaze on the split hem. She wore stock­ings with a sin­gle black seam that lined the back of each leg. Each seam dis­ap­peared into the heel of a shiny black stilet­to shoe. My good­ness those legs, he thought, she must spend a lot of time in the gym to stay so fit, his mind wan­dered back to thoughts of a beau­ti­ful PE teacher he had a crush on when he was a school boy. He remem­bered her pen­chant for pom­mel hors­es and plim­soles. Why am I think­ing of that? he asked him­self silent­ly, the room appeared to warm a lit­tle and he found him­self loos­en­ing his tie. Unsure how long he had been lost in rever­ie he glanced up only do find Miss Sven­son star­ing right at him through the glass. His face flushed with embar­rass­ment and a feel­ing of “being caught red hand­ed” sent adren­a­lin rush­ing through his body. He took a deep breath try­ing not to look so guilty. Sure­ly she couldn’t pos­si­bly know where his thoughts had been could she? Her pierc­ing eyes lin­gered on him a few moments longer then dis­tract­ed by some­thing the per­son on the oth­er end of the phone was say­ing, she retract­ed her gaze, nod­ded her head twice as if an agree­ment had been reached, then frown­ing slight­ly she put down the phone. She looked serious.

He watched her walk into the room. “So” she began, “you’d like this job would you?” A wave of relief came over him. “Yes, absolute­ly, I’d love to work for you, and I’m avail­able immediately?”
“Right then, fol­low me, there is some­thing I need to show you first, and a cou­ple of things we need to dis­cuss before we make that final deci­sion. It’s almost in the bag, he thought smil­ing inwardly.

She strode ahead lead­ing him down the bright cor­ri­dor and out through the door to the street. They crossed a small a court­yard with cob­ble­stones, passed an arch and emerged into a mews. Ascend­ing the stone steps to an old Vic­to­ri­an style city home, they paused at a tall black lac­quered wood­en door and she insert­ed a key. “These are my “Pri­vate” offices she said. “No one comes here except myself, my clients, and invit­ed guests.” He was intrigued.

Once inside it was like enter­ing anoth­er era. It was a size­able house with an oval mar­ble entry­way, a cir­cu­lar stair­case wind­ing up to the left and a wide cor­ri­dor with dark teak walls lead­ing straight ahead. Numer­ous rooms with closed doors lined each side. Despite the mar­ble, the house felt warm and sophis­ti­cat­ed yet home­ly. It was almost mas­cu­line with a fem­i­nine ambiance. It was dim­ly lit with amber glow­ing fix­tures. Elec­tric light­ing for sure, but designed to give a low glow and feel­ing of the warmth of can­dle­light. “This is my study,” she said open­ing one of the heavy teak doors, “it’s the room where I con­duct my ther­a­py ses­sions.“ It was inviting.

17th cen­tu­ry art hung in sev­er­al places on the walls, each piece framed with the thick gold leaf coat­ed wood­en frames they used in those days. The vault­ed ceil­ings were curved and the car­pet­ing was plush, absorb­ing the sounds of the room almost com­plete­ly. A large chester­field sofa and two match­ing high-sided arm­chairs made a U shape around a thick glass topped cof­fee table. They faced a sub­stan­tial well-used brick fire­place. Her antique cher­ry wood­en desk with black leather inlay stood out from one side of the room with its bowed gold­en claw foot legs sup­port­ing its sol­id weight. A large wing backed Queen Anne leather chair sat wait­ing behind the desk. By far the most impos­ing piece of fur­ni­ture in the room was an enor­mous dou­ble door armoire that stood at least sev­en feet tall and was wider than any wardrobe he had seen before. It looked cen­turies old yet gave him the impres­sion of being cus­tom built for some spe­cif­ic pur­pose. If pressed to describe the room, the words that would spring to mind would be “invit­ing­ly aus­tere.” Odd­ly there were two pieces of fur­ni­ture that seemed rather out of place as if they’d been moved in here from their usu­al loca­tion in oth­er rooms. One was a plush red vel­vet cov­ered straight-backed din­ing chair; the oth­er was an ordi­nary kitchen stool. The stool was tucked in a cor­ner, and the chair was sit­u­at­ed promi­nent­ly in the cen­ter of the room direct­ly under a chandelier.

All right Rod­ney,” she began. “Down to busi­ness. This is my place of work, but it’s also my sanc­tu­ary. I come here to think and often don’t wish to be dis­turbed. Your job work­ing for me would be mul­ti­fac­eted. Yes there is an admin­is­tra­tive side to it: keep­ing the books, answer­ing the phone, fil­ter­ing my email, mon­i­tor­ing the web­site etc., but because of the nature of my busi­ness, “You did say you’d researched and under­stood clear­ly what it is I do here didn’t you?” “Yes absolute­ly Miss Sven­son.” “Good, well as I was say­ing, because of the nature of my busi­ness I need some­one I can trust to be dis­crete and diplo­mat­ic on the phone when arrang­ing appoint­ments with my clients. I need that per­son to be hon­est, dili­gent and always on-time. I don’t tol­er­ate excus­es, and most of all I ask for com­plete truth­ful­ness from my employ­ees. In return I pro­vide a secure job, a salary far above the mar­ket norm, and a con­ge­nial struc­tured envi­ron­ment to work in. How does that sound to you?”

Well, Miss Sven­son, Elsa, is it alright if I call you by your first name?”

No it cer­tain­ly is not, I pre­fer for­mal­i­ty here and expect respect at all times so please always addressed me as “Miss Sven­son.” Is that under­stood? “Yes, yes Miss Sven­son,” I didn’t mean to be dis­re­spect­ful. It sounds more than fair and I would very much like to accept this job with you.”

Alright, then there is only one thing stand­ing in our way and that’s to ascer­tain whether you real­ly are all those things you described.”

First­ly I need to inform you that the phone call I made was to the agency. My very good friend Alma, Mrs. Mater as you may know her, owns and man­ages it and she knows me extreme­ly well. I asked her what she thought of you and she said she liked you, and that she sent you to me because despite your lim­it­ed expe­ri­ence and some weak­ness­es she thought you were worth the effort. She felt quite strong­ly that with “my kind of direc­tion” you could be mold­ed into a valu­able employ­ee. When I asked what weak­ness­es, she said that you have a ten­den­cy to get ahead of your­self and make mis­takes but instead of admit­ting to them as a mature per­son would, you attempt to cov­er them up with small fab­ri­ca­tions and avoid­ance, and it gets you into trou­ble. The term “sweep­ing them under the car­pet” was men­tioned. Is this true? Rod­ney was sur­prised by the direct­ness of her voice and the pin­point accu­ra­cy of her vol­ley. She didn’t mince words. He didn’t quite know what to say? “Well I, ah, um, I think that if you… I mean to say… per­haps I’m a lit­tle uh,” she cut his mum­bling short with a hand ges­ture. “Well then let me ask you this,” she con­tin­ued. “Alma tells me that she arranged this inter­view for you two days ago, which is the same time she booked it with me. But you said when you arrived, 50 min­utes late, you had only been called this morn­ing. Would you be spec­u­lat­ing that my friend is not being truth­ful with me?“ Rod­ney was not enjoy­ing this line of ques­tion­ing at all. It was embar­rass­ing and his face showed it. She was stand­ing there with her arms crossed look­ing point­ed­ly at him for an answer but the only thing that came from his mouth was the sound of a deep intake of breath. He was about to try to say some­thing in his defense, but before he could she loosed anoth­er broad­side… “And anoth­er thing Rod­ney, you’ve said that you com­plete­ly under­stand the line of busi­ness that I am in. You’ve researched it so you feel con­fi­dent work­ing in this are­na, cor­rect?” “Well, yes, I mean well not exact­ly, I mean I’ve worked for a ther­a­pist before so I know what’s involved….” Again she stopped him… “Real­ly? do you? But if you only got called this morn­ing and you were in such a rush to get here how could you pos­si­bly have had the time to research any­thing?” Rod­ney was mor­ti­fied, he felt so small he didn’t know which way turn. She had him locked up in log­ic from which there was no escape. He was too embar­rassed to look direct­ly at her. He looked down at his shoes, shuf­fled his feet, tried putting his hands in his pock­ets and tak­ing them out again, it felt like he was 13 years old again and in trouble.

Well let’s try one more thing then” she said. “Why don’t you go to the armoire and open it, I think things will be much clear­er for you if you do.” Abashed but thank­ful for the momen­tary reprieve from her scruti­ny, he did as he was told. Feel­ing her eyes bor­ing into the back of his head, he marched over to the impos­ing piece of fur­ni­ture, grasped the two wrought Iron han­dles at the same time and swung both doors wide open. What he saw inside made him take two steps back and gasp. On the inside of each door was a neat row of British school canes in per­fect par­al­lel lines just like bil­liard cues. The left door held straight ones and the right door held crooked han­dled ones. Nine on each side in groups of three, each held in place by sprung met­al clips. There was a num­ber engraved in large numer­als above each one. They also dif­fered in size. Three short, three medi­ums, three very long on each side, and they got notice­ably thick­er the fur­ther down the row they were.

In the cen­ter of the armoire were rows of hooks from which hung an array of oth­er imple­ments of dis­ci­pline. It was over­whelm­ing but at first glance it seemed like a gun aficionado’s col­lec­tion but instead of arms there were Pad­dles and Straps, Hair­brush­es and Rulers. The wardrobe was a disciplinarian’s dream and a “schoolboy’s” worst nightmare. 

He turned to her com­plete­ly lost for words. Unable to utter a sound he sim­ply looked at her trans­fixed mouth wide open.

She moved towards him and put her hand on his shoul­der. “Close your mouth Rod­ney it’s impo­lite to gape,” she whis­pered, her voice so close to his red blush­ing ear he could feel her breath on his neck. “I can see by the look on your face I have my answer. You are at lib­er­ty to leave now if you wish.”

Every part of his con­scious­ness was impelling him to “Bolt for the door,” but inex­plic­a­bly he didn’t. His mind said go but some­thing vis­cer­al was com­pelling him to stay put. 

Almost two full min­utes elapsed in silence and he sim­ply stood immo­bile. “Well” said Miss Sven­son, break­ing the silence, “you seem to be caught at an impasse, a dilem­ma for sure. Let me help clar­i­fy your choic­es and you can decide from there what to do. Hear me out before you say any­thing more. Once I’ve fin­ished I’m going to let your actions speak for you, then I’ll let my actions speak for both of us.” He nod­ded his assent. “Here is the way I see it” she began. “I like you Rod­ney, despite your obvi­ous short­com­ings” I think you are a good boy at heart, and I trust my friend Alma’s instincts. If I do take you in hand and give you the right direc­tion, you could indeed become a fine upstand­ing man and an excel­lent employ­ee, so I am will­ing to take a chance on you. But only under the fol­low­ing understanding”.
“You came here today very late with­out the cour­tesy of call­ing to inform me, and when you arrived you lied about why. You were unpre­pared for the inter­view and you lied about that too. On top of that I have doubts about your per­son­al hygiene. Offer­ing me that soiled hand­ker­chief deba­cle was quite dis­gust­ing, and your attire will need to be attend­ed to if you are to rep­re­sent me here. A suit that fits and is prop­er­ly cleaned and pressed shows matu­ri­ty as well as a mod­icum of self-aware­ness. As I said before, truth­ful­ness is para­mount in my book, yet you seem to think “fib­bing” is accept­able behav­ior. You lack self-dis­ci­pline Rod­ney, and in my expe­ri­ence peo­ple who lack “Self” dis­ci­pline need oth­ers with stronger char­ac­ters than them­selves to pro­vide that dis­ci­pline. I lieu of that they spend their lives direc­tion­less and rarely achieve their poten­tial. I’m offer­ing you my guid­ance and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow Rod­ney, but it will take effort on your part. Pay close atten­tion to my words now. This is what I do. I’m a pro­fes­sion­al. I help peo­ple change. Peo­ple pay a lot of mon­ey for my guid­ance and cor­rec­tion­al exper­tise, and you young man have hap­pened upon it by chance. I hope you under­stand the oppor­tu­ni­ty that lies in front of you as well as its intrin­sic value.”

Rod­ney remained trans­fixed. Some­thing in him stirred. He was vis­cer­al­ly attract­ed to her direct­ness, her clar­i­ty. He felt small and ashamed yet strange­ly com­pli­ant. He began to under­stand that the offer she pre­sent­ed was not sim­ply a job, but a path. Clear direc­tion from a stranger he had just met, but one who seemed to under­stand him bet­ter than he knew himself.

You need dis­ci­pline Rod­ney, and right now you need to be “Dis­ci­plined”. Not tomor­row or some time in the future, but start­ing right this minute. I said your next actions, not words, would be your answer, but they will in fact also be the defin­ing moment that starts to shape your future. So it comes down to one of two choic­es, you either walk through that door and leave, or you turn in the oth­er direc­tion, walk to the armoire, take the num­ber 12 cane from its place and bring it here to me. If you decide on the lat­ter I believe you under­stand full well what that implies.” 

The next moments were a blur. Not because of the speed of his actions, in fact every­thing seemed to hap­pen in slow motion, but because he real­ly couldn’t remem­ber how one moment he could be stand­ing there lis­ten­ing to her seduc­tive com­mand­ing voice and the next he was pen­i­tent­ly hand­ing her the crooked han­dle cane she had request­ed with both hands. Obvi­ous­ly he had come to some kind of sub­con­scious deci­sion that led him to this point. It came as no sur­prise to her how­ev­er. She had rec­og­nized his char­ac­ter the moment he set foot in her office. It was just a mat­ter of lead­ing him down her well-trav­eled. She was now in the role she had embod­ied for years. That of “Pro­fes­sion­al Disciplinarian.”

So you’ve made your choice. Very well.“

“First­ly “ she said, “let’s broach the issues of clean­li­ness and attire. Take that awful hand­ker­chief out of your pock­et, unfold it so it’s just two lay­ers thick and hold it in the palm of your hand. Stretch your arm out to me at shoul­der height.” He did so very ner­vous­ly. He’d seen it at school, but he had nev­er per­son­al­ly expe­ri­enced cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment before. She brought the cane up, looked him right in the eye and said, “You deserve this young man, let this be a les­son to you.” With that she brought the cane down across his palm with a resound­ing thwack. He real­ly wasn’t ready for how much it would actu­al­ly hurt. “Ouch” he exclaimed loud­ly, “ouch Miss” his auto­mat­ic reac­tion was to shake his hand back and forth rapid­ly and blow on it. The dis­placed hand­ker­chief float­ed to the floor. “Pick it up she com­mand­ed, with your oth­er hand.” He kept blow­ing on his right hand as if that could ease the sting, and bent over to pick up the han­ky with his left as instruct­ed. As he did so he was imme­di­ate­ly aware of the tight­ness of his trousers stretch­ing over his but­tocks and how his jack­et rode up his back slight­ly, reveal­ing his taught back­side. Miss Sven­son was one step ahead of him, she had been wait­ing for this moment and before he could adjust his stance she raised the cane high in the air and brought it down smart­ly across the cen­ter of his bot­tom. Thwack… Yow, he almost jumped in the air land­ing bolt upright clasp­ing the han­ky over his head like an Olympic torch car­ri­er. He did a lit­tle uncon­trol­lable dance, shift­ing weight from foot to foot as a sec­ond wave of pain seemed to sear across his bot­tom. “Hold out your left hand” she said, “and be thank­ful that your hand­ker­chief and your trousers are pro­vid­ing you some pro­tec­tion. I assure you, you are about to learn a valu­able les­son.” He held the han­ky out as far away from him­self as he could, palm stiffly upwards, but this time he knew what he was in for. It was a sober­ing thought. She wait­ed till he was com­posed. Swish, thwack, ouch, and the han­ky once again float­ed to the floor. “Bend down slow­ly and pick it up she said again… with your oth­er hand, and, keep your feet togeth­er and bend at the knees.” He did as he was told. No sur­pris­es now, he knew exact­ly what was com­ing and he wasn’t to be dis­ap­point­ed. Tight trousers meant his but­tocks pro­trud­ed promi­nent­ly, his jack­et rose up and the fab­ric cov­er­ing his bot­tom offered lit­tle pro­tec­tion, just a clear­er tar­get. Feet togeth­er meant a prop­er dis­ci­pli­nary posi­tion, and bend­ing at the knees prof­fered his bot­tom to her as if ask­ing for it. Again the cane came down across his bot­tom equal­ly on both cheeks but this time half an inch low­er. Yow. He couldn’t stop him­self from utter­ing that yell, and he jumped up to per­form his lit­tle dance again. She allowed him that indis­cre­tion for now but he would soon learn how to hold his posi­tion with­out con­stant direc­tion. For now her instruc­tions rang out clear­ly. “Hold your hand out again please,” she said, “you know what to do now. You are learn­ing the order of things.” “Your hand please…”

Three cane strokes on each hand and six across his bot­tom. She had done it slow­ly and method­i­cal­ly giv­ing him enough time in between each stroke to feel the sear as it land­ed. Each sting­ing sharply then sub­sid­ing and blend­ing into pure heat after it struck. He was beside him­self stand­ing very uncom­fort­ably not want­i­ng to tear up, and need­ing des­per­ate­ly to rub his bot­tom. At one point he had reached back to feel it, per­haps sub­con­scious­ly to pro­tect it, but that only brought atten­tion to his sore hands as well. She had imme­di­ate­ly put a stop to that and instruct­ed him to remove his hands and to main­tain the posi­tion. She had been so accu­rate as to lad­der the cane strokes per­fect­ly with­in a six-inch sec­tion of his bot­tom. Not one stroke had over­lapped, and as bad as his bot­tom was hurt­ing, both of his hands hurt worse. In any event it may have been his pride that took the biggest hit.

Rod­ney,” she said. “Take the cane and put it back.” Relieved that it was over, he did as he was told. Walk­ing gin­ger­ly towards the cab­i­net he could feel where his trousers rubbed his welt­ed skin. He placed the cane into its hold­er and with a gen­tle click it was back where it belonged. I’m throw­ing that damned hand­ker­chief away as soon as I leave here, he thought to himself.” 

He turned to walk back and she stopped him with her author­i­ta­tive voice. “Please bring me the white Ivory han­dled hair­brush from the shelf on the left.” His heart sank and a pang of dread ran through his body as he stopped in his tracks. It’s not over, he realized.
His mind was rac­ing so fast he didn’t have time to admire the beau­ti­ful hand craft­ed design this antique brush had been blessed with. All he knew was that it was sol­id, heavy, and had a long handle.

Miss Sven­son” he began to stut­ter, “I real­ly think I’ve under­stood your point, and it’s obvi­ous­ly not nec­es­sary to… “ “Rod­ney!” she cut him off once again with her curt exple­tive, “this is my province, not yours, its not up to you to say when we are fin­ished, that is entire­ly my pre­rog­a­tive. Believe me we are not fin­ished. Now come over and stand next to this chair, we need to deal with the ques­tion of your tar­di­ness and your lies.”

I’m sure you’re think­ing your pun­ish­ment has been harsh but I assure you has not. Yet. The cane you just felt was one of my short­er lighter ones, and I allowed you to retain the pro­tec­tion of your pants and indeed that hand­ker­chief. I believe you under­stood the point I was mak­ing? In fact I was quite lenient with the strength of which I caned you. Even though it may have felt hard to you, you received it at only quar­ter of the strength I am able to deliv­er should I choose to. You are sim­ply not used to being pun­ished. What I want­ed was for you to expe­ri­ence Cor­po­ral Pun­ish­ment in the tra­di­tion­al sense the way you would have in school, had they done their jobs prop­er­ly and caught you out. Now I’m going to have you expe­ri­ence “domes­tic dis­ci­pline” as your moth­er should have done at home. You seem to have man­aged to go through your entire youth get­ting away with any­thing you want­ed to, using your boy­ish charms and smile to avoid the reper­cus­sions most peo­ple expe­ri­ence. That means you nev­er grew up. Well now you are a young adult, and it needs to stop”

His protests had fall­en on deaf ears so he gave up his argu­ment. He had no defense. She was right, he’d fibbed, lied. Twen­ty min­utes ago those two con­cepts had seemed worlds apart but he now knew they were one and the same thing in her eyes. She sat on the chair and looked up at him. He glanced down at her lap try­ing to avoid those pierc­ing eyes and strict demeanor. From his van­tage point her skirt seemed taut as she smoothed it down with both of her hands ready­ing it for him. She adjust­ed her sit­ting posi­tion by draw­ing her legs up straight and par­al­lel, knees togeth­er, heels togeth­er. Her skirt rose up above the knee line reveal­ing those beau­ti­ful stockinged legs and as she part­ed her knees just slight­ly it stretched even tighter form­ing an iron­ing board like plat­form over which he would soon be arched. She took the hair­brush from his hand and told him to remove his jack­et, fold it neat­ly, and place it over the back of the sofa,” she said. “Now come here and stand to my right,” she com­mand­ed. “Clasp your hands togeth­er and place them on top of your head.” He did as he was told with­out ques­tion. She placed the brush on her lap for a moment and turned her tor­so toward him. Grasp­ing his belt buck­le in both hands she undid it, then his top trouser but­ton, and then she unzipped his fly. With a quick tug his trousers fell to his ankles. Give me your wrist she said, and as he did so she clasped it in an iron grip. He felt a hand on the back of his upper thighs push­ing him for­ward at the same time as she tugged on his wrist, he was imme­di­ate­ly pulled off bal­ance as he land­ed rough­ly across her knees. Now the sight of her tight lap had been replaced with a view of only her ankles and high-heeled shoes. His nose was only a few inch­es off the thick car­pet, as were his feet. 

He had lit­tle time to think about how embar­rass­ing this posi­tion was. She began to scold him imme­di­ate­ly. “Rod­ney, you told me lies to my face and you got caught plain and sim­ple, and in my book that makes you a very, very naughty boy. You need a wake up call, lit­er­al­ly and fig­u­ra­tive­ly, and you are going to get a thor­ough spank­ing on your bare bot­tom. Do you under­stand me young man? Answer me quick­ly when I ask you a ques­tion. “Yes Miss Sven­son” he mum­bled from some­where down below her. Loud­er and clear­er please she admon­ished, YES MISS SVENSON he almost shout­ed. “That’s much better.” 

With that she pulled his under­pants down over his upturned bot­tom and yanked them harsh­ly all the way to his ankles. Not want­i­ng his shirt­tail to be in the way of what was to come, she rolled it neat­ly up past the small of his back. There, that’s bet­ter, she thought, a per­fect­ly round bare bot­tom ready and wait­ing, there would be no pro­tec­tion now. She couldn’t help admir­ing the shape that only youth could offer as she glanced at her pre­vi­ous hand­i­work, six well spaced red stripes, not too deep not too light. A mes­sage sent and a mes­sage received. Now he was about to receive anoth­er mes­sage, loud and clear. She took her time, know­ing that the more he wait­ed in antic­i­pa­tion the more the les­son would sink in when deliv­ered. She placed the palm of her hand light­ly on the cen­ter of his bot­tom and he flinched gasp­ing at the light touch. Miss Sven­son want­ed him to know what a thor­ough spank­ing was all about. In her eyes he was just anoth­er naughty lit­tle boy in a grown man’s body being made to take his right­ful posi­tion across a strong woman’s knee. Help­less, con­trite and obe­di­ent. This time she wouldn’t stop until he felt true remorse.

And so it began. The first group­ing of swats was placed delib­er­ate­ly across the cen­ter of his bot­tom exact­ly where the cane strokes had land­ed. They were timed rhyth­mi­cal­ly, they were hard, and judg­ing by his reac­tion, they felt excru­ci­at­ing. She knew the pain the can­ing had inflict­ed had had suf­fi­cient time to sub­side and that any­thing land­ing on the same spot would be felt twice as much. She was right. Rodney’s head reared up, his back arched and his pelvis ground into her lap but there was nowhere for his bot­tom go to escape the sting­ing rain. Her tech­nique was expert. Her arm high in the air bring­ing the brush down swift­ly and just at the end of the stroke she’d whip her wrist so that the brush cracked down sharply. Time and time again it descend­ed onto Rodney’s blaz­ing bot­tom. Miss Sven­son wield­ed the hair­brush with absolute pre­ci­sion and con­vic­tion, and the sol­id ivory hair­brush was the per­fect instru­ment to make her point.

Time and again the room resound­ed with a loud SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, and each time the brush was raised it left behind an ever-red­den­ing oval mark. When each part of his bot­tom was red enough for her sat­is­fac­tion, she moved the tar­get to fresh ground. One cheek at a time in an alter­nat­ing pat­tern till his entire bot­tom was flam­ing red and very sore. Even the tops of the backs of his legs were unmer­ci­ful­ly attend­ed to.

From the moment the spank­ing had start­ed, Rod­ney was unable to stop writhing and wrig­gling over her lap so she sim­ply grabbed his right wrist, bent it across the small of his back and held him firm­ly in place with a strength and tech­nique that came from years of expe­ri­ence. He was in anoth­er world where ratio­nal thought no longer mat­tered. All that went through his mind was how to sur­vive the spank­ing with­out burst­ing into tears. If that was his goal, then he was in for a bat­tle of wills because it was entire­ly Miss Svenson’s inten­tion to make him cry. He need­ed to be put in touch with his deep­er feel­ings. She had the upper hand, the strength and all the time in the world. As the spank­ing con­tin­ued it became hard­er and hard­er to main­tain his sto­ic atti­tude. As the min­utes ticked by and the swats con­tin­ued to fall, his breath start­ed come in huge intakes of air fol­lowed by gasps and squeals, and the sounds he made filled the air and sound­ed like sweet music to Miss Svenson’s ears.

She knew it was the right moment. She could tell when he was on the brink. She start­ed scold­ing him as she spanked. “You have been a very, very naughty boy Rod­ney, you need to change your ways. You have become accus­tomed to get­ting away with your fibs and indis­cre­tions, but now you see what hap­pens when naughty boys get found out. This pun­ish­ment has been long over­due.” She con­tin­ued to spank him, and Rodney’s gasps began to change tone to a dis­cern­able whine. His body lan­guage seemed to alter accord­ing­ly. Instead of sto­ic and resilient, it start­ed to feel accept­ing and con­trite. She knew she was get­ting very close. 

You have dif­fi­cul­ty admit­ting when you are wrong don’t you Rod­ney?” Swat! “Answer me young man” Swat. I’m wait­ing,” Swat. A small voice emanat­ed from some­where near her feet “ Yes”. Swat… “Yes what?” “Yes Miss Sven­son” “What Rod­ney, I can’t hear you. “ “Miss Sven­son”, he said, “ I, I, can’t admit when I’m wrong.” “Good we’re get­ting some­where,” she said, “well now you are about to. I want to hear you apol­o­gize to me in your own words do you under­stand?” “Yes Miss Sven­son. “Loud­er”… “YES MISS SVENSON.” And with that, the spank­ing ceased. His bare bot­tom was crim­son red all over and the flam­ing heat ema­nat­ing from it was intense. She trans­ferred the brush to her oth­er hand and put her free palm soft­ly on his bot­tom. Feel­ing the gen­tle­ness of the moment he stopped writhing and he let out a deep breath, almost melt­ing with relief. She still held him firm­ly in place and even adjust­ed his body a lit­tle over her lap to force his head clos­er to the ground and caus­ing his bot­tom to rise high­er. The mes­sage was clear. She could spank again at any moment.
“I’m wait­ing,” she said, “what do you have to say for yourself?”

I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son” I’m tru­ly sor­ry. He sur­prised him­self with the depth at which he meant it. The apol­o­gy didn’t come just from his mouth it came from some­where deep with­in his chest and he let out a slight sob. “Yes” she said. “What are you sor­ry for?” Anoth­er sob, I’m sor­ry he sniffed catch­ing a lump in his throat, I’m sor­ry I told you lies. I’m real­ly sor­ry I dis­ap­point­ed you,” I’m real­ly sor­ry I… I…, and then the flood­gates opened. It was as if years of pent up guilt and emo­tion all came pour­ing out at one time. His sobs turned into deep rhyth­mic cry­ing and the tears began to flow. They streamed down his face and onto the car­pet below. She con­tin­ued to rest her hand on his flam­ing bot­tom as she felt the con­tri­tion in his deep sobs course through her own body. 

Now Rod­ney” I want to make sure you real­ly mean what you say so I’m going to give you twen­ty more very hard swats, and after each one I want you to apol­o­gize to me out loud so we can clear the air. I want you to say these very words. “I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son, I have been a naughty boy and I lied to you. I promise I won’t do it again.” Say it for me now! …. Swat. Owww. I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son, I’ve been a naughty boy and I lied to you. I promise I won’t do it again.” SWAT… I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son…. I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son… I’m sor­ry Miss Sven­son…. he began to cry again and didn’t stop until long after it was over…. 

It was almost evening as Rod­ney round­ed the cor­ner and walked slow­ly down the street on his way home. The sounds of the traf­fic and pedes­tri­ans seemed crisper some­how, clear­er, and the lights of the city seemed to have more colour to them. He round­ed the cor­ner and descend­ed the steps lead­ing to the Under­ground Tube Sta­tion. He felt the warm rush of tun­nel air whoosh over his face, pushed for­ward by the train as it screeched to a halt at the plat­form. He board­ed. Near­ly all the seats were tak­en so he decid­ed to stand. Tuck­ing his brief­case under his left arm he reached up to grasp the looped strap to hold on. Ouch he exclaimed loud­ly and let go as he felt the sen­sa­tion in his hand. He quick­ly trans­ferred the case to his oth­er arm and held on with his free hand, “Ouch again, that one hurt too. Sev­er­al eyes looked at him. He noticed some­one had vacat­ed a seat next to an attrac­tive young woman so he took the oppor­tu­ni­ty, half smil­ing at her as he sat down. “Ouch”, he exclaimed invol­un­tar­i­ly and stood right back up again. “Are you OK?” she asked frown­ing. “Yes, yes I’m fine” he gasped sit­ting gin­ger­ly down again “Thank you for ask­ing.” He was about to say “Just a lit­tle back trou­ble” but he thought bet­ter of it. He was done with mak­ing up sto­ries. “How was your day?,” she asked, wish­ing to engage him in con­ver­sa­tion. “Oh fair­ly unevent­ful real­ly. Well actu­al­ly I did land a rather good job today.” ”Real­ly? Well that’s not unevent­ful is it?” she said, “that’s some­thing spe­cial, con­grat­u­la­tions you should go out and cel­e­brate tonight, when do you start?” “Oh, tomor­row morn­ing. But I don’t think I’ll be out late tonight, got to get a good night’s sleep, ear­ly start and all that.” “True” she said, you want to make a good impres­sion with the boss on your first day don’t you? He looked at her, shift­ed his weight slight­ly and winced. “Yes, you’re absolute­ly right, best not to be late on my first day.” 

To be continued…..

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