Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 ninth entry by Caractacus — The Secretaries Tale

The sec­re­taries tale

by Car­ac­ta­cus

Giles returned to his form as usu­al after lunch,it was Fri­day after­noon and he was look­ing for­ward to the end of the day. Giles expect­ed his form tutor, miss Jones to go through her usu­al rou­tine and dis­miss the class for lessons.
Miss Jones was read­ing from a note, she then looked at Giles and announced to the class that Giles Black was to report to miss Sven­son imme­di­ate­ly. The whole class went silent, Giles was mor­ti­fied, why was he being sent to miss sven­son? he knew he had­n’t done any­thing wrong. It was com­mon knowl­edge how­ev­er that miss sven­son only sum­moned boys to her office after lunch to cane them.

Giles stood up, he heard the chair legs screech across the floor as it slid back­wards. The noise broke the unnerv­ing silence, his legs felt like jel­ly and he strug­gled to walk to the door. Giles felt the twen­ty pairs of eyes of his class mates fol­low him to the door.
As Giles start­ed the long trudge towards miss Sven­sons study he felt the but­ter­flies in his stom­ach increas­ing, he kept say­ing to him­self “calm down, you’ve done noth­ing wrong it must be a mis­take”. He reached the door to the study, it was a large wood­en 6 pan­elled door made of a very old look­ing wood.

Giles had nev­er been beyond that door before nev­er mind caned, he was a fifth for­mer and had avoid­ed all forms of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment all his life. “fifth for­m­ers rarely received the cane so it must be a mis­take” he said to himself.
He could­n’t deny though there was a cer­tain curios­i­ty about receiv­ing a can­ing, I mean was it true that miss Sven­son pulled down your trousers before can­ing. Giles had seen many boys return­ing cry­ing and had noticed a few in the show­ers with neat sym­met­ri­cal stripes upon their bottoms.

He knocked on the door very gin­ger­ly hop­ing she would­n’t hear it. An adja­cent door opened and out came miss Sven­sons sec­re­tary. Miss Carlisle was a new sec­re­tary, young, around twen­ty years old. She had a warm pret­ty face and was dressed very smart­ly . A neat white blouse, black skirt and black tights..

Miss Carlisle smiled at Giles and said miss Sven­son would return soon, she ush­ered Giles to take a seat on the bench placed out­side her study. The warm smile reas­sured Giles that he was­n’t in any trou­ble so he relaxed a little.
Miss Heather the art teacher came by and asked Giles why he was there, he start­ed to reply when he heard miss sven­sons foot­steps march­ing down the cor­ri­dor. Miss Sven­son was dressed in a very smart tweed suit . tai­lored per­fect­ly to her lady­like fig­ure. She was an attrac­tive yet fright­en­ing site.

Miss Sven­son glanced side­ways at Giles then loud­ly announced” not now miss Heather I have some can­ing to do”. Giles heart sank as miss Sven­son dis­ap­peared into her office. Giles heart was rac­ing. he noticed an illu­mi­nat­ed sign beside the door became lit “wait” said the sign and Giles was trans­fixed upon the sign. 

The sign changed to green and the words “enter” were illu­mi­nat­ed. Giles could bare­ly stand let alone walk. When he reached for the big brass door knob the sweat on his hand almost made it slide off.
The study was larg­er than he imag­ined, he noticed large glass front­ed book­cas­es sur­round­ing the room. A Per­sian rug adorned the floor and in the mid­dle sat a desk with miss Sven­son seat­ed behind it. Miss Sven­son looked up, she was so much more attrac­tive close up. Giles could smell a strong smell of pol­ish , he was entranced by the bright sun­rays stream­ing through the large study win­dows. He felt he was meant to be there 

A thou­sand thoughts were run­ning through Giles’s head, was he real­ly going to find out what a can­ing was like, would it hurt?. He was con­fused, exit­ed, ner­vous. Miss Sven­son spoke calm­ly “it has been report­ed to me that you Giles black were seen spit­ting into the opened win­dow of the girls toi­let this lunchtime” Giles was dumb­found­ed, he had been play­ing foot­ball all lunchtime. “how do you plead” barked miss Sven­son. Giles gulped he uttered the words “not guilty”
“Explain your­self” replied miss sven­son. And so Giles gave a long account of his lunchtime foot­ball activities.

Miss sven­son sat back and lis­tened, then at the end of Giles account she spoke gen­tly. “do you know, every boy sent to me for a can­ing has a good rea­son why they should­n’t be caned” “if I believed any of you I feel dis­ci­pline would break down in my school”
Miss Sven­son smiled leant into her inter­com and said “bring in my cane and pun­ish­ment book please miss Carlisle. Giles froze , he heard miss Carlisle enter from the rear door. Miss Sven­son stood up and asked Giles to turn around. Giles turned around, there in front of him was miss Carlisle clutch­ing a long crook han­dled cane, it was a pale brown colour with red tape wrapped around at 30 cm inter­vals. Miss Carlisle had bright red fin­ger nail var­nish on, it framed the cane beau­ti­ful­ly. Giles could not take his eyes off of the cane, he was mes­merised , sure­ly that could­n’t hurt much. Miss sven­son ordered Giles to take three paces for­ward. He did as he was asked, he was now stand­ing in the mid­dle of the rug.

Giles had no idea what was about to hap­pen, though he knew he would do what­ev­er miss Sven­son asked of him. “kneel on the floor she com­mand­ed. He knelt down and looked into miss Carlisle’s pret­ty face. Miss Carlisle gave him a lit­tle wink, as if to reas­sure him it was going to be alright. “lean for­ward and touch your head on the floor “com­mand­ed miss svenson.

Giles knelt for­ward, sud­den­ly his bot­tom felt exposed for the entire school to see “Swish ” went the cane as it whis­tled through the air “Spit­ting is a dis­gust­ing habit young man “said miss Sven­son ” six of the best”

This time the swish was close­ly fol­lowed by the ear split­ting sound of the canes impact “argh­h­hh” the noise came form Giles mouth. Anoth­er swish and anoth­er longer argh­hh,. The pain was incred­i­ble, he could­n’t take anoth­er and yet he was try­ing to stick his bot­tom fur­ther in the direc­tion of miss Sven­son. Swish, swish, two more strokes and Giles was now mak­ing one long argh­h­hh. swish the fifth stroke fell, and the a pause. “Now for the gate “bel­lowed miss sven­son. Swish and the sixth stroke criss crossed the first five.

Giles felt he could not move, the pain was such that he remained kneel­ing. Miss Carlisle put her arms around Giles shoul­ders and eased him to his feet. He looked at miss Sven­son, her face expressed a sat­is­fac­tion of jus­tice deliv­ered “thank you miss” said Giles . Miss Sven­son gen­tly nod­ded and Giles turned towards the door. Although Giles bot­tom was on fire he felt a cer­tain calm­ness com­ing over him­self. Did he real­ly just enjoy that caning?

At this point miss heather burst through the door “sor­ry miss Sven­son but I have to inter­rupt you” miss heather looked very angry. She point­ed at miss Carlisle “this women has been fab­ri­cat­ing sto­ries in order to get boys caned” she exclaimed, The room fell quite. Miss Sven­son looked at miss Carlisle, her face turned crim­son red. “well” boomed miss Sven­son “have you any­thing to say” silence remained. “Pack up your things and leave imme­di­ate­ly” said miss Sven­son. Miss Carlisle final­ly spoke “Please miss Sven­son I need this job.“Too late now said miss sven­son “the dam­age is done”

Please miss Sven­son, you could cane me like you have all the boys I lied about”. Miss Sven­son looked at miss Heather, she nod­ded her head in approval. very well said miss Sven­son. She asked Giles to bring a large wood­en chair into the cen­tre of the room. He did as he was asked then stood back to enjoy the unfold­ing drama.

Bend over the chair and put your hands flat on the seat” exclaimed miss Sven­son. Miss Carlisle slow­ly walked towards the chair, ele­gant­ly she bent over the chair, she appeared to be enjoy­ing the the­atre of the event. This time miss Sven­son returned to her chair, lent back and looked up at the large wood­en clock. The tick­ing was the only sound to break the silence.

Giles looked at the clock 3.27 indi­cat­ed the hands, what was the delay he thought?.Giles was stand­ing direct­ly behind miss Carslisle, her bot­tom raised high in the air, neat­ly caressed by a tight black skirt. This time Giles noticed a small tai­lored split in the skirt just dis­play­ing a hint of flesh. Miss Carlisle was wear­ing stock­ings, he scanned her cloth­ing and could now make out the out­line of her sus­pender straps.

Giles bot­tom was throb­bing but his heart was rac­ing, his mouth went dry with the antic­i­pa­tion of the events unfold­ing. they wait­ed for what seemed an eter­ni­ty . you had to admire miss Carlisle,s dis­ci­pline in remain­ing motionless.
The bell sound­ed for end of school, “Please hold miss Carlisle’s hands” miss Sven­son ush­ered to miss Heather. “Giles please open the door” . Miss Sven­son took up posi­tion behind miss Carlisle and flexed her cane. She rubbed chalk on the cane then wait­ed till the school start­ed to stream past her office, she slipped of her shoes and took two quick steps for­ward, swing­ing the cane into miss Carlisle’s bottom.“Thwack” the noise broke the silence. miss Carlisle let out a large squeal

.All the school was soon alert­ed to what was hap­pen­ing, a crowd start­ed to appear out­side miss Sven­sons study. Thwack went the sec­ond stroke, miss Carlisle tried to get up but miss Heather held on firm. Thwack as the third stroke fell and the cry became loud­er. She now had three sym­met­ri­cal white chalk lines even­ly spaced across her bot­tom. Thwack, Thwack went the fourth and fifth stroke. You had to admire miss Sven­sons hand­i­work, she was a skilled caner.

Just as before, the sixth stroke criss crossed the pre­vi­ous five, mak­ing a per­fect 5 bar gate. Miss Carlisle cried open­ly through­out the can­ing. Winc­ing loud­ly each time the cane landed

Miss Sven­son looked up and announced to the gath­er­ing crowd con­gre­gat­ing in the cor­ri­dor that miss Carlisle would be caned at 3.30 pre­cise­ly on each and every after­noon next week. “You may go” she announced to Giles, and miss heather. “Miss Carlisle, you had best stay in posi­tion till you can com­pose yourself”

And so as the sun­light con­tin­ued to stream in through the large win­dows, the scene was com­plet­ed. Miss sven­son returned to her desk to car­ry on her work, miss Carlisle remained bent over for a full ten min­utes before she was able to leave the study. 

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