Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


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New Service: Your own personal cane reserved for you.

Friday, January 4th, 2013

I have now obtained a quan­ti­ty of top qual­i­ty, swishy canes, direct from Malaysia, avail­able for sale at only £12 each.

For those who pre­fer their own, exclu­sive imple­ment, you can now pur­chase a cane for your own use, and I will store it in my study, free of charge. It will be spe­cial­ly labelled and reserved only for your punishment.

As an added ser­vice, if you pur­chase a cane and request stor­age, I will soak it in Lind­seed oil, which will ensure that it retains its strength, sup­ple­ness and sting for a very long time.

You can, how­ev­er, take the cane with you when­ev­er you wish. Please men­tion when book­ing if you wish to make use of this service.



Rates for sessions in 2013

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Rates for ses­sions in 2013

Due to unavoid­able increas­es in costs, some of my rates will rise slight­ly from Jan­u­ary 1 2013, and will be as follows:

90 min­utes:  £130

60 min­utes:  £90

40 min­utes:  £60

30 min­utes:  £50

60 min­utes with my assis­tant Miss Pren­der­gast:  £130

60 min­utes with my assis­tant Anna: £140

Hand spank­ing only:

30 min­utes: £60

40 min­utes: £75

60 min­utes :£100

Reduced rates for reg­u­lar clients:

I always try to offer reg­u­lar clients good val­ue for mon­ey, and for the whole of 2013 I will be offer­ing any­one who has had a one hour ses­sion at any time in 2012, a freeze in the cost of the very pop­u­lar one hour ses­sion, at £80.  This includes any­one who com­pletes a one hour ses­sion any­time between now and the end of December.


Christmas cards etc…

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

It’s that time of the year again and obvi­ous­ly I am delight­ed to receive Christ­mas cards from my naughty  boys.…

but please check with me first so you have the cor­rect postal address.

Sad­ly some cards, let­ters and even pack­ets nev­er reached me as the address was wrong.

Although I very much appre­ci­ate receiv­ing well wish­es and Christ­mas cards it will not help your sit­u­a­tion next time you are bent over my knee…

With regards

Miss Elsa Svenson


What did Miss Svenson say ?

Saturday, November 24th, 2012



Miss Svenson’s Shop !

Thursday, October 25th, 2012


Com­ing soon!

Miss Sven­son own brand  ‘Strict­ly Traditional’.

The very best hand craft­ed leather imple­ments made in Scotland.

Olympic spanking.…

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Com­ing to Lon­don for the Olympics?  Per­haps time to get that spank­ing you always dreamt of.… I will be in Lon­don dur­ing the Olympics and look for­ward to see­ing naughty boys from all over the world get­ting what they deserve. New­bies are very wel­come as I offer an intro­duc­tion to spank­ing tai­lor made for you. Of course I also deal with the more advanced span­kee who need it hard and ultra­strict ! You can book your ses­sion now so what are you wait­ing for?


Flat wanted London…

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

I am look­ing for a suit­able small flat near pub­lic trans­port in Lon­don for a long term rental. Seri­ous offers only please.


Miss Svenson and Miss Hewitt on the 31st of May!

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

South East London,
Two beau­ti­ful, stern, author­i­ta­tive ladies have decid­ed to join forces, the bet­ter to con­trol and pun­ish the ver­i­ta­ble tor­rent of cheek and dis­obe­di­ence that has infect­ed mod­ern life. Miss Hewitt is a leg­gy brunette in her mid-thir­ties; Miss Sven­son, a glam­orous blonde, just a smidge old­er. Both are expert with the cane, and high­ly expe­ri­enced in the con­trol and dis­ci­pline of errant young men: both thor­ough­ly enjoy enforc­ing sub­mis­sion and pun­ish­ing insolence.

Each lady is avail­able sep­a­rate­ly, yet feels that work­ing along­side the oth­er they make a for­mi­da­ble force, their nat­ur­al author­i­ty and tal­ents in per­fect syn­er­gy. The atten­tion of two such stern, exquis­ite dis­ci­pli­nar­i­ans is sure­ly cal­cu­lat­ed to bring to his knees even the most deviant, wicked mis­cre­ant. If you’ve behaved very bad­ly, do get in touch. We will under­stand; we will empathise; but we will, ulti­mate­ly, con­demn, cor­rect and rehabilitate.

Spanking in Geneva — Paris — Brussels!

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

If you are look­ing for spank­ing ses­sions in any of these cities please check out my oth­er web­site where I will update trav­el­ing dates regularly.


Tell the story to go with the cartoon…

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012