Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — seventh entry by Peter G.…

My name is Janet Jones and I have just fin­ished my first day as a Trainee Cor­rec­tion Offi­cer for the Female Judi­cia­ry Coun­cil. In our Female dom­i­nat­ed world this is the depart­ment that admin­is­ters alter­na­tive pun­ish­ment to errant males through the courts rather than send­ing them to prison.

I spent my first day in the job observ­ing Miss Sven­son who is high­ly regard­ed by the coun­cil in terms of her cor­rec­tive capabilities.…I now know why. I’ll nev­er for­get how she han­dled the first unfortunate†man who was sent to her office for cor­rec­tion. He knocked on the door ner­vous­ly and Miss Sven­son dressed in a sharp tight busi­ness suit com­mand­ed him to enter and to stand in front of her. He had a let­ter in his hand which he sheep­ish­ly hand­ed over. Miss Sven­son intro­duced me and informed†him that I would be observ­ing his pun­ish­ment as part of my train­ing pro­gramme. Open­ing the let­ter she read out the ver­dict of the court:

The defen­dant, Peter John­son, has been found guilty of acts against females name­ly grop­ing and pinch­ing bot­toms on the Lon­don Under­ground. He has been sen­tenced to 24 strokes of the strap; 12 strokes of the hair­brush; and unlim­it­ed addi­tion­al strokes at the dis­cre­tion of the cor­rec­tion officer.

Well” said Miss Sven­son, “some­one is in for a very sore bot­tom! Shall we get started”.

She ordered him to unbut­ton his trousers and drop them to his ankles and marched him over to the high backed chair in the mid­dle of the room. She told him to bend over it with his head low and his bot­tom high in the air. I placed myself on a chair about 6ft away which gave me a great view of his back­side. Miss Sven­son then tucked her fin­gers into the waist­band of his box­ers and slow­ly pulled them down to his knees reveal­ing a very white bot­tom. She ran her fin­gers over his cheeks as she told him “You have a very nice bot­tom, per­fect for spank­ing, but I’m†afraid it is going to look and feel very dif­fer­ent by the time I’ve fin­ished with you. Your pun­ish­ment will hurt, you will cry and you cer­tain­ly won’t be able to sit com­fort­ably for a long while”

She walked across to a table and select­ed a short thick strap. She walked back over to John­son and ran the strap across his bum cheeks before tak­ing a cou­ple of paces back. She raised the strap above her head and brought it down as hard as she could. The room was filled with a loud crack, and a cry of “owwwwwww” and a vivid red mark appeared at the top of his left buttock.†Miss Sven­son raised her arm again and brought it down with anoth­er loud thwack. John­son kicked his legs and cried out as a bright red strap mark appeared at the top of his right but­tock. She repeat­ed the process anoth­er 22 times, slow­ly and method­i­cal­ly work­ing her way down his bot­tom to the top of his thighs leav­ing his entire back­side a mass of red welts.

Miss Sven­son gen­tly caressed his bot­tom say­ing “you took that well but let’s see how you get on with the sec­ond part of your pun­ish­ment”. She walked back over to the table and replaced the strap. She picked up a rather large wood­en bath­brush and slapped it against her hand before stroking it over his red hot bot­tom. “This time I am going to con­cen­trate on 2 parts of your bot­tom and let’s see how calm you stay then boy”.

She took a step back and brought the brush down hard on his left but­tock on the sen­si­tive area just above where the thigh and bot­tom meet. The sound was duller as the wood­en brush con­nect­ed with flesh, and the results were spec­tac­u­lar: a loud cry from John­son; kick­ing legs; and a dark brush shaped mark on his bot­tom. She raised the brush again and repeat­ed the process on the right side with the same results. I almost felt sor­ry for John­son as I looked at the state of his bot­tom, but then remem­bered what he had done.

Over the next 5 min­utes Miss Sven­son car­ried out the remain­der of the pun­ish­ment, each time bring­ing the brush down on the same area of John­son’s but­tocks. John­son was†shouting and kick­ing his legs wild­ly with all mod­esty for­got­ten, and his low­er bot­tom was look­ing very bruised and sore.…but still no tears.

Miss Svenson†again ran her hands over his bot­tom which†covered in deep marks and welts, and she had a look of deter­mi­na­tion in her eyes. She†told John­son to stand up, and then sat down on the chair before order­ing John­son over her knee. She asked me to fetch the oth­er hair­brush from the table. This was small­er than the bath­brush, but was thick­er and heav­ier, and as I hand­ed it to Miss Sven­son she had a smile on her face. She ran the brush over his bot­tom and told him:

You are going to regret not cry­ing ear­li­er. I am going to spank you as†hard and as fast as I can for 2 min­utes and I Guar­an­tee that you will be cry­ing at the end of it. Janet can you come round to the front and hold his arms in place”

Miss Sven­son then pro­ceed­ed to do just that.†The hair­brush must have land­ed on John­son’s back­side over 100 times dur­ing those 2 min­utes. He kicked and screamed and after about 30 sec­onds the tears start­ed to roll down his cheeks. As the final vol­ley of spanks land­ed he was cry­ing like a baby and Miss Sven­son had a look of tri­umph on her face. She asked me to go to the table and fetch a jar of cream, and to rub it into John­son’s well spanked bot­tom. It was fiery hot to the touch and cov­ered in bruis­es and dark angry welts. It was then that it dawned on me that I was going to be able to do this to errant males in the future and a huge†grin appeared on my face as well.

I learned a lot from Miss Sven­son that day, and I will nev­er for­get Peter John­son and his well spanked bottom.


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