Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 eleventh entry by Verity — The Seventh Floor

The Sev­enth Floor
(by Verity)

Rou­tine is impor­tant to most of us, but to Miss Sven­son, more than most. It helps her know that all is right with the world. She catch­es the 7.50am train with­out fail even though as the chief of Mar­ket­ing & Devel­op­ment, the entire Sev­enth Floor, she could amble in at any time she chose and nobody would raise an eye­brow. Per­haps they wouldn’t dare. 

She uses the hour-long jour­ney through com­muter land pro­duc­tive­ly – run­ning over the day ahead, cir­cling phras­es in pre­sen­ta­tions that peo­ple have giv­en her, answer­ing emails from naughty nephews (no rea­son ever to give up on that side of her life) and updates the lon­don­spank­ingser­vice web­site. Some­times for a few brief min­utes before they arrive at Water­loo she dozes, but she has the knack of know­ing just when her lap­top is about to slip too far for­ward and runs the risk of tum­bling to its death. 

She likes the fact that she recog­nis­es half the peo­ple in the car­riage; the elder­ly man with the brown brogues and equal­ly pol­ished red face who some­times grins at her, and though he’s had that smart­phone at least six months, han­dles it as though an unex­plod­ed bomb; the vague-look­ing woman with the out-of-con­trol ringlets and the fur­rowed fore­head who devours clas­sic lit­er­a­ture, at least one doorstep of a book a week (she must be one of these eter­nal stu­dents) – Elsa’s often tried to guess her age and has come back with any­thing from late twen­ties to mid-for­ties, or whether she has chil­dren, or an earnest and aca­d­e­m­ic lover maybe; the girl with the brown hair tucked into an infi­nite vari­ety of design­er caps and hats, snap­py train­ers, long slen­der legs always in jeans, who often has to stand because she gets on a cou­ple of stops after Elsa, then does very lit­tle oth­er than gawp nosi­ly around the car­riage, ear­phones feed­ing tin­ny music to her brain. When­ev­er she sus­pends from a grabrail above Miss Sven­son some­where, Elsa is tempt­ed to ask her to make prop­er use of vol­ume con­trol on her machine; and the tou­sled but quite attrac­tive lad who always seems to be in the same tee shirt and once-white trousers – he can’t have only one set of work­clothes real­ly – his trade adver­tised by the bespat­tered colours top to toe … per­haps he dec­o­rates the man­sions of rock stars and foot­ballers. If that is the case, maybe he par­ties with them too — he looks per­ma­nent­ly exhausted. 

It’s Tues­day morn­ing and Elsa has had a frus­trat­ing cou­ple of hours deal­ing with a graph­ic design­er who doesn’t seem to want to design, two hours she could have been using for more impor­tant things.

The girl’s arrival over the thresh­old of Miss Svenson’s office is announced not by a knock but by a cough. That imme­di­ate­ly irri­tates her. 

Can I help you?”

Sor­ry Miss Sven­son, but I was told to come to your office. I’m Clara by the way.”

Well I don’t recall arrang­ing any­thing, so if you don’t mind . . “

No, it was Mrs Macpher­son – she’s my boss, in Dis­tri­b­u­tion. She said she’d email you. I’m one of her sec­re­taries you see.”

Yes, well, I might have fig­ured that out. But I’ll ask again, what can I do for you?”

Well it’s a bit embar­rass­ing but, you see, Mrs Macpher­son is real­ly cross with me, coz she says I’m not putting any effort in, but I am, but not enough, and she said she hap­pens to know that you, er, have your ways. A spe­cial way. And you cor­rect things. Well, people.”

If that’s the case, sure­ly it’s for Mrs Macpher­son to sort this out. I’ve nev­er even seen you before, let alone have any inter­est in whether or not you’re putting in appro­pri­ate effort. So if you don’t mind, please give Mrs Macpher­son my regards.”

Miss Sven­son turns to the screen and begins to think about some invoic­es she needs to check and approve. Anoth­er cough from the door­way, more insis­tent this time. 

What now?” Elsa bristles. 

But Miss Sven­son, Mrs Macpher­son said that you’re the only one who can real­ly deal with me. And I mustn’t come back till I’ve got dealt with. Properly.”

Elsa looks at her direct­ly for the first time. “You have thir­ty sec­onds to tell me exact­ly what you’re talk­ing about or to leave. Oth­er­wise I’ll call Security.”

Well, I already said, it’s embarrassing.”

A with­er­ing look spurs Clara on. “But I’ve got to be strong and just do it – I know that you pun­ish peo­ple. Er, that you smack them. That you make them go over your knee some­times and then er smack their bot­toms and that it real­ly hurts but is so good for them and, well, I just real­ly want . . “

As if to rein­force the point, Clara turns, bends for­ward so that her not unat­trac­tive pos­te­ri­or is pre­sent­ed to Miss Sven­son. With one hand she smooths the taut­ness of the black dress over her bot­tom, then lifts her hand and gives it a slap.”

“Young woman – Clara, did you say? – what I may or may not do in my pri­vate life, and only with con­sent­ing friends or col­leagues, stays pri­vate. And you wav­ing your rump at me like a prim­i­tive baboon might do is not nec­es­sar­i­ly going to get you what you want either. Though with some, men par­tic­u­lar­ly, it may well of course. I’m extreme­ly busy and don’t have time to mess around. Please leave now, go back to where you came from and get on with some work. ”

A defeat­ed look reg­is­ters in Clara’s eyes for a moment, only to be replaced with a wicked­ly sly smile — mis­chief writ­ten across her face. She looks around, sees an antique book­case – one of Miss Svenson’s fam­i­ly heir­looms though she doesn’t know that – and aims a harsh lit­tle kick at its base with the toe of her stilet­to. “For Christ’s sake! Thanks a bloody bunch! Bloody bloody shit!”
Anoth­er kick, this time hard­er – is that a chip now out of that carved leg? –
and anoth­er sly grin. Dar­ing her. 

In that instant all around Clara changes. She hears Miss Sven­son calm­ly tell her to go to the door of the out­er office, lock it and pull down the blind. From that instruc­tion until the first slap rings out, every­thing hap­pens in silence. She sees Elsa switch her mobile to silent and set the large phone on her desk to divert. Clara’s heart rat­tles as the oth­er woman takes an upright chair from the fur­thest cor­ner and places it delib­er­ate­ly in the cen­tre of the room, a plump cush­ion on its seat. With­out rush­ing, Elsa sits down and shifts posi­tion once or twice until she’s absolute­ly comfortable.

Clara feels Miss Svenson’s hand on her wrist guid­ing her, steer­ing her around to the left hand side. It’s not a tight grip but it leaves no doubts. The move­ment con­tin­ues, takes the wrist over the wait­ing lap, beyond, and almost to the floor the oth­er side so that Clara, hav­ing no choice but to fol­low it, is brought top­pling across Miss Svenson’s knees. A hand touch­es her bot­tom through her dress as though assess­ing it, mea­sur­ing, steadi­ly pulls back, and the spank­ing begins. 

Three min­utes in and she’s not so sto­ical. One or two of the smacks have elicit­ed lit­tle grunts, or a sup­pressed whim­per, and one foot knocks against the floor at the more sting­ing vol­leys. Miss Sven­son is find­ing her rhythm, tak­ing her arm high­er and slic­ing across the tar­get with the skill of the ten­nis play­er she used to be. Clara’s leg is flinch­ing unashamed­ly now, with a pro­nounced pad­dling of the feet every time Elsa accel­er­ates for a few sec­onds. The hand on her waist only pins her more secure­ly but her uncon­trolled move­ments do Miss Svenson’s work for her; the back of her pleat­ed dress ris­es inch by inch until it flops for­ward over Clara’s upper body leav­ing her under­wear exposed, fash­ion­able black pants with a del­i­cate pas­tel frou frou trim.

Miss Sven­son paus­es to let the sec­re­tary feel her vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, the cool air across the seat of her knick­ers. And then con­tin­ues with greater resolve, slap after slap after roast­ing slap. The cheeks that dim­ple out below the line of the fab­ric are radi­at­ing a blotchy pink. To admire the work in progress Elsa, with­out cer­e­mo­ny, hooks the fin­gers of both hands under the waist­band stretch­es the mate­r­i­al wide and effort­less­ly slips Clara’s panties down a few inch­es. They are let rest at the lev­el her tan hold-up stock­ings begin.

The deep sniff deters Elsa not one iota. She does rest a hand light­ly on each but­tock first, stroking in a cir­cu­lar motions, feel­ing the warmth, pinch­ing the skin between thumbs and fore­fin­gers. When she judges that Clara is ready to know how it feels, a bare bot­tom spank­ing at the hands of Elsa Sven­son, she begins.

The feet drum on the floor, the abdomen weaves and lit­tle gasps echo around the office, shrill and breathy. To secure her Miss Sven­son sim­ply loops one leg over Clara’s calves and tucks them in towards her. The poor girl is scis­sored in a hold a wrestler wouldn’t escape and the hid­ing con­tin­ues. In between inter­minable bursts of slaps Clara is con­scious that her hair has fall­en for­ward and is touch­ing the floor– but she doesn’t care any more.

Even­tu­al­ly after long min­utes the grip on her is relaxed, she’s stood up and gen­tly manoeu­vred into the cor­ner, told to stay there fac­ing the wall. The sound of the chair being lift­ed and placed back down. Foot­steps at the far side of the office, a cup­board door open­ing, the move­ment of objects inside, search­ing maybe, and the door clos­ing. Foot­steps return­ing, the chair mov­ing again, right next to her, then she’s told to turn around. On the cush­ion is a thick brown leather strap. Miss Sven­son picks it up and taps it a few times on the palm of her hand. 

Come over here … Feet just here, yes. Bend right over, please, over the back of the chair and place your hands flat on the cush­ion. Bot­tom right up!”

Please Miss Sven­son, I think I’ve had enough. But thanks. Thank you for spank­ing me.”

Clara! If you come to my office, unin­vit­ed, take my valu­able time, and ask me to deal with you to fix a prob­lem, pro­voke me with a sil­ly tem­per tantrum, then I shall deal with you. In the way that I wish to deal with you. I shall decide when you’ve had enough. I’m going to give you four sets of twelve strokes now, with this three-tailed tawse, two sets from each side. We’ll see how you get on. And then you’re going to go back across my knee so that I can spank you some more. Is that clear my dear? Now lean right over please!”

And so Clara finds her­self bend­ing for­ward, hot bot­tom high in the air, under­wear still stretched just below her cheeks, wait­ing to feel the first stroke.

Miss Sven­son makes real inroads with her work­load that after­noon and, on a whim, decides to pay a rare trip to The Fourth Floor, most par­tic­u­lar­ly Dis­tri­b­u­tion. She’s inter­est­ed to meet Mrs Macpher­son and per­haps let her know the tear­ful and pen­i­tent state in which her sec­re­tary was even­tu­al­ly allowed to wrig­gle from her lap and tot­ter off towards the lift. 

No sign of Clara in the main recep­tion area but Miss Sven­son is greet­ed by a very per­son­able sec­re­tary, Gina. When she asks if Mrs Macpher­son can spare her five min­utes Gina is clear­ly puzzled. 

Mrs Mac’s on sec­ond­ment. To Tokyo. Anoth­er com­pa­ny. Com­ing back though. Went four months ago.” 

As though to be sure her­self, Gina takes one of the in-house com­pa­ny mag­a­zines from the dis­play rack on the desk, flicks through to page 20 and shows Elsa a tiny arti­cle announc­ing spe­cial appoint­ments and retire­ments. “See . . still with us, but out the pic­ture at the mo. Can’t wait for her to come back, mind.”

The fol­low­ing morn­ing it’s 8.00am and Miss Sven­son looks up as the train takes a live­ly jolt for­ward from the sta­tion. Yes, her hand still throbs a lit­tle but all is right with the world; the elder­ly man is oppo­site her, painstak­ing­ly typ­ing a text, cor­rec­tion by cor­rec­tion. The per­pet­u­al stu­dent is engrossed in her bat­tered copy of ‘Jane Eyre’ and the chub­by young man’s head lolls for­ward in sleep, over the col­lar of his paint-smeared tee shirt. Nobody miss­ing. The girl in jeans and gar­ish train­ers today sports an Armani cap. She’s at the far end of the car­riage, but at least she’s got a seat today. She sits awk­ward­ly, though, as though try­ing to keep one cheek lift­ed an inch away from the seat. At that moment she looks up, catch­es Miss Sven­son watch­ing her; a sly smile turns imme­di­ate­ly to a ram­pant blush as she stares straight back down at her magazine. 

That smile. It couldn’t. The same smile — Mrs Macpherson’s sec­re­tary, the smile that had made Elsa so cross! Clara’s smile. Yes­ter­day. But, no, not real­ly pos­si­ble is it. Elsa stares, though, and makes the changes in her mind – jeans off now, cap lift­ed (let’s throw that from the train win­dow), hair set free, yes, now shoul­der-length – put her in a smart black dress and waspish high heels , and — devi­ous lit­tle minx! But this girl can’t even work at our place, Elsa tells her­self, rac­ing for­ward, I’d bet any mon­ey on that. Could she have fol­lowed her to the office maybe? But, most of all, how on earth did she know that if she were to present her bot­tom to Miss Sven­son like that, on a plat­ter, well, there was such a strong chance it would soon find itself being smacked into the mid­dle of next week? Ques­tions tum­ble over themselves.

It’s Elsa’s turn to smile – you think you have a sore behind now, my girl . . well, you just wait! There’s plen­ty more where that one came from — by the time I get all the answers, and I will, every sin­gle one, young lady, your bot­tom will be … As though hear­ing the con­ver­sa­tion, Clara winces ever so slight­ly and shifts position. 

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