Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 9 by Michael M!

Try­ing the patience of a saint

Miss Sven­son had inher­it­ed a very dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion when she became head­mistress, but she had impressed every­one by her calm, con­sid­ered and extreme­ly effec­tive approach to deal­ing with the main prob­lem areas one by one.

Her first pri­or­i­ty had been to tack­le the prob­lem of pil­fer­ing ñ espe­cial­ly the pil­fer­ing of girl’s knick­ers from the gym chang­ing rooms and lock­ers.† Michael was one of the prin­ci­pal offend­ers in this area and had proved an obdu­rate case.† Even­tu­al­ly, after acquir­ing some top qual­i­ty school straps, and sev­er­al ses­sions with Michael in her study over her knee, touch­ing his toes and over the arm of the couch, she was final­ly mak­ing progress.

Michael had had a few ses­sions at the school assem­bly where his knick­ers were well and tru­ly warmed, and he had been threat­ened with a tour of the class­rooms where the girls whose knick­ers he had tak­en could see the consequences.

It was in may ways amaz­ing that Miss Sven­son was able to pre­serve her equa­nim­i­ty and not com­plete­ly lose her tem­per con­sid­er­ing Michael’s behav­ior.† Miss Sven­son smacked real­ly hard, but always under com­plete con­trol, more in sad­ness than in anger.

Anoth­er head­mistress might have lost her tem­per, but Miss Sven­son nev­er did.† This report gives the back­ground to the one time that Miss Sven­son was real­ly and tru­ly angry and smacked ìin tem­perî rather than in her usu­al calm manner.

The inci­dent took place as Miss Sven­son began her ìcam­paignî against the sec­ond major prob­lem she had with the boys’ (espe­cial­ly of course, Michael) behav­ior after she had made progress with the ini­tial prob­lem of pilfering.

This was the prob­lem of cer­tain boys hav­ing a fix­a­tion with girls’ knick­ers and bot­toms ñ in the sense of look­ing up skirts, even lift­ing skirts and, in Michael’s case, spy­ing in the girls’ toilets.

It is very hard to under­stand the nature of some boys’ fix­a­tion with ìknick­ers up skirt­sî and this can be illus­trat­ed by con­sid­er­ing that, at St. Mary’s the girls play hock­ey in games skirts while they do net­ball and gym in reg­u­la­tion gym knickers.

One would expect to see the boys gath­ered round the net­ball courts where there are plen­ty of girls clad in just knick­ers for them to leer at.† But in fact, it is round the hock­ey pitch that they are to be found.

It seems that a boy would rather catch a glimpse of a girl’s knick­ers under her skirt, than to see her wear­ing noth­ing but knick­ers.† The lit­tle madams know that very well, and many a time a naughty lit­tle minx had made a vis­it to Miss Sven­son’s study, where there is anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty for them to show off their knick­ers ñ though one they seem much less enthu­si­as­tic about.


Once the girls real­ized the con­se­quences of this kind of behav­ior there was an imme­di­ate decline in the oppor­tu­ni­ties for the boys to get a ìfree lookî but this also led to a most regret­table inci­dence of skirt flip­ping by some of the boys ñ and, of course, Michael was a ringleader.

Michael actu­al­ly ini­ti­at­ed a game in which points were award­ed.† The basic scale was 1 point for a skirt lift for a first year girl, 2 for a sec­ond year, up to 6 for a 6th for­mer.† Points were dou­bled for a ìstealthy liftî which meant pin­ning the skirt hem to the back of a girl’s blouse with­out her real­iz­ing it.

Final­ly, and most dis­grace­ful, triple points were earned for com­ing up behind a net­ball play­er and pulling her knick­ers down.† So far, Michael had not been caught earn­ing triple points, but he had had a num­ber of ìchat­sî with Miss Sven­son about his sin­gle and dou­ble points tally.

By way of ìpo­et­ic jus­ticeî Miss Sven­son had spo­ken to his moth­er who sent Michael’s old kilt to school.† This was, by now, far too short for him, short­er even than the girls’ hock­ey skirts, and he would spend an hour or so wait­ing out­side Miss Sven­son’s study with the kilt pinned up at the back to be admired by all passers by.

He used to des­per­ate­ly wish that he could have a good stur­dy pair of navy blue gym knick­ers, for such occa­sions, but giv­en his predilec­tion for pil­fer­ing knick­ers, he would be com­pelled to dis­play a vari­ety of ìnot very niceî knickers.


His down­fall came on the Sat­ur­day of the annu­al sports day, a high­light of which was the staff/pupil hock­ey match, and as a good sport, Miss Sven­son par­tic­i­pat­ed.† As may be imag­ined, prac­ti­cal­ly every boy in school found a com­pelling inter­est in girls’ hock­ey.† The staff team was in white blous­es, navy pleat­ed skirts and bot­tle green knick­ers.† In fact, although the skirts are short, in gen­er­al there is very lit­tle dis­play of knick­ers, but boys are eter­nal optimists.

Lat­er, in the after­noon when the match was over, Michael was ìprowl­ingî look­ing for tar­gets of oppor­tu­ni­ty, and he sud­den­ly came upon what seemed to him to be a fan­tas­tic dou­ble 6 point­er.† An ele­gant 6th for­mer was lean­ing on the rail watch­ing the activ­i­ty on the field.† There was nobody stand­ing near­by, and Michael had his big safe­ty pin.

He stole up behind her and took hold of the hem of her skirt and raised it gen­tly.† He almost swooned with delight as he exposed the navy blue cov­ered bot­tom.† But then dis­as­ter struck as he began to insert the pin.† Some­thing alert­ed the ìgirlî and she swung around sud­den­ly and caught him in the act.

Then he real­ly did just about die as the ìgirlî turned out to be none oth­er than his head­mistress, Miss Sven­son, and she was FURIOUS.

How is it that a lady has a sense for the posi­tion of her skirt and the risk of dis­play­ing her knick­ers?† Is it some­thing that girls learn as they grow up, or is it an instinct that they are born with?

In spite of all the ladies wear­ing skirts and the preva­lence of high winds, it is a rare treat for the naughty boy to catch a glimpse of a lady’s knick­ers.† Do the ladies sense when the gust of wind is about to come and know how to dis­crete­ly con­trol the hem to pre­serve mod­esty?† And, as the naughty boys resort to naughty tricks to steal glimpses, do the ladies have an instinct for the gaze of the naughty boys?

Just as the fruit that is out of reach is the most tempt­ing, so the naughty boy lusts to see the ìunattain­able knickers.î† Miss Sven­son’s usu­al style of dress, with her knee-length straight skirts offered lit­tle oppor­tu­ni­ty for pry­ing eyes.

Per­haps, as the joined in the annu­al staff-pupil hock­ey match, Miss Sven­son, had a momen­tary thought of allow­ing the naughty boys an oppor­tu­ni­ty to indulge their fer­tile imag­i­na­tion.† And, in real­i­ty, it was essen­tial­ly imag­i­na­tion, for, in spite of the short­ness of the uni­form hock­ey skirt, it was rare to see any­thing but a momen­tary glimpse of a navy blue knick­er leg.

Michael had mis­tak­en Miss Sven­son for a 6th form girl and, in line with the stu­pid point-scor­ing game that he had invent­ed, he saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a ìdou­ble 6î score (6 points for reveal­ing a 6th-for­mer’s knick­ers, dou­bled for pin­ning up the back of the skirt.

He had raised the skirt at the back ready to put the pin in place, per­haps he paused to admire the expanse of navy blue cot­ton cov­er­ing the ìgirl’sî exquis­ite­ly formed bot­tom, and that was his undoing.

Miss Sven­son’s ìla­dy’s intu­itionî alert­ed her to the rais­ing of the hem of her skirt and she spun around, a hand sweep­ing the hem instinc­tive­ly back into place.† Per­haps her ini­tial thought was that there had been a gust of wind, and as she swung around, she was dis­con­cert­ed to find Michael stand­ing right behind her.

Her hands went instinc­tive­ly to the seat of her skirt, smooth­ing it down and then she not­ed Michael with a look of shock and hor­ror on his face as he real­ized what he had done.† Ini­tial­ly she was a lit­tle dis­ori­ent­ed, unsure of exact­ly what had occurred, and then she came to the shocked real­iza­tion that Michael had actu­al­ly dared to lift up the hem of her skirt.

What do you think you are doing?† Did you touch my skirt?† Michael was just speech­less, and could only gape open mouthed.† Instinc­tive­ly, Miss Sven­son gave him an almighty smack round the side of his head and grabbed him by the wrist.

She quick­ly col­lect­ed her­self and paused to count to 5.† She then began to drag him by the wrist towards the school build­ings, berat­ing and scold­ing him as she pulled him along.† She was a bit like a pot boil­ing over and every few steps, she would pause and wal­lop him round the legs and con­tin­ue the scold­ing and promis­es of what was to come.

As they pro­gressed, an audi­ence accu­mu­lat­ed as the girls saw their tor­men­tor final­ly brought to jus­tice.† Each flur­ry of smacks was greet­ed by cheers and by the time they reached the office, there were a dozen or so girls and a few teach­ers watch­ing the proceedings.

By this time, Miss Sven­son’s anger had reached full boil­ing point, and her mind was full of thoughts of mur­der.† Real­iz­ing that she need­ed a moment to just gath­er her thoughts and decide exact­ly what to do, she left him in charge of the school sec­re­tary while she went into her office to change clothes and to plan the next step.† Before going into her office she asked the sec­re­tary to ìget his shorts and knick­ers offî and I will be out in a minute to deal with him.

Now, although Miss Sven­son nev­er hes­i­tat­ed to smack on the bare bot­tom, she did­n’t approve at all of ìnu­di­tyî or exces­sive expo­sure but on this occa­sion, per­haps because of the nature of Michael’s offense, his shorts and knick­ers came right off, leav­ing him in only his short t‑shirt.

Miss Sven­son’s first instinct was to reach for the real­ly big heavy tawse and to thrash Michael ìwith­in an inch of his lifeî but she also real­ized that in her furi­ous state, she might either ìdam­ageî him, or else feel bound to stop before she had ful­ly vent­ed her fury.† So, she select­ed the short ìsmack­ing strapî and resolved to give him a smack­ing that would go down in history.

This was cer­tain­ly not a deci­sion to be ìle­nien­tî — far from it, if any­thing it was part of a deci­sion to be as severe as pos­si­ble.† She had decid­ed that the smack­ing would be only the first com­po­nent, and it would be fol­lowed in due time by a sound thrash­ing with the big strap.† And, in addi­tion, the smack­ing that she had in mind was cer­tain­ly not a soft option.

Miss Sven­son’s usu­al approach to severe pun­ish­ment took the form of ìset­sî of wal­lops with the cane or the strap.† Sets were usu­al­ly 24 at a time, and she required the recip­i­ent to keep count.

In spite of the sever­i­ty of the strokes, boys devel­op ìde­fense mech­a­nism­sî to cope with such strap­pings.† In a 24 stroke strap­ping, the boy will grit his teeth through the first 6, and then ìcount downî through to the end of the first 12 and then focus on the fact that it is more than half over and then, before he knows it, he is count­ing out the last 6 towards the end.† In addi­tion, boys real­ize that the need to count, gives them a pos­si­bil­i­ty (just a lit­tle) do delay the count to ìcon­trolî the tim­ing of strokes.

With a ìsmack­ingî there is no set num­ber for the boy to focus on, and there is no steady pace for the strokes.† Repeat­ed hard smacks on the same place cause a build-up of pain that feels like an unquench­able fire that becomes unbear­able.† And then comes the real­iza­tion that, even though it is utter­ly unbear­able, it is not going to stop, but it is going to get sor­er and sorer.

That is the point where one gets the hope­less tears , and then comes the real­iza­tion, that it will be even worse as Miss Sven­son moves the land­ing spot from bot­tom down to the tops of the legs, smack­ing if it is pos­si­ble, even hard­er, with the admo­ni­tion ìstop that cry­ingî and ìdo you want some­thing to real­ly cry about?î

The oth­er aspect of these smack­ings was that in spite of the sever­i­ty, it result­ed in a real­ly sore and hot bot­tom, but did no last­ing dam­age, so it was a ìsaferî form of pun­ish­ment to give ìin anger.î

So, it was with that deter­mi­na­tion that Miss Sven­son emerged from her office with the smack­ing strap ready to deal with Michael.

But before the smack­ing began, she resolved to ìget to the bot­tomî of Michael’s non­sense and the sil­ly game.† In front of the con­sid­er­able audi­ence that had gath­ered, she ques­tioned him in detail.† She got the con­fes­sion that he had done it as part of his point gath­er­ing game, and she made him explain how the points were gath­ered and she forced him to con­fess to how many points he had accu­mu­lat­ed and how.

Dur­ing the inter­ro­ga­tion, he had to stand with his hands on his head and she punc­tu­at­ed the ìdis­cus­sionî with hard smacks round his legs.† Even­tu­al­ly, the smack­ing began with his shorts and knick­ers not round his ankles, but com­plete­ly off, and the smack­ing was not giv­en by hand, but with the smack­ing strap.

At the con­clu­sion, Miss Sven­son announced that Michael would be appear­ing at the Mon­day morn­ing assem­bly, dressed for net­ball (blouse and knick­ers) and all the girls would earn a triple point score when his knick­ers came down to receive the big strap.† She said she would announce at assem­bly whether he was to have a fixed num­ber or an uncount­ed thrashing.

She also announced that, until fur­ther notice, Michael would wear his kilt (the very short one) at school, and that it would be pinned up at the back (and she also said that each girls’ class could take a turn at pro­vid­ing the knick­ers that he would wear under his kilt.)




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