Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Penge Penal Institute, 5 December 10–30

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 5 Decem­ber 10–30

Grave dis­or­der broke out dur­ing the strap­ping of Jane Kel­ly, 16, for lit­ter­ing. SCO Rod­well was admin­is­ter­ing a 25-stroke strap­ping, with the assis­tance of DCO Pren­der­gast, when the girl’s father, who had asked to be present at the pun­ish­ment, direct­ed a vol­ley of abuse at the two cor­rec­tion offi­cers. ‘You’re ****ing sadists!’ he shout­ed, repeat­ing the aster­isked word on three sep­a­rate occa­sions. SCO Rod­well warned Mr Kel­ly that she would not tol­er­ate lan­guage of that kind when she was sim­ply car­ry­ing out her civic duties, and that he was to leave the room imme­di­ate­ly. When he declined to do so, he was restrained with the help of DCO Pren­der­gast and Mr Joly­on Pren­der­gast, hus­band of the same, who was down­stairs hav­ing a cup of tea; he was then thrashed, severe­ly, with a cane, such ad hoc pun­ish­ments being per­mit­ted under Reg­u­la­tion 11 (b) of the Penge Penal Code. Mr Kel­ly sub­se­quent­ly apol­o­gised and told SCO Rod­well she had been right to take such a firm line.




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