Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Penge Penal Institute, 18 November, 11–30 am

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 18 Novem­ber, 11–30 am


An exem­plary can­ing for a Crys­tal Palace cou­ple found guilty of show­ing per­sis­tent dis­re­spect to their neigh­bours. Mr and Mrs Col­in Lee, of 19 The Rise, had ignored repeat­ed requests to turn off their gramo­phone play­er after eleven o’clock in the evening and, in the judge­ment of the mag­is­trates, need­ed to receive a short, sharp shock to encour­age them to mend their ways. ‘You have behaved like ill-man­nered school­child­ren,’ the pre­sid­ing mag­is­trate told the cou­ple, ‘and it is as school­child­ren that you will be treat­ed.’ The cou­ple, in their late thir­ties, were told to put on school uni­forms and sub­mit them­selves, in turn, to a severe can­ing from SCO Rod­well. Both received 15 strokes of the cane, the court hav­ing judged them equal­ly guilty of the offences with which they were charged.

The can­ings were admin­is­tered over under­wear. Mrs Lee bore her can­ing with for­ti­tude, but Mr Lee shift­ed posi­tion and twice swore audi­bly. The SCO, act­ing with­in her dis­cre­tionary rights, award­ed him three addi­tion­al strokes for each exple­tive used.



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