Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Penge Penal Institute, 18 April

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 18 April, 6–30 pm

Male youth of 16 caught loi­ter­ing out­side the Insti­tute. On being chal­lenged by DCO Pren­der­gast, who had seen him from the win­dow, the youth con­fessed that he had been lis­ten­ing to the sound of a female shoplifter, a for­mer neigh­bour of his, being caned on the bare bot­tom. ‘It real­ly excit­ed me,’ he admit­ted. DCO Pren­der­gast warned the youth that loi­ter­ing in such a man­ner for pur­pos­es of sex­u­al grat­i­fi­ca­tion was a crim­i­nal offence: she would either have to report him to the police, with a court sum­mons sure to fol­low, or bring the mat­ter to the atten­tion of SCO Rod­well, who could admin­is­ter appro­pri­ate sanc­tions on the spot. The youth, after much dither­ing, chose the lat­ter. SCO Rod­well rep­ri­mand­ed the youth severe­ly, then placed him over her knee, pulled down his under­pants and spanked him for the next fif­teen min­utes, using a strap and hair­brush. The youth sub­se­quent­ly apol­o­gised and promised not to repeat the offence.





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