Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Tues­day 12 May 1952

.… which was sim­ply not good enough. I told him that, as he had obvi­ous­ly not learnt his les­son, I would have to take more dras­tic mea­sures. At the word ëdras­ticí, I could see the first signs of fear in his eyes. He was a†big boy,†tall for a 14-year-old, and prob­a­bly thought he could take a thrash­ing from a female teacher in his stride. He was­nít pre­pared for the sight of my senior cane ñ as big and whip­py and gen­er­al­ly nasty as it sounds ñ and he cer­tain­ly was­nít pre­pared for my barked instruc­tion, ëTrousers and pants down, Hoop­er, and quick about it!í ëBut M‑m-miss…,í he stam­mered. ëYes, Hooper?í ëMr Grange nev­er made us take our pants down.í ëAnd Iím not Mr Grange,í I retort­ed, quick as a flash. ëAnd thatís two extra strokes for arguing!í
Who would have thought that, only a few months into my new job, I would be giv­ing a boy eight strokes of the cane on his bare bot­tom? I was just fol­low­ing my gut instincts. I rea­soned that Hoop­er need­ed to be humil­i­at­ed and embar­rassed, not just sub­ject­ed to phys­i­cal pain. I quite enjoyed the expe­ri­ence, if I am hon­est, lay­ing on eight angry red stripes with firm­ness and delib­er­a­tion. Hoop­er, I am pleased to say, did­nít enjoy the expe­ri­ence one lit­tle bit.



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