Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 sixth entry by Robert – ‘The Golden Age of Education,’

Spank­ing Sto­ry Com­pe­ti­tion 2013 – ‘The Gold­en Age of Edu­ca­tion,’ by Robert:

Yes, Porter, Miss Sven­son will see you now. Knock on her study door and await per­mis­sion to enter.”

At first it had mere­ly piqued her inter­est as a quaint perk of Lucy Spencer’s new job as school sec­re­tary, study­ing the pen­sive coun­te­nance of each fresh mis­cre­ant as he or she entered the small office, a brief yet delight­ful pre­lude to the pupil sub­mit­ting to the Head­mistress’ par­tic­u­lar brand of tra­di­tion­al cor­po­ral discipline.

Yet thrice dai­ly for the past sev­en days Lucy had wit­nessed this pre­cur­sor to pun­ish­ment and, increas­ing­ly drawn to the thrilling per­cus­sive cho­rus of each suc­ces­sive thrash­ing that she could hear from the adjoin­ing room, it had by now con­sumed her every wak­ing thought.

In idle moments Lucy could not now help but hark back to that day a decade ago, when her own Form Mis­tress had held her firm­ly over her knee and admin­is­tered what Lucy had then con­sid­ered to be quite a Vic­to­ri­an spank­ing. Yet the vim and vigour with which Miss Sven­son deft­ly applied cor­rec­tion forced Lucy to con­cede her own expe­ri­ence had been a mere pat-a-cake pun­ish­ment by comparison!

Such was the secretary’s new-found fix­a­tion, when the Head­mistress’ duties took her away from her office Lucy would sur­rep­ti­tious­ly slip into Miss Svenson’s study. Once inside, she indulged the urge to trace a fin­ger­tip across the glossy sheen of each pol­ished leather strap and pad­dle hang­ing along the wall. This rich, sen­su­al prompt allowed Lucy to relive the sym­phon­ic lick­ety-split slaps an imple­ment had so recent­ly afford­ed her – Oh Miss Sven­son, if music be the food of love, play on! — when she had won­dered what sweet tor­ment its recip­i­ent endured behind the closed door, as she pre­tend­ed to remain demure and dis­in­ter­est­ed, typ­ing up min­utes at her desk.

One lov­ing­ly hand-craft­ed arte­fact in par­tic­u­lar, a red leather Three Pence Strap, increas­ing­ly appealed to Lucy’s hith­er­to latent dis­ci­pli­nary sen­si­bil­i­ties. The young woman could not help but pon­der over how many upturned pupils’ bot­toms had assumed its deli­cious­ly deep crim­son hue, fol­low­ing a pro­longed thwack­ing from the Head­mistress. An invol­un­tar­i­ly mis­chie­vous smile would illu­mi­nate her pret­ty fea­tures at such times, as Lucy recog­nised the extent to which these deli­cious­ly deca­dent mus­ings had aroused her.

Today, how­ev­er, was of par­tic­u­lar­ly spe­cial inter­est, for the pupil in ques­tion was not only cap­tain of the rug­by team, he was wide­ly con­sid­ered a cer­tain­ty to be the next Head Boy; that was until Rupert Porter had been caught in the girls’ dor­mi­to­ry after lights out!

So great had been his fall from grace, Miss Sven­son felt utter­ly com­pelled to make an extreme exam­ple of the boy. First­ly, in order to com­pound his shame, Porter had been ordered to attend lessons that day attired in the school ‘pun­ish­ment kilt,’ as opposed to reg­u­la­tion school trousers, so all would be acute­ly aware of what was about to befall him. And it was an ill-kept secret that this once too-proud youth, who until now had parad­ed his dev­il­ish­ly hand­some form around the school like some strut­ting cock­er­el, had been forced to sport a pet­ti­coat and match­ing lace-trimmed satin French knick­ers beneath his tar­tan pleats. For as Miss Sven­son had con­clud­ed with a cru­el smirk at the recent staff meet­ing: “If he is that keen to get into girls’ knick­ers then I will duly oblige him!”

As Lucy eyed the crest­fall­en boy now stood before her, she absent-mind­ed­ly licked her upper lip and rel­ished the prospect of what she must sure­ly soon over­hear: an over-the-knee spank­ing and strap­ping, fol­lowed by a delight­ful­ly for­mal and severe 24-stroke thrash­ing with the cane . And the young woman sti­fled a gig­gle at the unmis­take­able rus­tle and swish of frou-frou from beneath Porter’s sway­ing kilt, as he made for Miss Svenson’s study door.

The sec­re­tary attempt­ed to busy her­self, but it was a futile attempt at dis­trac­tion and her heart flut­tered but­ter­fly-like as the recur­ring temp­ta­tion coursed through her veins. In her mind’s eye Lucy could vivid­ly pic­ture Porter’s bare and peachy-pert bot­tom all a‑quiver in expec­ta­tion of what was to ensue. And as the first refresh­ing­ly sharp palm slaps resound­ed beyond the four walls of the Head­mistress’ sanc­tum, Lucy found her­self irre­sistibly drawn to the study door, like a moth to a flame.

Oh, how her heart now gal­loped like a wild horse over the hills, as Lucy recog­nised the sweet intox­i­cat­ing thwack of the Three Pence Strap, its glo­ri­ous­ly whip­py impact hav­ing already reduced Porter to such endear­ing sobs for mer­cy. And the sec­re­tary sensed the slight invol­un­tary undu­la­tion of her hips in time with this metro­nom­ic and mes­mer­ic melody of pun­ish­ment, ema­nat­ing from just beyond the closed door at which she now stood.

Lucy pos­i­tive­ly swooned as she over­heard Porter sob: “Six, thank-you Miss,” as the deli­cious ‘swish’ and ‘thwip’ of the cane seared yet anoth­er livid stripe across the boy’s ten­der seat. But then for a moment all became eeri­ly qui­et. Sure­ly Miss Sven­son had not suc­cumbed to the pupil’s pleas and ceased the pun­ish­ment with but a mere quar­ter of the strokes exe­cut­ed? A frown briefly cloud­ed Lucy’s sweet fea­tures and, in her dis­ap­point­ment, her full red lips pursed into quite an adorable lit­tle pout.

Miss Spencer! Stop loi­ter­ing in the door­frame and enter my study imme­di­ate­ly.” The unmis­tak­ably clipped and icy tones of Miss Sven­son broached no quar­ter for dis­sent and a rather flus­tered and flushed-faced Lucy duly obeyed, her gaze low­ered to the gleam of her patent leather court shoes as she entered the room.

In an instant, Miss Sven­son flashed her steely glare upon the for­lorn Porter, sim­i­lar­ly head-bowed as she addressed him: “You, boy, are to return to your class, but I would sug­gest you con­sid­er this inter­rup­tion a mere inter­lude. You will spend a fur­ther day attired in your kilt­ed uni­form, before report­ing to me at 3pm sharp tomor­row after­noon, so we may draw this mat­ter to a more sat­is­fac­to­ry con­clu­sion. Close the door behind you.”

The clear dis­plea­sure indeli­bly etched across the irked Head­mistress’ fea­tures froze the errant sec­re­tary where she stood, now all too acute­ly aware that her fool­ish­ness had placed her in quite a predica­ment: the posi­tion of every naughty pupil who had ever been sum­moned to Miss Svenson’s study!

Miss Spencer, whilst I appre­ci­ate you are a new­com­er to this estab­lish­ment, it can­not have escaped your notice that as Head­mistress, I pre­fer to run this school in accor­dance with prin­ci­ples from the Gold­en Age of Edu­ca­tion, now so sad­ly frowned upon else­where in the mod­ern sys­tem,”  explained Miss Sven­son. “I firm­ly believe eti­quette and pro­to­col are vital ele­ments under­pin­ning all sit­u­a­tions of any val­ue, and nev­er more so than when the occa­sion aris­es for me to admin­is­ter cor­po­ral punishment.

By lurk­ing in my door­way and eaves-drop­ping on the sacred rit­u­als of a whip­ping, you have com­plete­ly under­mined the very set­ting I have strived to cre­ate,” con­tin­ued the Head­mistress , “and the con­se­quences of your rude inter­rup­tion are that Porter has been denied the oppor­tu­ni­ty to achieve the state of atone­ment he craves. That in itself is unfor­giv­ably self­ish of you, Miss Spencer.”

The young woman flinched as she received her scold­ing, for she instinc­tive­ly recog­nised the irrev­o­ca­ble truth of Miss Svenson’s sting­ing words. And this ‘vocal spank­ing’ had yet to run its course. “Fur­ther­more, Miss Spencer, and per­haps even more seri­ous­ly, you have denied me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­duct my duties as Head­mistress in the man­ner I see fit and I believe mere words them­selves are insuf­fi­cient to con­vey the sever­i­ty of this offence.”

With that, Miss Sven­son rose from her seat and sashayed with such allur­ing and effort­less fem­i­nine ele­gance to the line of leather imple­ments hang­ing silent­ly in atten­dance along the far wall. And with the swift con­fi­dence of the expert, she made her imme­di­ate selec­tion, return­ing to her ebony leather Empire chair with Three Pence Strap in hand.

As she reclined once more with such regal poise, a shaft of sum­mer sun­light added a gold­en, haloed glow to Miss Svenson’s lus­cious blonde locks. And in that moment it appeared to Lucy that the Head­mistress’ unde­ni­able author­i­ty was such that it must have been ordained by some deity.

I assume, hav­ing reached the age of 21, you now con­sid­er your­self far too mature to receive the atten­tions of this fine rel­ic from the afore­men­tioned Gold­en Age,’ taunt­ed Miss Sven­son. “But I can assure you, Miss Spencer, if you act like a naughty lit­tle spank-girl at this estab­lish­ment, then that is pre­cise­ly how you will be treat­ed.” And with a crooked index fin­ger, she beck­oned the young woman towards her. It was all Lucy could do but meek­ly com­ply. “Miss Spencer, you may now assume the position.”

Gid­dy with the real­i­sa­tion of what was to occur, Lucy’s move­ments were by now as un-coor­di­nat­ed as her ran­dom thoughts, but she some­how man­aged to com­pose her­self suf­fi­cient­ly to stand at the Head­mistress’ side and bend from her trim waist until her palms touched the floor. And as she set­tled her own shape­ly form into Miss Svenson’s sump­tu­ous lap, the young woman rel­ished this deli­cious­ly inti­mate moment.

The Head­mistress swift­ly whipped up her secretary’s light, flighty skirt and smiled a silent appre­ci­a­tion of the most charm­ing ‘tar­get area’ that greet­ed her, so ele­gant­ly framed by the young lady’s stock­ing tops and sus­pender belt. Miss Sven­son afford­ed her­self the plea­sure of allow­ing her palm to glide briefly across this most aes­thet­i­cal­ly appeal­ing behind, with a touch as gen­tle as a lover’s caress, as Lucy’s beat­ing heart frol­icked lamb-like in trep­i­da­tion – and curi­ous antic­i­pa­tion – of what she was about to receive.

In the instant Lucy allowed her mus­cles to momen­tar­i­ly relax, Miss Sven­son com­menced the pun­ish­ment with con­sid­er­able gus­to and cus­tom­ary aplomb, spank­ing each ripe sphere alter­nate­ly with a rapid tat­too of sharp sting­ing slaps. The invig­o­rat­ing sen­sa­tion prompt­ed Lucy’s rouged lips to form a per­fect cir­cle, as time and again on impact she emit­ted and almost inaudi­ble “Oh!” And much to Miss Svenson’s plea­sure, a glo­ri­ous pink tinge to rival any sun­set had already been applied to the lus­cious but­tocks at her mercy.

The sec­re­tary man­aged to sum­mon suf­fi­cient resolve to endure her hand-spank­ing in a man­ner her Head­mistress found most impres­sive. Although as Miss Sven­son reached for the strap, she knew such resolve was about to be sore­ly test­ed in every respect!

Thwip!’ ‘Thwap!’ ‘Thwip!’ ‘Thwap!’ – Oh, how Lucy now moaned with gay aban­don, as the hefty strap lashed its scorch­ing tor­ment across her already ten­der seat, each stroke deliv­ered with such sat­is­fy­ing pre­ci­sion by Miss Sven­son, across the cen­tral ‘sweet spot.’ And as the thrash­ing inten­si­fied, the young woman achieved an almost dream­like state, where­by she could no longer tell where her own body end­ed and that of Miss Svenson’s began: it was as if spanker and span­kee had tru­ly become as one, until the heav­en­ly pro­ceed­ings reached a nat­ur­al ces­sa­tion, a crescen­do of whip­ping where both woman were breath­less and all pas­sion for pun­ish­ment spent.

The melod­ic lilt with which Miss Sven­son now addressed Lucy, as she stood strug­gling to regain her com­po­sure, was received as grate­ful­ly as a sooth­ing balm:  “I am extreme­ly proud of you, Miss Spencer, you endured your pun­ish­ment with great for­ti­tude and I now believe you pos­sess all the attrib­ut­es nec­es­sary to become a high­ly-val­ued mem­ber of my staff.”

With that, Miss Sven­son offered to be kissed the immac­u­late­ly-man­i­cured hand that had so fresh­ly whipped the young sec­re­tary and as Lucy pressed her ruby lips to the flesh, every fibre of her being was flood­ed with ado­ra­tion for the indomitable Miss Svenson.






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