Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 fifth entry by David — Miss Svenson’s Admin Assistant Attitude Adjustment

Miss Sven­son’s Admin Assis­tant Atti­tude Adjustment
By David 

It was ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing and Miss Sven­son sat at her desk, a hot cup of cof­fee to hand and her jour­nal plan­ner for the week on her desk.
Miss Sven­son had a busy week ahead of her, with plen­ty of naughty boys and girls to keep in check with plen­ty of bot­toms to spank and an accu­rate jour­nal was crit­i­cal to the smooth run­ning of her busi­ness. She took a sip of the cof­fee and opened the cov­er, then flick­ing the pages until she came to the day in hand.
The day in hand was as bare as the bot­toms Miss Sven­son was accus­tomed to deal­ing with. Purs­ing her lips, Miss Sven­son flicked through the remain­ing days of the week and saw that they too had no appoint­ments listed.
She pressed the inter­com but­ton and said “Jane, be so good as to come in here right away”.
The door to Miss Sven­son’s office opened and her sec­re­tary Jane entered, a young rather ditzy thing, a lit­tle plump but with a pleas­ant man­ner. Her atten­tion to detail was a lit­tle lack­ing however.
“My jour­nal, said Miss Sven­son “is com­plete­ly emp­ty, you were sup­posed to have got me up to date for the com­ing week and now i have no idea who i am see­ing today, let alone tomor­row. What is the explanation?”

Well i was busy rear­rang­ing the fur­ni­ture on Fri­day for you and ran out of time, i had made arrange­ments and had to leave a lit­tle ear­ly. It’s not the end of the world; I’ve got the appoint­ments on some scraps of paper. No need to fly off the han­dle for God’s sake.”

Jane’, said Miss Sven­son stern­ly, “Your incom­pe­tence is one mat­ter, your imper­ti­nence, quite anoth­er and both shall be dealt with this morning”
Miss Sven­son strode to her cup­board, opened the door and perused the con­tents for a minute before select­ing some choice items. She returned and laid the imple­ments on the table in front of the sec­re­tary. A slip­per, a ruler, a pad­dle, a birch, a cane and a tawse.
“And of course’ said Miss Sven­son, “not for­get­ting imple­ment of choice, my hand”
Jane was vis­i­bly uncom­fort­able “Please Miss Sven­son, I’m so sor­ry I was rude, please just dock my pay and it won’t hap­pen again, I’ll stay late tonight to get that jour­nal up to date.”
“A tem­po­rary reduc­tion in wages will not suf­fice” opined Miss Sven­son “but a tem­po­rary inabil­i­ty to sit down with­out think­ing on your behav­iour and con­duct will fit the bill. You are for­tu­nate Miss Pren­der­gast is not vis­it­ing today, or you would be dwelling on your con­duct for some time!”
Miss Sven­son strode over to her desk and pulled the chair back some dis­tance before sit­ting her­self down.
“Come over here Jane”, Miss Sven­son said in a mea­sured tone “And stand by me.”
Jane stepped gin­ger­ly over to the desk; she had heard enough cry­ing and wail­ing from her this office to know that her boss was mas­ter­ful with all these imple­ments. Now she would get to feel, rather than hear exact­ly how masterful.
“Now Girl, remove your skirt now and bend over my lap”

Jane slow­ly removed her skirt, fold­ing it and putting it on the desk before she lay across Miss Sven­son’s lap
“I am going to start as always, with my hand. This serves many pur­pos­es; it warms up both your bot­tom and my hand and pre­pares both your mind and your bot­tom for the firmer and harsh­er pun­ish­ments that will fol­low with my implements”
“When i ask you to count a stroke, you will say sim­ply the num­ber of strokes received fol­lowed by ‘Thank you Miss’. Fail­ure to count cor­rect­ly and fail­ure to remem­ber to address me prop­er­ly will see the counter reset to zero. Do you understand?”
“Yes. I mean Yes Miss Sven­son” said the hap­less Jane.
“Very well, we begin” and with that Miss Sven­son rhyth­mi­cal­ly start­ed swat­ting Jane’s but­tocks with her hand, left and right, across the entire­ty of both buttocks.
Jane wrig­gled but made no sound.
“Good girl, said Miss Sven­son, “That was thir­ty by hand, I shall now deliv­er a fur­ther thir­ty by hand, but first stand up and pull your knick­ers down to your knees”

Jane did as she was bid and was then pulled back gen­tly across the lap.
Miss Sven­son com­menced the sec­ond set of thir­ty, a lit­tle firmer now and with the mea­gre pro­tec­tion of the knick­ers gone, Jane start­ed to moan and cry a lit­tle as each stroke of the hand connected.
“…and thir­ty” said Miss Sven­son. “Now go and stand in the cor­ner. Face away from me, with your hands on your head and do not move until i tell you to.”

With the knick­ers restrict­ing her stride, Jane wad­dled over to the cor­ner that Miss Sven­son had indi­cat­ed and put her hands on her head as she had been told.
After a minute, Miss Sven­son moved up behind her and pulled the knick­ers done to her ankles, mak­ing her step out of them.
“Come back to my lap now” and with trep­i­da­tion, Jane returned to the position.
“I shall now give you a slip­per­ing; i pre­fer this tra­di­tion­al gym plim­soll, lots of flex but also some weight to it”. 

I shall give you twen­ty swats, no, twen­ty on each but­tock I think” and with­out fur­ther ado she start­ed the next lay­er of punishment.
The hand spank­ing on her bare but­tocks had been one thing, but this took things up a notch, the inten­si­ty of each swat build­ing up until Jane thought she could take it now more.
But as fierce as the sting­ing was, the forty swats soon end­ed and the throb­bing very, very slow­ly start­ed to recede.
“Back to the cor­ner with you for the moment” and Jane did as she was instructed.
After some min­utes in this rather embar­rass­ing posi­tion, Miss Sven­son coughed “Ahem.”

Now” mut­tered Miss Sven­son, “I want you to go over to the desk, bend­ing over and plac­ing your hands square on the top of the desk.”
Jane bent over as com­mand­ed, the imple­ments Miss Sven­son had placed on the table now right in front of her and soon, worse, to be behind her.…
The Pad­dle was select­ed and Miss Sven­son thwacked it against her hand. “I will give you twen­ty strokes with this pad­dle and as direct­ed before, I wish you to count each one for me.
“Yes Miss Sven­son”, Thwack! “One, Thank You Miss” The pad­dle was wield­ed again and again, each one mak­ing Jane gasp a lit­tle more than the last.
“Fif­teen, thank you Miss.”
The strokes ceased. “My dear, you have let the moment get away from you, that was the six­teenth stroke of the pad­dle, I am afraid we must start once again”
Jane let out a wail and start­ed all over again, Thwack! “One, Thank You Miss” Thwack! “Two, thank you Miss…” before too long, mer­ci­ful­ly she found her­self say­ing “Twen­ty, Thank You Miss”

Back to the cor­ner with you as before” she was told.
Her bot­tom felt as if it was on fire now, she did not need to be able to see it to know it must be a very dark red now.
“Time is against me this morn­ing” said Miss Sven­son wist­ful­ly, “Soon I must pun­ish oth­ers and I cer­tain­ly don’t wish to over exert myself. I shall save the delights of the birch and tawse for anoth­er les­son per­haps. But before we go, it would be remiss of me not to give you some strokes of the cane. Stand in the mid­dle of the room, bend over and clutch your ankles”
Jane once again did as she was told, as she took hold of her ankles she felt so very exposed and prayed for this to be over soon. She would nev­er make a mis­take with her admin again, she was sure.
Miss Sven­son select­ed a medi­um width cane and swished it around for dra­mat­ic effect, not­ing the flinch­es from her secretary.
“I shall give you six strokes, please count as before.”

Yes Miss Sven­son”, Thwack! “One, Thank You Miss” she gasped, the pad­dle had lit up her whole bot­tom, but the cane was a total­ly dif­fer­ent sen­sa­tion, sharp and focused. 

Thwack! “Two, Thank You Miss” 

Thwack! “Three, Thank You Miss” 

Thwack! “Four, Thank You Miss” 

Thwack! “Five, Thank You Miss” 

Thwack! “Six, Thank You Miss”
Jane let out a sob, her behind ablaze now and all because she had left work ear­ly with­out doing what Miss Sven­son paid her for.
She was direct­ed into the cor­ner again to con­tem­plate her rude­ness and slop­py work.

Miss Sven­son glanced at the clock, ten min­utes to nine and the prob­a­ble arrival of her first vis­i­tor of the day, She looked in the cor­ner at the crim­son back­side before her, reflect­ing in a job well done, a bot­tom well spanked and a sec­re­tary who might be relied upon to be more effi­cient in future. 

Well, unless she let her stan­dards slip deliberately…

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