Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


I am moving!

After 4 years in Tot­ten­ham and 3 years in Penge, I am yet again on the move.
I will be mov­ing to a love­ly Vic­to­ri­an cot­tage Kent in December.
Its less than one hour by train from Vic­to­ria so it is still pos­si­ble to come to visit.
For those who want to see me in Penge before I move.…you bet­ter hur­ry and make an appointment.
I will defi­ant­ly be able to take book­ings for Penge up until the 6th of December.
After the 6th I will still have access to the place in Penge for a few more weeks but I will not have much furniture.
I have a had a few enquires about Miss Pren­der­gast my pop­u­lar assis­tant, sad­ly she decid­ed to retire from the spank­ing busi­ness and is not avail­able for ses­sions anymore.

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