Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson






It was only a short dri­ve back from the boys’ school, Till­wood, to the main school at Cams­ford House, but for Miss Sven­son it had seemed like an eter­ni­ty; indeed, the cul­mi­na­tion of a thor­ough­ly dis­agree­able afternoon.

Not only had she had to wit­ness the pun­ish­ment of one of her pupil’s, Miran­da Spears, at the hands of anoth­er – a resound­ing six of the best with the strap from Tillwood’s head­mas­ter, Don­ald Rudd – but she had also had to endure Rudd’s excru­ci­at­ing com­bi­na­tion of  syco­phancy and self-regard. Yes, she had assured him on the phone that morn­ing, she was ful­ly aware of his prowess with the cane (enough to bring the hardi­est sixth for­mer to tears in three strokes); of his dis­dain for the strap (less painful); and of his unerr­ing trust in her abil­i­ties and judge­ment. Yes, yes, yes.

And, of course, the pun­ish­ment itself had not been pleas­ant. Miran­da Spears had not com­plained undu­ly, but it felt wrong for one of her charge to be pun­ished by anoth­er, par­tic­u­lar­ly a man, and par­tic­u­lar­ly a man such as Rudd.

Now, to cap it all, she was hav­ing to dri­ve the silent, tear-stained school girl back to school.

Miss Sven­son had thought about under­lin­ing to the girl the deserved­ness of her pun­ish­ment dur­ing the brief jour­ney back, but as the car pulled onto the grav­el dri­ve, she realised she had said noth­ing. Com­ing to a halt, the school girl’s hand poised impa­tient­ly on the inte­ri­or door han­dle, Miss Sven­son sim­ply heard her­self say­ing ‘You are of course excused prep, Miran­da. Feel free to go back to the dorm and recov­er your­self; I’ll send along matron shortly.’

As expect­ed, the girl did not reply, but mere­ly pulled back the han­dle and head­ed out of the door. Miss Sven­son watched as the tall fifth-for­mer made her way slow­ly across the grav­el, stop­ping only once to flick back her long blond hair; a ges­ture of seem­ing defi­ance for which Miss Sven­son sud­den­ly felt unac­count­ably glad.

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