Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — eleventh entry by Ken P.…

Ken was out in his run­ning gear

He had watched Miss Sven­son (the New Head) unload her car and have the men car­ry her stuff into her Study.He pulled his mobile out and called Bill who had left last Term

Hi Bill. Ken here

I have just seen her-She’s quite small, great fig­ure (big­gish boobs and one of those curvy bums)


Ken lights a cig­a­rette and leans against the wall

Old Bug­ger Baines left at the end of Term- I think his array of canes, slip­pers and stuff went too

Old sexy draw­ers Sven­son won’t use them I hope!!


She will prob­a­bly be nam­by pam­by lib­er­al type, she comes from Scandinavia!!


(What Ken had not realised was that unlike Har­ry (bug­ger) Baines, Elsa Sven­son the new Head­mistress enjoyed fresh air.  She had opened the bal­cony win­dow and was stand­ing a few feet above Ken’s qui­et cor­ner. She had indeed dis­cov­ered the Baines spank­ing equip­ment and rel­ished the fact that Scan­di­na­vian val­ues could be imposed with such imple­ments against those deserv­ing young bottoms.


(Elsa was “old school” and used pad­dles, slip­pers, straps and canes to dis­ci­pline her flock back home- she remem­bered only too well the humil­i­a­tion of her own spankings)


This brat on his phone made her so cross-he was big­ot­ed, arro­gant and aggres­sive.† He smoked and he obvi­ous­ly had lit­tle respect for Females


She lis­tened on as Ken bragged about how unruly he would be, how heíd sev­er­al con­quests over the hol­i­days and how he expect­ed more in the school staff quar­ters this com­ing term


Yes” he said on his mobile “I’ll get in and take some pic­tures of her knick­ers draw­er for you . I’ll check out he bra size too LOL


He stubbed out his cig­a­rette and hid the stub in the flowerbed


She must be out now as most pupils come back in an hour-as you know I was ear­ly as I had demer­its from last year and had to open up

I’ll go now and get the evi­dence!! LOL


With that Ken went in and up the back stairway

he went into room 18-the Head­’s study and to the dress­ing room

the chest of draw­ers had two small top draw­ers and he pulled them open.. Chortling to him­self he laid 2 pairs of knick­ers on the top of the chest, just stand­ing back to take a pic­ture he heard a creak of the wood­en floor, he looked round and saw Miss Svenson

He was amazed as he thought she was out


She spoke quietly

And who have we here?


Umm†Hello Miss

I am Ken Pretto

I errî


Yes Pret­to?† You were what?

Well I ummm..

Let’s come away from my per­son­al draw­ers shall we?† Put my under­gar­ments away-as you found them


Her heels clicked on the wood­en floor as she returned to the “work­ing” part of Her New study.

Miss Sven­son sat in the chair behind her desk


You are used to attend­ing this room I think Pret­to?† You will help me under­stand some features

Yes Miss

Miss Svenson’s†smile broad­ened as she detect­ed a flick­er of fear

Open the cup­board please Pretto


Ken knew what was there before, but thought it would be gone. He opened the cup­board and iden­ti­fied the plim­soll, the leather soled slip­per, the tawse and straps and the 6 canes lean­ing against the back wall-noth­ing had gone.


I heard you on the phone you sil­ly boy

I am a stricter dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an that any man you may have met before.

I know how Mr Baines used to deal with you, in the show­er first and then over the tow­el rail

She laughed

Well, I won’t be doing that Emp­ty your pockets


Ken took out his phone and some change and his handkerchief


The cig­a­rettes and lighter too pleaseî Barked Elsa


Put the chair in the mid­dle of the room, bend over the back and grip the seat both sides


Elsa took the plimsoll


12 with this for using foul words to your friend on the phone

The slip­per struck hard with a rapid deliv­ery of†6 hard strokes to each alter­nate cheek

Ken’s jog­ging pants offered lit­tle pro­tec­tion and the burn­ing sen­sa­tion engulfed him in no time

Elsa enjoyed the feel­ing of pow­er over this “tough” sixth former

She walked round and faced him


Mr Baines as good as that?


That was hard­er than he ever spanked Miss





20 on the bare backside

Elsa pulled his jog­gers down to expose bare but­tocks, already reddened.



She laid the plim­soll on hard­er and paused after each 5


Stand in the cor­ner and won­der what I will do next — your ref­er­ence to me in a smut­ty way to your†friend†upset me.† I also am astound­ed at your audac­i­ty in touch­ing my clothes.† Put your hands on head and face the wall.


Ken was in that mixed emo­tion state that was so embar­rass­ing.† He had no pro­tec­tion on his bot­tom which was smart­ing with the slip­per spanking

As he stood fac­ing the cor­ner he heard the cup­board door hinge squeak and the sound of items being moved around.† He still pic­tured the attrac­tive lady and felt some stimulation


swishî the sound of a cane being swept through the air

ìHm­m­m­m­mî Miss Sven­son could be heard approv­ing­ly murmuring


The door buzzer went

Hel­lo Yes Siri-Anne, do come up. You may enjoy this


Swish, swish anoth­er cane was rest­ed against the wall


Stay still Pretto

Miss Sven­son opened the door and called In here Siri


What on Earth?!!î A strangerís voice rang out.


This is one of my pupils Siri Anne.You remem­ber my meth­ods at the school in Oslo?  You must do, that pert bot­tom of yours felt the birch more than once?  Any­way, heís been very sil­ly and I am about to cane him

Pret­to. Lay across the arms of those 2 sofas.Bottom high in the air


Ken shuf­fled across and lay over a tow­el placed for him to rest on.


Good Miss Sven­son took one of the canes. For touch­ing my under­gar­ments.† 12 stokes this side, then face the oth­er way for 12 more


But Miss We only get 6


Elsa laughs




12 hard strokes are soon ring­ing down

After 8 Elsa stops and runs her hand over his sore bottom


Look Siri Anne how his white cheeks are all stripey. The red blotch­es were from this  WALLOP  the slip­per thwacks down across his sore bottom


And the stripes swish, swish, swish, swishî 4 more hard cane strokes on the same spot , each time the tip of the cane catch­ing his right cheek dead cen­tre as it fol­lows the hard impact of the cane.


Wow Siri Anne sounds breath­less they do have an effect


Ken you must face the oth­er way.† As you know I cane left hand­ed so we need spread


The ladies walk away to com­pare their shoes, both expen­sive high heels from Design­er Shops while Ken moves gin­ger­ly round. He lays the oth­er way and waits.


Elsa shows Siri Anne the dif­fer­ence between the canes. One slight­ly wider and less springy


Let’s see if the effect is the same


Miss Sven­son holds the cane across young Pret­toís bot­tom.† ì12 more this side but Ken, I want your bot­tom high­er and more pro­nounced please.† Stick it higherî


The next 10 min­utes are ago­nis­ing for poor Ken.† Elsa lays each stroke care­ful­ly and slow­ly.† She mea­sures her swing and ensures the delay between each stroke dif­fers so as to keep the boy guessing.


In some moments she chats to her friend and then applies a series or sin­gle strokes.† At last all 12 strokes have been applied.


Go and wash your tears young manî Ken goes to the bath­room and wash­es his face to remove the tears. He looks in the mir­ror at his flam­ing bottom.


On re enter­ing the room his jog­gers back in place he finds the Ladies hold­ing a small leather strap and a hair­brush respec­tive­ly. They are laugh­ing and sniggering.

Oh Pret­toî They turn and face him.


Next time we are both going to deal with you.† Siri Anne is your new matron and will be help­ing keep you in line.


They laugh and Ken is dismissed.


He is going to try to behave this Term.









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