Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition — eight entry by Tommy.…


It was 11AM, I was stay­ing at my mumís and Iíd only just got out the show­er and dressed. The rain was pour­ing down out­side and I’d resolved to have a lazy day indoors. I had my girlie mags and a wad of tis­sues at the ready as I knew no-one would be home until at least 3PM. Then came the knock at the door that would change my day completely.

I opened the door to find Miss Sven­son, a fam­i­ly friend, stand­ing there some­what bedrag­gled in the rain. Miss Sven­son is a love­ly woman, a schoolmistress with old fash­ioned val­ues but a great sense of humour. She is about 10 years old­er than me, and she has the most fan­tas­tic fig­ure and stun­ning looks with long shape­ly legs and breasts that super­mod­els a frac­tion of her age would kill for. Her blond hair nor­mal­ly ablaze around her head and shoul­ders was now hang­ing in strands due to the rain. I realised I could­nít leave her stand­ing in the rain but how could I ask her in with the girlie mags and tis­sues strewn all over the table where I had fool­ish­ly left them. I had to think quickly.

Hi Miss Sven­son, come in out of the rain, I think you bet­ter go right up to the bath­room and get dried off, shall I make some tea? I said.

Yes, hel­lo Tom­my, she said, OK Iíll just go up and dry off and yes I could do with a cuppa.î And off up the stairs she went.

Relief, I thought, now I can get rid of the evi­dence, and the mags and tis­sues got stuffed into a draw­er out of sight while I went and put the ket­tle on.

Miss Sven­son was back down stairs in a few min­utes and she looked as though sheíd nev­er been in the rain, her blond hair swirling around her head and shoul­ders and look­ing stun­ning as usu­al. As we sat and drank tea she told me sheíd just come to drop some things off for my mum. I told her my mum would­nít be back until 3PM but she said it was ok and put a pack­age on the table for her say­ing she would have to go soon any­way. As she sat back she crossed her legs reveal­ing an expanse of white creamy thigh above her stock­ing top and I could­nít help but gaze at the shape­ly legs that I was in the per­fect posi­tion to see. Miss Sven­son must have noticed me look­ing at her legs because she uncrossed them and smoothed her skirt down as she leaned for­ward to put her teacup back on the table. As she did so I was treat­ed to anoth­er won­der­ful sight as her ample cleav­age came into view once again. Sit­ting back she said, ìWell then Tom­my, I bet­ter be off,î and stand­ing up she said, oh, could I bor­row an umbrel­la, I know your mum keeps one in here.î And to my hor­ror she indi­cat­ed the draw­er where I had stuffed the girlie mags and tissues.

Before I could say a word she had opened the draw­er and with a small gasp she saw the mag­a­zines and picked them up. She looked at me and must have seen by my face that they were mine.

She said, My Good­ness Tom­my, Iím sur­prised at you.î wav­ing the mag­a­zines around she went on This is some­thing I’d expect of a naughty lit­tle boy not a grown man.

I was so embar­rassed I did­nít know where to look or what to say, I just sat there dumbstruck.

What would your moth­er say? she con­tin­ued, ìbut per­haps I should­nít tell her eh? She’d be so embar­rassed, per­haps I should just deal with you myself.

I looked up at her in sur­prise but she con­tin­ued, do you know what I do with naughty lit­tle boys? I put them across my knee and give them a good old fash­ioned long and hard, bare bot­tom spank­ing. Yes, a spank­ing Tom­my, thatís right, across my knee with trousers and under­pants down, yes on the bare bottom.

The thought of me being spanked across her knee flashed through my mind, Iíd nev­er been spanked in my entire life and now it was a very real prospect, but then no, Miss Sven­son might have old fash­ioned val­ues, but she also has a sense of humour, she could­nít be seri­ous, could she? Well, could she?

She must have seen the look of increduli­ty in my face because she then said, ìYouíd bet­ter believe it Tom­my, because you have been a very naughty boy, not just for hav­ing these mag­a­zines but the way youíve been look­ing up my skirt and down my blouse all the time Iíve been here. She was right of course, I had been. She went on, As you have been a very naughty boy I am not just going to spank you, Iím going to give you a taste of my old school strap before you go over my knee.

As I said before Miss Sven­son was a schoolmistress and although the strap had been banned many years before she still kept her old one and even if she had­nít used it in years it looked as though I was about to find out whether she could still wield it as well as she used to.

Yes, Tommy,î she said reach­ing into her bag from which she pulled a long leather strap that split into 2 thongs for the last 8 inch­es or so ìthe strap, she said swing­ing it down on to the sofa, ìIím sure youíve had this before.

She was right of course, I had. At school the strap was tra­di­tion­al­ly giv­en on the hand as pun­ish­ment for var­i­ous rea­sons and I had received my fair share before it was banned.

Come here, said Miss Sven­son, draw­ing the strap through her hands. Sheep­ish­ly I stood up and walked over to her, I could­nít think of any rea­son not to, and I held up my hand to receive the strap. She laughed and said, ìOh no Tom­my, not on the hand, take down your trousers and bend over the sofa.

I was hor­ri­fied, there was no way she could mean it, but then DO IT NOW!î she yelled and I knew she was seri­ous but I still could not do as she said. Sud­den­ly she grabbed a hold of me by the belt, which she undid, then she undid my flies and pulled my trousers down to my ankles. She then pushed me into a bend­ing posi­tion over the sofa where she held me with one hand on my back while she placed the strap across my bot­tom over my under­pants. She lift­ed the strap high and swung it down through the air to land WHACK! across both cheeks of my bot­tom, she swung again and again it land­ed with a resound­ing WHACK! again and again, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! a total of six times across both cheeks of my bot­tom which was now sting­ing madly.

She lift­ed her hand from my back and as I start­ed to get up she said smart­ly, Stay where you are,î and I felt her fin­gers slide into the waist­band of my under­pants and she pulled them back, bar­ing my bot­tom, ìnaughty boys like you who donít do as they are told deserve to be pun­ished on the bare bot­tom, she said, lay­ing the strap across my bare bot­tom, the cold leather felt nice and cool on the bare skin, she con­tin­ued, ìIím going to teach you to do as youíre told and remem­ber when I tell you to take your trousers down in future you will do it!î and with that she drew the strap its full length across my bare bot­tom and brought it swing­ing down through the air until it land­ed THWACK! across both cheeks of my bare bottom.

I yelped and tried to leap up but her hand pushed me back and kept me there as she said, ìOne dozen I think Tom­my, to teach you to do as you’re told, and the strap came down again and again THWACK! and THWACK! onto my bare behind. My bum was real­ly on fire now and I still had nine to go and sure as her word, the strap land­ed again, and again, THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK in quick suc­ces­sion on my burn­ing but­tocks. Only three more to go now and I was try­ing not to yell out or even cry as I could feel my eyes welling up but more strange­ly I could feel anoth­er sen­sa­tion, I was get­ting an erec­tion, but then THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! went the strap on my bare bot­tom and it was over, but my erec­tion was still throb­bing in my pants.

My bum was ablaze now as she pulled my pants back over my bot­tom, which she then smacked with her hand as she told me to get up. I stood up and bent to pull up my trousers when Miss Sven­son stopped me by say­ing, Leave those alone, there is still the not too small mat­ter of your spank­ing to be dealt with, you are not get­ting away with that so eas­i­ly. So I left my trousers around my ankles and she said, I hope you have learned a les­son today Tom­my and that when I tell you to do some­thing from now on I expect you to do it right away, am I mak­ing myself clear! I nod­ded dumbly.

I could­nít believe that this woman, only 10 years old­er than myself, was talk­ing to me like this after giv­ing me 18 whacks with a strap across my bot­tom the last 12 of which were on the bare bot­tom and over and above that she now intend­ed to put me across her knee and spank me! Miss Sven­son care­ful­ly rolled up her strap and put it away in her bag. Look­ing at me she said, Well Tom­my, Iíve giv­en you a good thrash­ing with my strap but as you deserve I am now going to put you over my knee and spank you long and hard, come here.

With that she sat on the sofa and brought me round to her side. She imme­di­ate­ly pulled down my under­pants expos­ing my man­hood, then slid up to the edge of her seat caus­ing her skirt to ride up her exquis­ite thighs reveal­ing a glimpse of sus­penders above her stock­ing tops, stretched taut across her milky thighs. Over my knee! she snapped and pulled me across her lap, as her hand came down with a loud and tin­gling SMACK! across my bare bottom.

First SMACK! on one cheek, then SMACK! on the oth­er cheek and SMACK! again on both cheeks again and again and again, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! while I squirmed across her knee. My bot­tom was burn­ing but her hand con­tin­ued the relent­less spank­ing, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! as she spanked me until I lost count of the smacks she was rain­ing on my bare bot­tom. She final­ly stopped after about 15 min­utes or so and what must have been over a cou­ple of hun­dred smacks and she told me to get up. Miss Sven­son then stood up and turn­ing me around land­ed anoth­er very hard SMACK! with her hand on my bare bot­tom, ìRight Tommy,î she said, ìpull up your pants and trousers, and I real­ly do hope that you have learned your les­son today, because if I find you mis­be­hav­ing again or not doing as you are told I will have no hes­i­ta­tion in tak­ing down your trousers and under­pants again and putting you across my knee for anoth­er good long hard spanking.î And with that and a wink she put on her coat and left.


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