Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Spanking story competition 2 — entry 16 by PeeJay!

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ††My Mistake


††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† By PeeJay


It was the day of vac­ci­na­tions.† Because I was first on the list, I had been a bit care­less with my tim­ings and for the first time was a lit­tle bit late for school.† The pre­fect on the gate not­ed this down and I hur­ried for my vac­ci­na­tion. For some strange rea­son the loca­tion for vac­ci­na­tions was Miss Sven­sonís study.† I had not seen the inside of this before, so there was a touch of excite­ment as well as fear because i had heard from sev­er­al of the pupils about things that had hap­pened in here.† I was sure if any of these were true, or had mere­ly been exag­ger­at­ed, but they sound­ed com­pelling and just a bit chill­ing.† I sat down on the sofa and wait­ed for the nurse to appear.† She did­nít. I wait­ed a full five min­utes and there was no sign of her.† Dur­ing the five min­utes I had looked around to see what there was on dis­play in the office to get my imag­i­na­tion going.† Sad­ly, there were no tools of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment on dis­play, but very notice­able in the mid­dle of the room was some­thing that I imag­ined could be used as a pun­ish­ment stool.† Wow, I could just imag­ine how that might have been used.

As still no-one appeared, I could­nít resist giv­ing in to the temp­ta­tion to bend over it.† I had just moved to this school from anoth­er one, because my fam­i­ly had need­ed to move to a new area.† In my old school, I had been told by my class teacher and the deputy head, both kind ladies who pre­tent­ed to be fierce when it suit­ed them, that they would teach me a les­son or make me sor­ry if I mis­be­haved.† They had nev­er done that, even when I was delib­er­ate­ly cheeky or naughty to see what they would do, so I could only fan­ta­sise about the use of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment, which was used here.† As I was imag­in­ing, I pulled down my trousers and then my under­pants, just to bring a lit­tle touch of real­i­ty into my imag­in­ings.† Of course, with my bare bot­tom in the air that just had to be when the nerse arrived.

I had to make excus­es about this.† I said to her that as she had been late, I had been try­ing to work out my posi­tion for vac­ci­na­tion.† ìWell, nor­mal­ly, I vac­ci­nate in the arm, but I will very hap­pi­ly do it there if you wish.† And no, I was­nít late ñyou were and as a num­ber of pupils have called in sick, I went to have a cup of tea with Miss Sven­son.† I believe I still have a bit of free time ñ I will text Miss Sven­son and tell her how I found you.† Then she can come and watch you being vaccinated.î† Oops, how could I get out of this one?† Miss Sven­son arrived very quick­ly and gave a very sur­prised look in my direction.

ìMiss Sven­son, as he is in per­fect posi­tion, I won­dered if you could pro­vide me with some of your tools of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment to get his behind in the right state of numb­ness before I inject him?† She brought out a slip­per, a strap and a dra­gan cane.† ìI think we should each give him six of the best with each of these, Nerse Phillips,î she said.† ìAfter you!î† The nurse start­ed off with the slip­per.† It was quite hard and uncom­fort­able and pro­duced a beau­ti­ful crack, but the nurse was not putting much force into it, which meant that this was going to be no prob­lem for me.† The strap was dif­fer­ent and bit in more and I start­ed to take in deep breaths.† This cane was heavy and hard and made an inter­est­ing sound, but hit with the force of the nurse, it was not going to do me much dam­age.† I was­nít sure about Miss Sven­son though, so I had to do something.

ìPlease Miss, does­nít the nurse need to vac­ci­nate oth­ers now.† I could come back and see you for your pun­ish­munt anoth­er day?† ìIím glad you realise that you need to be pun­ished by me.† I was always sus­pi­cious about the per­fect report and the immac­u­late grades that were described.† I was sure there was more to you than that.† Today you have shown your true colours.† Of course you will be pun­ished by me on Fri­day for the long cat­a­logue of crimes that you have com­mit­ted this morn­ing.† But I promised you six of the best with each of these first, just to get you warmed up for Nurse Philips.† And that is what I will do.


She bent me back over the stool, but put my under­pants back on, so I no longer had a bare bot­tom.† Just as I was breath­ing a sigh of relief, the first crack of the slip­per came.† It was so much hard­er than before and I knew this was going to be seri­ous.† Each stroke was hard­er and caused my now clothed bot­tom to wrig­gle and writhe.† ìKeep still boy,î she yelled, ìor this will also be count­ed against you for your pun­ish­ment on Friday.î† I tried very hard to keep still, but as she start­ed on the strap strokes a whole new sen­sa­tion start­ed to spread down below as I start­ed to feel on fire.† I clenched my mus­cles, deter­mined not to deserve any more pun­ish­ment on Fri­day and bit my lip.† The strap­ping came to an end.


Final­ly, she start­ed with her drag­on cane.† I had nev­er expe­ri­enced any­thing like this before.† It was mean and hard and scary and yet there was some­thing exhil­a­rat­ing about it to.† I real­ly had deserved this for a long time, I thought and I was tru­ly get­ting my just deserts from some­one who could real­ly deliv­er. The sixth and hard­est stroke real­ly did make me writhe and wrig­gle, how­ev­er hard I tried to stop myself.† The nurse gave me my injec­tion, though she did pull down my under­pants first and then gave me anoth­er six strokes with the paddle.

I got up angri­ly and said, ìWhat was that for, that was­nít on the agen­da ñ I did­nít deserve that you stu­pid nurse!î† Miss Sven­son glared at me and said, ìTake your trousers and get out of here now.† That last out­burst will be tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion too!† Present your­self here on Fri­day after school and then you will get what you tru­ly deserve from me!


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