Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Archive for the ‘Miss Svenson's Spanking Story Competition.’ Category


Story Competition 2013 third entry by Thomas — Hard Lesson

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Hard Lessons by Thomas
The boy approached the door with some trep­i­da­tion. Pre­vi­ous vis­its here had always been embar­rass­ing and, more often than not, rather painful. No option but to knock.
‘Come in’.
Miss Sven­son was sit­ting at her desk as he entered the room.
‘You sent for me Headmistress?’
‘Yes Thomas. Close the door please and take a seat. I pre­sume you know what this is all about?’
‘I think so Miss.’
‘It seems that you were dis­cov­ered yes­ter­day after­noon in a com­pro­mis­ing sit­u­a­tion behind the sci­ence block with a young lady. In fact you were in an embrace, kiss­ing her with your hands down the back of her skirt.’
The boy blushed and turned his eyes downwards.
‘Do you have any­thing to say for yourself?’
‘Well Miss, I thought she was very pret­ty ever since she arrived at the school and had a bit of a crush on her but didn’t think she had even noticed me. Yes­ter­day I was get­ting ready to go home and, on my way out, I ran into her in the cor­ri­dor. I was real­ly sur­prised when she smiled at me and called out “James. Have you got a minute? I would like to show you some­thing.” She even knew my name and of course I wasn’t going to turn her down. So I agreed to fol­low her. She was wear­ing a very short skirt and high heels and I just couldn’t take my eyes off her, the way she walked.’
‘Yes Thomas. Just get on with it,’ said Miss Sven­son rather irritably.
‘When we had passed the sci­ence block she stopped and turned around beck­on­ing me to come clos­er. As I caught up with her she flung her arms round my neck and began kiss­ing me – you know tongue inside my mouth and every­thing. I just lost con­trol of myself and grabbed her. And then the Geog­ra­phy teacher came round the corner.’
‘So it was the girl who insti­gat­ed the incident?’
‘Yes Miss.’
The Head­mistress pressed the inter­com buzzer on her desk.
‘Miss Evans. Would you step into my office for a minute please?’
Moments lat­er there was a knock at the door and a young woman entered.
‘Ah Miss Evans. I have just heard some dis­turb­ing news and would like your clar­i­fi­ca­tion. Thomas here tells me that you were respon­si­ble for the unfor­tu­nate inci­dent yes­ter­day after­noon. I would like to know if that is in fact the case.’
‘Yes Miss Sven­son. I admit that I led James on, per­haps a bit too much in the circumstances.’
‘Very well.’
The Head­mistress turned again to the boy, smil­ing a lit­tle wistfully.
‘Thomas. I under­stand that at your age, what is it, fif­teen com­ing on six­teen, your hor­mones are begin­ning to run riot. I also see that Miss Evans is a very attrac­tive girl. So in one sense I can­not blame you for react­ing in the way you did. How­ev­er, there are impor­tant things you have to learn. First of all, what­ev­er your feel­ings, I can­not have these dis­plays on school grounds. Sec­ond­ly you will in lat­er life have to learn self con­trol. There are many times as an adult when your emo­tions draw you to behave in a cer­tain way but cir­cum­stances demand that you act oth­er­wise. So I am afraid I will have to pun­ish you severe­ly in order that you under­stand school rules and self dis­ci­pline. Is that clear?’
The boy looked at her sheepishly.
‘Yes Miss, very clear Miss.’
‘Well you have been here before haven’t you?’
The boy nod­ded his head gloomily.
‘Pre­pare your­self then and we will get started.’
Thomas got up from his chair and moved towards the Head­mistress’ desk. He unbuck­led his belt and let his trousers drop around his ankles, then low­ered his under­pants, hitched up his shirt tail and leant for­ward over the desk, reach­ing for the far edge which he gripped tight­ly. Mean­while Miss Sven­son went to her cup­board and select­ed a thick but flex­i­ble cane which she flour­ished exper­i­men­tal­ly in the air.
Miss Evans looked alarmed.
‘I real­ly think I should leave now Miss Svenson.’
‘Not at all. I require you to wit­ness this pun­ish­ment. Please sit down in Thomas’ place.’
Meek­ly the young woman did as she was told.
‘This, Miss Evans, is known as a senior cane with which I am going to beat your young friend’, the Head­mistress con­tin­ued. ‘It caus­es sear­ing pain upon imme­di­ate impact but the recip­i­ent also suf­fers longer term dam­age as you will soon see. Are you ready Thomas?’
‘Yes Miss. How many strokes please Miss?’
‘That is for me to decide and for you to know when your pun­ish­ment is over. And remem­ber, you are not to move from that posi­tion until I say so.’
‘Very well Miss.’
Anoth­er tri­al swish of the cane after which she swung her arm back high over her head and then lashed down with the first blow. Almost imme­di­ate­ly an angry red weal devel­oped where the cane had land­ed. After a short pause came the sec­ond stroke, this time a lit­tle high­er to sim­i­lar effect. A fur­ther four blows land­ed before the Head­mistress changed posi­tion and then con­tin­ued with anoth­er six from the oth­er side.
‘Stand up and put your hands on your head.’
Miss Evans watched in hor­ri­fied fas­ci­na­tion. Despite the sever­i­ty of the blows, the boy had bare­ly flinched. She observed the pat­tern of par­al­lel red slash­es across his bot­tom and was sur­prised to expe­ri­ence a cer­tain feel­ing of aes­thet­ic satisfaction.
Miss Sven­son then spoke.
‘Do you under­stand why you are being punished?’
‘I think so Miss.’
‘In case you are in any doubt, you have been caned for inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour in school grounds and I will enter this jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a dozen strokes in the pun­ish­ment book. Do you have any­thing to say?’
‘Thank you for can­ing me on my bare bot­tom for inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour in school grounds Miss.’
‘I am glad to hear that you under­stand the cor­rect pro­ce­dure Thomas. Oth­er­wise we would of course have to begin again.’
‘Yes Miss’.
‘Back down now.’
‘Please Miss, but I have already been punished.….’
‘Back down boy!’
‘Yes Miss.’ And he stretched him­self back over the desk.
There fol­lowed a repeat of the first twelve which, if any­thing, Miss Evans judged to be even hard­er than the first. Again six were deliv­ered from the right and six from the left and at the end the livid red stripes were already begin­ning to merge into a large pur­ple area of bruised flesh.
‘Stand up and hands on head.’
Thomas did as he was told.
‘Do you under­stand why I con­tin­ued your punishment?’
‘Not real­ly Miss, sor­ry Miss,’ the boy stammered.
‘The sec­ond dozen were to remind you not to lose your self control.’
‘Thank you for can­ing me on my bare bot­tom for los­ing my self con­trol Miss.’
‘Very well Thomas, you may get dressed.’
The boy very gin­ger­ly eased his under­pants back on, pulled up his trousers and did up his belt.
‘Will that be all then Miss?’
‘Yes Thomas. That is all for now. I hope you will remem­ber these two lessons and that there­fore I will not see you back here in the near future. You may go now’
‘Yes Miss and thank you Miss.’
The two of them shook hands for­mal­ly and the boy shuf­fled out rather stiffly. After he had closed the door Miss Sven­son replaced the cane in the cup­board and returned to her desk.
‘You see Miss Evans the dis­com­fort that boy has suf­fered. The deep bruis­ing will last for up to a week and he will find sit­ting down very uncom­fort­able. He will not for­get this in a hur­ry and unfor­tu­nate­ly may well asso­ciate you with his pain. I hope now that you realise what you have done.’
‘I cer­tain­ly meant no harm Miss Sven­son, but I do under­stand what you are say­ing and am very sorry.’
‘Would you please stand up Miss Evans.’
The girl did as she was asked and stood awk­ward­ly beside the high backed chair in front of the Head­mistress’ desk. Miss Sven­son looked her up and down.
‘That mini-dress you are wear­ing is quite unsuit­able for a school envi­ron­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly where there are teenage boys’ she observed.
‘I under­stand Head­mistress. I will be more cir­cum­spect in future but may I go now?’
‘You cer­tain­ly may not my girl. We still have to dis­cuss your part in this affair. Now, cor­rect me if I am wrong. When you applied for this job, you under­stood that it was a tem­po­rary posi­tion for six months while my reg­u­lar sec­re­tary was on mater­ni­ty leave?’
‘Yes, that is correct.’
‘Well, tem­po­rary or not, I am afraid your behav­iour clear­ly con­sti­tutes gross mis­con­duct which nor­mal­ly would result in auto­mat­ic and imme­di­ate dismissal.
‘But Miss Sven­son, please.…..
The Head­mistress held up her hand to sti­fle the protest.
‘Hear me out girl. I am not an unrea­son­able woman. All our par­ents and most of the pupils realise that I run a strict regime at the school, but that I aim to be scrupu­lous­ly fair. That means that what­ev­er pun­ish­ment I mete out is intend­ed to fit the mis­de­meanour. So to con­tin­ue with your case. You told me at your inter­view that you need­ed to work for these six months to save some mon­ey and that then you intend­ed to go to Col­lege to study with a view to qual­i­fy­ing as a teacher yourself.’
‘Yes Headmistress.’
‘Whether or not I think you would even­tu­al­ly make a good teacher is not impor­tant, but I cer­tain­ly approve your ambi­tion. I there­fore am pre­pared to offer you an alter­na­tive to being sacked. If you are pre­pared to receive a good spank­ing from me, I will over­look the mat­ter. What do you say?’
The girl looked some­what appre­hen­sive and bit her low­er lip.
‘Is that the only oth­er way Headmistress?’
‘I am afraid so and I need your answer now.’
‘Very well.’
Miss Sven­son rose from behind her desk and seat­ed her­self on the chair beside the girl. She pat­ted her lap.
‘Over here please Miss Evans,’ she com­mand­ed in a stern voice.
Oblig­ing­ly the girl bent over the Head­mistress’ knees, her mini-dress rid­ing up to reveal round­ed cheeks pro­tect­ed only by a pair of flim­sy briefs.
Miss Sven­son set to work straight away with the open palm of her hand. The girl had been smacked by her moth­er when she was lit­tle if she had been naughty but it was always over in sec­onds and fol­lowed by hug and a kiss. This was very different.
Relent­less­ly the hand came down spread­ing the blows around the exposed flesh which rapid­ly turned pink and then grad­u­al­ly crim­son. And the sting­ing sen­sa­tion was so much more intense than she had expect­ed. She tried to wrig­gle and squirm but Miss Svenson’s free hand in the small of her back held her firm­ly in posi­tion. She gave up the strug­gle and began to sob quietly.
She lost count of how many blows she had felt but it must have been more than fifty when sud­den­ly the onslaught ceased.
‘You may get up now,’ came that voice again.
She strug­gled to her feet and rubbed her­self vig­or­ous­ly in an attempt to ease the pain.
Miss Sven­son got to her feet.
‘So do you under­stand why you have been spanked?’
‘Yes Head­mistress. For inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour on school grounds.’
Miss Sven­son allowed her­self a small smile.
‘Oh no, Miss Evans. You have been pun­ished so far for wear­ing unsuit­able cloth­ing to school. We will now deal with your behaviour.’
The sec­re­tary was aghast and for a moment unable to speak.

For that I think we should have you expe­ri­ence a lit­tle of what you caused your lit­tle friend to suf­fer a few min­utes ago.’
She now had to blurt out ‘not that hor­ri­ble cane, please Miss!’
‘No Miss Evans. I very rarely use the senior cane on the girls. And I promised you a good spank­ing you will remem­ber. Can­ing is some­thing dif­fer­ent. Spank­ing can either be by hand or with some oth­er flat and usu­al­ly flex­i­ble imple­ment like a slip­per for instance.’
Miss Sven­son walked back to her cup­board and select­ed a heavy leather strap which she test­ed with a gen­tle tap on the palm of her own hand.
‘I think this will do very nice­ly. Now Miss Evans, would you kind­ly assume the posi­tion which you have recent­ly had demon­strat­ed. And please low­er those panties and ensure the back of your skirt is lift­ed. I want to be quite sure of my aim.’
The sec­re­tary knew she had to com­ply and, with a hor­ri­fied look on her face, sprawled across the desk as she had been told. She also took the pre­cau­tion of grasp­ing the far edge.
Miss Sven­son moved towards her menacingly.
‘Are you ready for your punishment?’
‘Not real­ly Miss.…I mean please don’t hurt me any more. I am real­ly sor­ry for what I did.’
‘Not as sor­ry as you will be when we have fin­ished. Now pre­pare yourself.’
The first slap caused the girl to jerk upright and reach behind her with both hands in a vain attempt to pro­tect herself.
‘As I omit­ted to warn you to stay still, I will not begin again. Get back down and count out the strokes.’
The girl slumped for­ward and resigned­ly breathed out the word ‘One’.
There fol­lowed a fur­ther five from the right before The Head­mistress changed sides. After each the girl count­ed as instruct­ed, her voice becom­ing ever weak­er. ‘Sev­en, eight, nine ow! Ten, eleven, ahhhh.….……twelve. Where before she had felt an intense sting­ing, now she was very sore and felt that her skin was on fire.
‘That com­pletes your pun­ish­ment Miss Evans. You may stand up and get dressed.
The girl straight­ened up, rubbed her­self gen­tly, retrieved her under­wear and very gin­ger­ly smoothed down the back of her dress.
‘In the same way as young Thomas will not for­get his can­ing today I think you will remem­ber this expe­ri­ence for some time Miss Evans. I hope you have learned your les­son. The pun­ish­ment should always fit the crime.’
And indeed Miss Evans did remem­ber. Many years lat­er as a Head­teacher in a school of her own she recog­nised the impor­tance of strict dis­ci­pline and applied it very much in the way she had learned in Miss Svenson’s study that day. 

Story Competition 2013 second entry by Patrick — James

Friday, June 28th, 2013

By Patrick

He knew what they were as soon as he saw them. He’d moved the stuff on hang­ers in the bed­room wardrobe to one side, and caught sight of them at the back of the wardrobe, stood on their ends. One was bright yel­low and thick, the oth­er dark brown and thin, and although they did not have the clas­sic crooked han­dle, he knew imme­di­ate­ly that that they were pun­ish­ment canes. He stared at them uncom­pre­hend­ing­ly, his brain refus­ing to accept the evi­dence from his eyes.
‘Ah, I see you’ve dis­cov­ered my new toys.’
He spun around to see his wife stood in the bed­room door­way. She was still in her uni­form and look­ing at him with a neu­tral gaze. James imme­di­ate­ly knew he’d walked into a trap.
‘I got them from the evi­dence store,’ she con­tin­ued, ‘Vice squad gets a lot of this stuff from raids and it usu­al­ly gets destroyed after con­vic­tions, but the evi­dence cus­tody clerk will gen­er­al­ly sign off stuff to me to be destroyed.
‘I knew some­thing was up, of course. When you start­ed wear­ing pyja­mas after that last busi­ness trip….well, James, you’ve nev­er worn pyja­mas. And stay­ing up late, so you could go to bed lat­er than me and get up ear­li­er? Not like you at all… you’re intol­er­a­ble if you don’t get your sol­id 8 hours.’
‘Then I came into the bath­room last week when you were hav­ing a show­er and I saw the marks on your bot­tom – pret­ty sav­age, they looked like.’
James’ mouth was sud­den­ly very dry.
‘Pret­ty sim­ple after that, real­ly. You know that you can’t move a car in Lon­don with­out it being tracked by CCTV, and they all have ANPR, so check­ing the records found out the area where you went and after that it was just a ques­tion of a bit of basic legwork.’
‘Yes,’ said James, ’some­times I do go through town — makes a change from the M25’.
‘I see,’ she mused qui­et­ly. ‘And it must have been a hell of a traf­fic jam to keep you in North Lon­don for an hour and a half. Did you vis­it Miss Svenson?’
Oh shit, he thought. She knew it all. How on earth did he think he could fool her? She was a Detec­tive Chief Super­in­ten­dent in the Met for Christ’s sake, and she had more smarts on her worst day than he could muster when he was on the top of his game. Well, that was it. Game over. He’d be check­ing into a hotel tonight and she would be phon­ing a divorce lawyer. Pene­lope did not mess around.
James thought of what he could say — what inno­cent expla­na­tion he could offer for the delay. Noth­ing remote­ly plau­si­ble came to him, so in the end, he gave up and said nothing.
‘So, what’s this then, sex with two women?’ she asked in a voice that was almost conversational.
Now she was giv­ing him the laser stare. The one that the sus­pects got in the inter­view, when she’d seized on the one dis­crep­an­cy in their sto­ry that they couldn’t explain. And he saw some­thing else, not just the anger in those eyes, but the hurt beneath the anger.
‘No’, he said mis­er­ably,’ noth­ing like that, just watch­ing Miss Sven­son spank­ing her secretary.’
She con­tin­ued to stare at him for what seemed like an eter­ni­ty, say­ing noth­ing, and he knew it was des­per­ate­ly impor­tant that he held her stare, and not drop his eyes. She was watch­ing him for the clues; his eyes flick­ing up to the left, the moist­en­ing of the lips, the swal­low­ing, any of the hun­dreds of invol­un­tary indi­ca­tors of a lie. Final­ly, she took a breath.
OK, I believe you,’ she said.
She reached past him into the wardrobe and picked up the yel­low cane, held it in both hands and flexed it into a gen­tle curve. She faced him.
‘Lis­ten care­ful­ly James, because a great deal depends on you get­ting this right.’
‘You will not see Miss Sven­son again. Ever. At all. No excep­tions. Nei­ther will you email, text, phone or con­tact her by any oth­er method. Is there any part of this instruc­tion that is, in any way, unclear?’
James did not trust him­self to do any­thing oth­er than shake his head once.
‘I blame myself for this,’ she mused, almost absent-mind­ed­ly. ‘I should have been more atten­tive to what you need­ed from this mar­riage. Well, the sit­u­a­tion is not irre­triev­able, and I do intend to recov­er it.’
‘The fact is that you are an addict. Not drugs, not alco­hol, not gam­bling, but addict­ed to phys­i­cal pain. Noth­ing wrong with that, for­tu­nate­ly it’s not yet ille­gal. How­ev­er James, and this is the deal, you are chang­ing your sup­pli­er. Do you under­stand me?’
James looked at her. Dressed as she was, in her uni­form, flex­ing the cane, Pen­ny looked every inch the stern dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an, beau­ti­ful, awe­some, unbe­liev­ably sexy and con­fi­dent in her pow­er. Oh yes, he under­stood, and a small voice inside told him that it might, just might be alright after all.
She held the cane out to him han­dle first.
‘Now, kind­ly put this away and remem­ber where you put it — you will need it lat­er. Abi is on a sleep­over tonight and Tom is going to foot­ball prac­tice, so we will have the house to our­selves. That will be a good time for you to meet your new sup­pli­er, and to learn a few rules.’ She smiled at him, and just for a moment, he won­dered if the sin­gle hotel room might have been the bet­ter option.
As she left the bed­room she allowed her­self a small inward smile. That went well, she thought.
Because, she had not seen any marks, nor had she tracked James’ car. She didn’t need to. She had found a clue, and then used what her first sergeant had described as ‘a damn good copper’s nose’ to fig­ure out what was going on.
A fort­night ago, she had bor­rowed James’s lap­top rather than use hers. The lay­ers of encryp­tion soft­ware made her machine inter­minably slow and she only need­ed to print a doc­u­ment. She didn’t need to vis­it the inter­net but the brows­er start­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly…. and it had help­ful­ly asked her if she would like to vis­it the last, fre­quent­ly used site – Lon­don Spank­ing Ser­vice. Unable to pre­vent her­self snoop­ing on her hus­band, she fol­lowed the advice and acquaint­ed her­self with what her James had been visiting.
After 10 min­utes, she erased her brows­ing his­to­ry, slow­ly closed the lap­top and sat think­ing. She had con­clud­ed that Miss Sven­son posed a con­sid­er­able, if indi­rect threat to her mar­riage and, like the alpha female that she was Pen­ny for­mu­lat­ed a plan to ruth­less­ly erad­i­cate that threat.
James had accept­ed her sto­ry of where she had got the canes from. If he hadn’t been on the back foot he would have seen through that straight away. Get them from the evi­dence store? That would have been pro­fes­sion­al sui­cide for her. The sto­ry would have been around the force in 24 hours. Worse, it could have dis­ap­peared, only to find its way into the tabloid press if and when she was poised to be appoint­ed as London’s first female police com­mis­sion­er, as she ful­ly intend­ed to be. It was far eas­i­er and much less risky to buy them off eBay.
Also, James’ car could not have been tracked – although the tech­nol­o­gy exist­ed, the bud­get didn’t. And in any case, it would only have told her the area that he went to, not which house.
But she had enough clues and had worked it out. She even sent James to the wardrobe when he asked her where his for­mal din­ner shirt was, so he would dis­cov­er the canes. That way she would know when the con­fronta­tion would be, and she would there­fore always be in con­trol — inter­view­ing tech­niques 101, real­ly. After that it was just a case of putting her hypoth­e­sis to him and watch­ing his reaction.
His only poten­tial escape was when she asked him if there had been any sex involved. She was pre­pared for him to deny every­thing at this point and to say that he had just been surf­ing porn
and actu­al­ly hadn’t vis­it­ed Miss Sven­son. That was why she had watched him so close­ly. She had to be able to tell if he lied. But he’d con­fessed, so it was easy.
Pen­ny was sat­is­fied. She had moved their rela­tion­ship on more eas­i­ly than she thought it would be, and Miss Sven­son was, she judged, no longer a fac­tor to be con­sid­ered. Pen­ny would beat James, and then make love to him. Elsa would just cane him. It was no contest.
Lat­er, after the first of what would be many mutu­al­ly sat­is­fy­ing ses­sions, Pen­ny would tell him her news, the rea­son why she was in uni­form today, instead of her more usu­al busi­ness suit…that her pro­mo­tion to Com­man­der had been announced, and she had been at the press con­fer­ence to be intro­duced as the next head of the Met Police Anti-Ter­ror­ism Unit.
She mused on what her new boss had said to her that morning.
‘Don’t have any explo­sions, do get a few fun­da­men­tal­ists in the dock at Wool­wich Crown Court and for fuck’s sake don’t have anoth­er Jean Charles de Menezes. Do that and the ADC’s job will be in the bag, because both the Com­mis­sion­er and the May­or like you.
Yes, every­thing was going very nice­ly indeed.

Story Competition 2013 First entry by Rene — CORRECTION OF NEGLIGENCE

Friday, June 28th, 2013

By French Stu­dent Rene

Mm Sven­son, our chief o school and her best friend, Mme Pre­gen­dast decide to teach me to be stronger to be able to receive an hard whip­ping and not crying.

They explain me the neces­si­ty of this les­son, I was ok (for me it is very impor­tant to agree what Mme Sven­son ask)

So, excep­tion­al­ly, Mme Sven­son will receive me in her own house, with Mme Pre­gen­dast, that accept to trav­el an hour( she is leav­ing in the oppo­site site of Lon­don) only to teach me .

The ses­sion was fixed on Thurs­day at 11.00 A.M in the house of Mme Svenson.

But the night before, between Wednes­day and Thurs­day, at mid­night I find in my box mails an email that call me urgent­ly to Bor­deaux in France for Thurs­day after­noon. The mais said that if I can’t be there I have to all them.

It was too late, I have no choice, I have to trav­el by Eurostar in the morn­ing to PARIS and then by TGV to be on time in Bor­deaux, in he afternoon.

I can’t call to Mme Sven­son at mid­night, so in the morn­ing at Pan­creas sta­tion, I sent her an SMS to inform that I‘ll not be on the les­son, and I ask her to inform Mme Pre­gen­dast so that she didn’t trav­el unnec­es­sar­i­ly so far. 

Lat­er I called her to be sure that se received the mes­sage and she had time to inform Mme Pre­gen­dast, she said me hat it is ok, and that she under­stand me.

But I did not feel good with all that, I thought that that I need to be pun­ished for all the dis­turb I caused.

Final­ly I dis­turb all the morn­ing of 2 women with my problems.

Mme Pre­gen­dast explains to Mme Sven­son that I have to repair this mis­take, the next ses­sion will dur­ing not an hour as she thought before, but 3 hours.

I have to sup­port their spank­ing o the knees, their can­ing and their spe­cial bullwhip.
Mme Sven­son ask me if I am able to receive that, I said: “ok”

Te ses­sion was fixed on the next Thurs­day at 11.00 .AM as the last time.

I was very anx­ious, I knew that the ses­sion will be very painful, but I was also hap­py to receive a pos­si­bil­i­ty to repair my mis­take and also to be again under the author­i­ty of my mar­velous teachers.
I went before the time to be sur not to be late but I did not call. 

I was wait­ing on 11.00 A.M

Mme Sven­son saw me by the win­dow and phoned me to go in

She was inside beau­ti­ful wit her long dark skirt , Mme Pre­gen­dast also was here , beau­ti­ful. They ask me to seat between them, they explain me that they expect I ll be to strong to receive the hard les­son but that they help me.

They served me a cup of tea and a lit­tle glass of whisky.

Mme Pre­gen­dast asked me, René , what do you think about my belt, I answered it is very beau­ti­full on You.
She said me;” you”ll taste it. I am an expert of hard belt whipping”

And Mme Sven­son said me: ”René, for you I bought a very beau­ti­ful bull­whip, You’ll taste it also”

René, we’ll leave on your back­side and your ass our beau­ti­ful marks, are you ok with that?
You know that I don’t make any­thing with­out your ok?”
Now, if you are ok, yu have to sign this and after that no return, ok?”

Mme Pre­gen­dast take me at the table and ask me to write that:”I’m ok with all that decide .Mme Sven­son and, Mme Pre­gen­dast and that I can’t attack them in jus­tice about what we decide together”

The cor­rec­tion begins. They decide that, Mme Pre­gen­dast has to begin because she was the first con­traries by my fault

She take me strong­ly o her knees, in the sofa. Now René You will receive the first hand puni­tion, ten min­utes of spank­ing; that begin slow­ly but after 5 min­utes my ass was burning.

The first spank­ing was with my trousers.

Mme Sven­son ask me to put down my trousers ; I was till on the knees of Mme Pre­gen­dast but they spank togeth­er, I though I can’t receive more.

But I did not say any­thing I was afraid to speak.

Mme Sven­son said to Mme Pre­gen­dast we have 3 hours to cor­rect our student.

René to keep courage and force , i3ll serve you a cup of tea and anoth­er glas of whisky.
I said:” thank You” and they drink with me

After that, Mme Pre­gen­dast said,:”now we begin the belt whip­ping pun­ish­ment, Mme Sven­son begin now.”

Mme Pre­gen­dast gave her, her per­son­nal belt and said;” You begin, I have to finish”
Mme Sven­son said:” I pun­ish the ass and Mme Pre­gen­dast said I pun­ished and mark the backside”

After the spank­ing my ass was red but now after the 25 lash­es of Mme Sven­son my ass was bloody

Mme Pre­gen­dast said:” now you’ll under­stand why I am called the mis­tress of the belt”
She lashed me very strong­ly 25 on my back­side? Mme Sven­son took strong­ly my arms .
It was very hard I asked a lit­tle pause.

Mme Sven­son decides, René received the pun­ish­ment very hard we can give him a lit­tle pause.
They as me again to seat between them in the sofa and then they count the marks on my ass and my backside

They put me in front of the mir­ror and I have to say if this mark is from Mme Sven­son or Mme Pregendast

Mme Pre­gen­dast said:” René; we are very proud of you we don’t give the can­ing but we have to use the spe­cial bull­whip of Mme Sven­son; Are you ok?”

Now, we have to attach you for you own secu­ri­ty, if you are mov­ing, the bull­whip can be very dan­ger­ous, but you are so brave that we decide to give you only ten lash­es, each one.
The bull­whip cut my ass and my back­side, after that they said:” now you are our own stu­dent, we are very proud for you!”
Then, they decid­ed to apply myself a care cream on the back, I was again on their knees but now they took care of me.
Thank You Mme Sven­son and Mme Pegendast

2013 Story Competition!

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

I am pleased to announce this years sto­ry competition.
This time to must include Miss Sven­son spank­ing the naughty secretary…the rest is up to you!
Please sub­mit to me by email in a word doc­u­ment with your nick name on the top.
All suit­able sto­ries will be pub­lished and will be judged by my expert panel.
The win­ner will get a one hour spank­ing ses­sion with the option of get­ting it on an exclu­sive video.

Cut off date is 1st of August.

Come on boys and girls lets have some great sto­ries here!

2012 Story Competition — The Winner…

Monday, July 9th, 2012


.…..is James !  Well done James!   You may report to My study where  miss Pren­der­gast and I will teach you a les­son…    The two run­ners up get a vouch­er each for half price on an hour ses­sion which must be used by the end of August.   The run­ners up are Ver­i­ty and Thomas.  Con­grat­u­la­tion to all.

2012 Story Competition is now closed!

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

Win­ner will be annonsed in two weeks and will be invirt­ed to vis­ite Miss Sven­son’s study for a free spank­ing ses­sion with Two strict ladies. The judges Miss Pren­der­gast and Mike Cane from Mikes Spank­ing Boot also seen on Sexorama.




2012 Story Competition eleventh entry by John!

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

The Last Laugh’  by John James

Out­side the door of the head­mistress’s office Eleanor Dod­son stood ner­vous­ly antic­i­pat­ing the con­se­quences of her actions. Miss Sven­son was known to be a strict dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an and Eleanor knew full well that yes­ter­day she had crossed the line of what could gen­er­al­ly be expect­ed from a mod­ern pub­lic school teacher.
As Eleanor was busy straight­en­ing her skirt, a voice from from the oth­er side of the door called for her to enter.  Miss Swen­son seat­ed on a leather chair behind a sol­id oak desk cut an even stern­er fig­ure than usual.
Seat­ed on the oppo­site side of the desk was Eleanor’s neme­sis, twelve year old John Jones.    And he was smirking.
“Do you know why you’re here Miss Dod­son?” Elsa Swen­son asked.
The smirk on Jones’ face widened.
“I think so”, Eleanor said nervously.
“Then would you care to remind me of what it is you have done?”
“John had been behav­ing bad­ly all through the morn­ing,” Eleanor protest­ed vainly.
“So how did you deal with this provocation?”
Out of the cor­ner of her eye Eleanor could see John Jones’ cheeky grin grow­ing even wider.
“I put John over my knee, pulled down his pants and spanked his bare bot­tom until he begged for for­give­ness. I would do the same again.”
Miss Swenson’s expres­sion hard­ened.  “But you are aware are you not that as head­mistress I am the only mem­ber of staff per­mit­ted to admin­is­ter bare bot­tom spank­ings to the children?”
Eleanor felt on the brink of tears. “I just want­ed to teach him a les­son”, she protest­ed weakly.
“Nev­er­the­less, you have bro­ken school rules, and as such must be pun­ished accord­ing­ly.” Elsa rose to her feet.  “Please assume the posi­tion miss Dodson.”
Head bowed and tears welling, Eleanor stood up slow­ly. .“Does John need to wit­ness this?” she asked meekly.
“Jus­tice needs to be seen to be done Miss Dod­son”, Elsa Sven­son replied with­out com­pro­mise. “Now bend over.  It will of course be a bare bot­tom spank­ing. Jones bring me my cane from the cupboard”.
Not wish­ing to lose her job Eleanor obe­di­ent­ly bent over the desk while Jones, the lit­tle brat who had report­ed her, went glee­ful­ly to fetch the cane.
Even though she knew what was com­ing it still came as a shock for Eleanor to feel the hem of her skirt being raised above her waist by the strict head mis­tress, and her crisp white knick­ers pulled down below her knees.  It came as an even greater shock to feel the sting caused by the first stroke of the cane. Sev­er­al more strokes fol­lowed, each hard­er and caus­ing an even sharp­er intake of breath than the last.
It was so humil­i­at­ing for Eleanor to be spanked bare bot­tom in front of one of the pupils she taught but she just had no alter­na­tive but to take each swish­ing stroke as it land­ed.  There were six in all.  Six of the best.
After the can­ing was done Elsa con­tin­ued the pun­ish­ment by putting Eleanor over her knee and using the palm of her hand and then a leather strap to red­den the cheeks of her bot­tom still fur­ther.  Just how red her bot­tom was becom­ing Eleanor was able to see in the strate­gi­cal­ly placed mir­ror, a sight which only served to deep­en her grow­ing sense of humiliation.


You may rub your bot­tom now Miss Dod­son”, said Elsa after the spank­ing was over.  “I won’t ask you to stand in the cor­ner with your pants around your ankles, as you are staff, but I will next time.”
Feel­ing total­ly com­pli­ant now, Eleanor mas­saged the cheeks of her sore bot­tom and pulled her knick­ers back up.  John Jones who had been watch­ing this entire exhi­bi­tion with a great deal of amuse­ment was turn­ing to leave, already plan­ning what he would tell the rest of his class mates.
“And where do you think you’re going Jones?” Elsa said sharply.
Eleanor took great delight in see­ing the smirk dis­ap­pear abrupt­ly from the lit­tle brat’s face.
“But Miss..”
“No buts child,” Elsa snapped, “It still falls upon me to pun­ish you for your class­room mis­be­hav­iour. Now bend over.  Miss Dod­son please pass me the cane.  You may not be allowed to do the spank­ing but you can assist me, and I think a red bot­tom for you to show  to  John’s class mates might be just the tick­et. Isn’t that right Miss Dodson?”
“Yes, Miss Sven­son”, Eleanor replied.
And then down came John Jones’ trousers and under pants, expos­ing to the two ladies the twin globes of his bare white bottom.
And Eleanor could not dis­guise her look of tri­umph as the first stroke swished down on his quiv­er­ing but­tocks.  After all, it was she who was going to have the last laugh.

2012 Story Competition tenth entry by James!

Friday, June 29th, 2012

King­sham Road ran along the front perime­ter of the High School for Boys.   To the left hand side of the school a gat­ed road led to the play­ground and a car park used by the teach­ing staff.   The main door of the school was reached through a nar­row­er gate lead­ing onto a grav­el path between the front lawns of the school.   Almost nobody oth­er than the head mis­tress, Miss Elsa Sven­son, came into the school that way.


The two win­dows of Miss Sven­son’s spa­cious study looked out across the front lawns, as did the adja­cent sin­gle win­dow of the small­er office of Miss Pren­der­gast, the school sec­re­tary. The two rooms were con­nect­ed inter­nal­ly by a strange arrange­ment of back-to-back doors that opened out­wards so that Miss Sven­son could bolt her door to be assured of privacy.


It was ten to four and the school day was end­ing, a boy stood wait­ing out­side the exte­ri­or door to the headmistress’s study. Miss Sven­son was out but Miss Pren­der­gast was in her office study­ing a file stu­dious­ly and inward­ly feel­ing a sense of keen antic­i­pa­tion. As request­ed, she had just read­ied the head mistress’s study for a “dis­ci­pli­nary inter­view” and assumed that the boy stand­ing in the cor­ri­dor was the object of these preparations.


The out­come of these inter­views was not cer­tain because Miss Sven­son had a capri­cious mind and could be unex­pect­ed­ly mer­ci­ful, but more often than not they did end with a caning.


Miss Pren­der­gast had put the boy’s per­son­al file on Miss Sven­son’s desk and pulled out the low junior school desk that was nor­mal­ly parked against a wall and placed it under the clock a pace away from the wall.   Many boys had turned to face that clock, then been instruct­ed to bend over the desk and grip its back legs.


Next had come the task she enjoyed the most, unlock­ing the cor­ner cup­board and tak­ing out the cane and pun­ish­ment book.   She had care­ful­ly placed the pun­ish­ment book on Miss Sven­son’s desk open at the most recent page and could­n’t help her­self read­ing the most recent entries: date, name, offence, num­ber of strokes admin­is­tered and the ini­tials of the head­mistress and a wit­ness to the pun­ish­ment.   She had stood the cane in its place out of sight by the book­case.   Last of all she had checked that there was ink in Miss Svenson’s foun­tain pen and placed the along the spine of the open pun­ish­ment book so that it was to hand if needed.


Miss Pren­der­gast had then gone back to her office through the back-to-back doors care­ful­ly clos­ing the study door but leav­ing her own door ajar so that she had the best chance of hear­ing what­ev­er happened.


After five min­utes the sound of Miss Svenson’s foot­steps could be heard crunch­ing on the grav­el foot­path, the front door opened and closed.   There was a brief con­ver­sa­tion in the cor­ri­dor and the boy went into the study with Miss Sven­son.   Miss Pren­der­gast sat strain­ing to hear but she could not make out what was being said.   She was tak­en by sur­prise when the back-to-back doors were sud­den­ly opened and Miss Sven­son entered her office.


Miss Pren­der­gast, may I ask a favour of you.   I am afraid that I need to cane a boy and unfor­tu­nate­ly the boy’s form mas­ter is not avail­able to wit­ness the pun­ish­ment.   I won­der if you would be will­ing to stand in?   It’s quite sim­ple you sim­ply observe to ensure that the pun­ish­ment is record­ed accu­rate­ly in the pun­ish­ment book –but do say “no” if it makes you feel uncom­fort­able.   Miss Pren­der­gast said “yes” and wor­ried that she might have said it a lit­tle too enthusiastically.


Miss Pren­der­gast fol­lowed the head­mistress into the study where the boy was wait­ing ner­vous­ly.   Miss Sven­son picked up the cane, faced the boy and flexed it thought­ful­ly, “You know why exact­ly why I am going to cane you.   It would have six strokes but you did at least own up, so your pun­ish­ment is four strokes.   I am sure that you don’t think your­self lucky but you ought to!”.   Miss Pren­der­gast watched Miss Sven­son and the boy with rapt fas­ci­na­tion.   “Face the clock and bend over the desk”.  The boy obeyed.


Miss Pren­der­gast heard the swish of the cane and was sur­prised by how loud was the sound of its impact on the boy’s tight­ly stretched trousers.   In turn, the boy appeared to be sur­prised by how much the impact hurt; his back arched and he hung on to the legs of the desk.   Miss Sven­son pro­ceed­ed with a steady rhythm –she did not make the boy wait undu­ly between strokes but nei­ther was she hur­ried.   Each stroke was giv­en with full mea­sure.   The boy cow­ered before the sec­ond and third strokes but the desk held him in place.   After the third stroke he seemed relieved that the end was in sight and tried to com­pose him­self by stretch­ing brave­ly over the desk.   The fourth stroke clear­ly hurt even more than those that pre­ced­ed it and he yelped loudly.


Miss Sven­son put her hand on the small of the boy’s back and said “Stay down”, then she talked to the boy by turns chid­ing him for his bad behav­iour and then telling him that she val­ued his hon­esty in own­ing up and that he had tak­en his pun­ish­ment well.   When she allowed him to stand up his eyes were red but he had regained his com­po­sure.   He was sent to wash his face and then go home.


Now Miss Pren­der­gast, let’s make an entry in the pun­ish­ment book, please would you wit­ness that four strokes were giv­en; I hope that you didn’t find that too dis­turb­ing.   Most boys’ behav­iour is improved by a few sharp taps on the bot­tom with the cane”.   As Miss Pren­der­gast wrote her ini­tials in the book using Miss Svenson’s foun­tain pen, she thought to her­self that she had nev­er had a bet­ter day at work and was flushed with plea­sure as she returned to her office.


There was a spring in her step as she locked her office door and walked to the bus stop to catch the bus home.   Sit­ting upstairs on the bus, the details of the can­ing ran through Miss Prendergast’s mind like scenes from a favourite movie.

2012 Story Competition ninth entry by Ken!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Ken had met Minx­ie in a chat room.  She was keen to join Ken and he arranged to take her to see Miss Sven­son and Miss P.  They met at Lon­don Bridge and Ken was delight­ed to spy a school­girl look under Minx­ie’s coat.

There was whis­pered chat about what might hap­pen, some smil­ing and even laughing.

On arrival Miss P told both to remove shoes and accom­pa­ny her to the study.  Ken was a reg­u­lar vis­i­tor but Minx­ie new to it all.  Miss S knew Ken had as usu­al been exhibit­ing him­self on the Inter­net and deserved a harsh reminder.  His behav­ior in the Lap Danc­ing Club earned him severe pun­ish­ment before, but Miss S and Miss P had become aware he had not stayed away since his last vis­it to the Study.

With­out much fuss Miss S told Ken to drop his trousers and get over her knee. A severe spank­ing ensued with his under­pants being peeled down and a flur­ry of slip­per and hair­brush spanks applied.

All the time Minx­ie and Miss P looked on and mur­mured in admi­ra­tion at Miss S’s accu­ra­cy and neat­ness-togeth­er with their amuse­ment at Ken’s embar­rass­ment and red bot­tom cheeks.

After what seemed a long time to Ken, Miss S sent him to the corner.

Then Minx­ie was ush­ered in her short skirt to go over Miss S’s lap.  She obeyed and her skirt went up.  Miss S began a slow method­i­cal hand spank­ing, dur­ing which she removed the sen­si­ble knick­ers Minx­ie had been wearing.

Miss P looked on and thought what a love­ly female bot­tom it was under the spanks.  Ken looked from his cor­ner and became huge­ly excit­ed.  His flam­ing cheeks for­got­ten as he saw Minx­ie’s bot­tom so pret­ty, full and red.

Inad­ver­tent­ly his hand wan­dered to release his erec­tion from his under­pants and he was unable to resist a slow stroke or two to con­firm his excite­ment.  Miss P noticed and began to stare, Miss S was spank­ing well but saw Miss P stare at Ken form an angle clear­ly mak­ing Ken’s naked erec­tion visible.

The atmos­phere in the room changed.

Get up Minx­ie.  Go to the wall.  Away from naughty Ken who needs some sharp cor­rec­tion this instant.  You Miss P wipe the smirk off your face, avert your eyes and begin to savour — or fear!! what I will do to you next.

Minx­ie was in tears, her bot­tom hav­ing evad­ed spanks for many years.

Ken was dry mouthed and dev­as­tat­ed he had been “caught” not only by Miss P but also more sig­nif­i­cant­ly by Miss S.

Miss P was hor­ri­fied.  Her long black skirt was off and her slen­der fig­ure ready for Miss S to attend to.

A heavy tawse, cane (favoured drag­on type) and severe Jokari Bat would be applied to Ken deter­mined MIss S.

Minx­ie had alleged­ly craved the cane.  A more slen­der school cane would do for her.

Miss P, well, she was still show­ing stripes from a recent can­ing applied for tar­di­ness.  Miss S decid­ed the plas­tic brush with the ven­omous sting would do for her.

Miss S decid­ed she was tir­ing and so for some enter­tain­ment she’d have Minx­ie and Miss P deal with Ken first (Miss S would of course fin­ish to ensure severity)

Miss P would help Ken deal with Minxie.

Ken and Minx­ie would start on Miss P.


Miss S watched with delight as each “Spanker” applied strokes they knew would be com­ing back to them.  The ses­sion ran on and on.  The spanks were applied in short bursts until Miss S was con­vinced all the recip­i­ents were red enough.


The finale was Ken’s fullest pun­ish­ment when that dread­ed Jokari Bat cov­ered all the ear­li­er deliv­er­ies.  The bat in the hand of Miss S left a last­ing impression.


As Miss P blushed and re dressed, Ken and Minx­ie were allowed moments to dress and gath­er them­selves.  The train jour­ney to Lon­don Bridge was amus­ing as nei­ther Ken nor Minx­ie would sit despite numer­ous emp­ty seats.


They were both embar­rassed that the oth­er had watched — and equal­ly fas­ci­nat­ed by hav­ing watched.

As they part­ed com­pa­ny they decid­ed anoth­er vis­it would need to be some weeks away as they need­ed time.


2012 Story Competition eight entry by Harry!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012


By order of the chair­man of Governors

It has come to my notice that a large amount of cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment is being car­ried out result­ing in wast­ed time. I seek to reduce this. As from today par­ents are expect­ed to ensure that their chil­dren are impec­ca­bly behaved at all times. Should it be nec­es­sary for a child to be spanked or caned the respon­si­ble par­ent involved will be expect­ed to sub­mit to a bare bot­tom can­ing. It is assumed that as  par­ents have cho­sen to send their child to this school that their per­mis­sion is tak­en for grant­ed. Par­ents unhap­py with this are of course free to with­draw their child from the school.

1 Octo­ber 1956


Miss Sven­son was sit­ting in her office towards the end of the first week. She was not sure wether the new edict would work espe­cial­ly in the long term but had been pres­sured to give it a term tri­al and cer­tain­ly after the first week there has been a reduc­tion (actu­al­ly to nil) of demand for cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment although she was sure that would not con­tin­ue for long. Boys and it is usu­al­ly boys can only keep up good behav­iour for a short time regard­less of the intim­i­da­tion that their par­ents may have used.

Sud­den­ly Miss Sven­son became aware of a ker­fuf­fle and Mrs White a white haired teacher in her 50s who had been a loy­al col­league for a num­ber of years knocked on her door and entered with her hand attached to young Jonathan Pren­der­gast’s ear. Jonathan was 11 years old and had been in the school for 5  years since his moth­er had start­ed teach­ing there. He had been in the school long enough to know the rules.

Mrs White had caught him red-hand­ed watch­ing her and oth­er girls get­ting changed and had also been caught using a screw­driv­er to make peep holes larg­er. This is the kind of behav­iour which ado­les­cent boys find extreme­ly fun­ny but every­body else is dis­gust­ed by it in par­tic­u­lar the peo­ple whose pri­va­cy has been vio­lat­ed. This is not the first time that boys have been caught watch­ing staff or girl pupils get­ting changed but Miss Sven­son vowed it would be the last.

Mrs White let go of Jonathan’s ear and Miss Sven­son asked him if what had been said was true – The gig­gles from Jonathan demon­strat­ed that it was and she informed him that he was to receive an exem­plary pun­ish­ment. Jonathan who by then had stopped smirk­ing and realised the trou­ble he was in was asked to wait out­side the time was 2pm and an after noon assem­bly was due in one hour.

Mrs Sven­son quick­ly sum­moned Miss Pren­der­gast to her office. Brush­ing past her son Jonathan, Miss Pren­der­gast was appre­hen­sive about what had hap­penned and why her son Jonathan was wait­ing out­side the office. On enter­ing Mrs Sven­son­s’s office Miss Pren­der­gast was informed about what her son Jonathan had done, and his reac­tion when caught and his sub­se­quent reac­tion which had sat­is­fied Miss Sven­son that he had in fact com­mit­ted these acts.

Miss Pren­der­gast had dou­ble loy­al­ties. As a loy­al col­league of both Miss  Sven­son and Mrs White she would have been equal­ly dis­gust­ed by the actions of her son but she also want­ed to be reas­sured that her son Jonathan had in fact done this.  She opened the door and asked her son and his reac­tion con­vinced his moth­er that this had tak­en place exact­ly as her col­leagues had said.

Miss Sven­son out­lined the pun­ish­ment she had in mind which was a very sound bare bot­tom spank­ing in front of the whole school for about 10 min­utes. She would use her hand and if nec­es­sary a very stur­dy wood­en hair­brush Miss Sven­son had always been reluc­tant to pun­ish in pub­lic as she felt that the mys­tique would go but these was an over rid­ing need here to set an exam­ple to all the boys what would hap­pen if they did some­thing sim­i­lar and there­fore this first part of the pun­ish­ment would take place in assem­bly with­in the next half hour.    After assem­bly all pupils and staff were to be asked to leave the school quick­ly. Teach­ing staff would be on hand to ensure that hap­pened. The sec­ond part of the pun­ish­ment would be 24 strokes of the horse­whip which had been acquired from near­by stables.

At that point Miss Sven­son remind­ed Miss Pren­der­gast who had realised the trou­ble  she her­self was in that she had no option but to car­ry out a can­ing on Miss Pren­der­gast her­self. Miss Sven­son reit­er­at­ed that she did not enjoy can­ing adults but this was regret­tably nec­es­sary and that the new edict from the Gov­er­nors would mean this would hap­pen much more often — she was sad­dened that her first vic­tim was a respect­ed col­league. She said that the can­ing would be car­ried out at 630pm to allow every­one to leave the build­ing and accord Miss Sven­son and Miss Pren­der­gast some privacy.

Miss Sven­son decid­ed that both the sec­ond part of Jonathan’s pun­ish­ment and also the can­ing of Miss Pren­der­gast would take place in the gym over the vault­ing horse. Bend­ing some­one over the vault­ing horse is ide­al for sub­stan­tial pun­ish­ments as it pre­vents the span­kee from try­ing to put hands in the way and allows total control.

Miss Pren­der­gast went red when told this and the real­i­sa­tion came to her what would hap­pen  lat­er that day. Miss Sven­son as the pro­fes­sion­al she is was kind and gen­tle to her col­league but stressed the the gov­er­nors had sim­ply giv­en her no option. The time was com­ing for assem­bly. Miss Sven­son put on her gown and entered the the school hall where 300 pupils were gath­ered in the front row were Mrs White and 5 girls who had been watched undress­ing and who were all feel­ing some­what ner­vous at what was about to happen.

A hard backed wood­en chair had been placed in the cen­tre of the stage. Miss Sven­son spoke for 2 min­utes and said that she would not allow boys to inter­fere with the pri­va­cy of girls or staff by watch­ing then get changed. The first part of Jonathan’s pun­ish­ment was there­fore being done in front of the whole school and the sec­ond would take place lat­er that after­noon. Miss Sven­son remind­ed every­one that they must leave imme­di­ate­ly after­wards know­ing that they would talk of lit­tle else.

As Miss Sven­son sat on the hard backed chair — she called for Jonathan to be bought out. Jonathan was dressed in grey trousers and was sum­mar­i­ly ordered to remove them and the white under­pants he was wear­ing  and place him­self over Miss Sven­son’s knee. As he did so he looked round and saw 300 peo­ple gath­ered to watch what would be his first pub­lic spank­ing. His brava­do and cock­i­ness had gone – It was 300pm.

The sound of hand, smack­ing against Jonathan’s bare bot­tom boomed for the next five min­utes punc­tu­at­ed by Ooohs- Aahs and moans as well as occa­sion­al gasps from the watch­ing stu­dents. Yes Jonathan deserved every­thing he was get­ting- every­one par­tic­u­lar­ly the boys, made a men­tal note to behave them­selves as intend­ed by Miss Svenson .

After 5 min­utes Miss Sven­son stopped – her hand was becom­ing a lit­tle ten­der and she felt unable to do Jonathan’s bot­tom jus­tice so asked a col­league to give her the hair­brush which was on an adja­cent table for just such an even­tu­al­i­ty. Jonathan, whose bot­tom had gone from white to pink to pil­lar box red and was about to go crim­son gulped as the first sounds of the hair­brush rever­brat­ed round the school hall. The reac­tion from the girls and Mrs White in the front row was one of both stunned silence and an inner sat­is­fac­tion of jus­tice being done. By the time the sec­ond lot of 5 min­utes had gone Jonathan’s bot­tom had gone crim­son. Miss Sven­son stopped and dis­missed every­one telling them not to linger and to go home imme­di­ate­ly. The chat­ter was one of dis­be­lief and shock- this  would indeed be a deter­rent to most if not all boys in the school.

Miss Sven­son was approached by Miss Pren­der­gast who had obvi­ous­ly realised as the after­noon went on what was wait­ing for her. She sug­gest­ed that she be allowed to inflict part of the remain­ing pun­ish­ment. Miss Sven­son agreed after jok­ing not to go easy on him and sug­gest­ed that she give the first 6. The glance from Miss Pren­der­gast indi­cat­ed that if any­thing the reverse was likely.

By 430 with the school cleared Mrs White togeth­er with Miss Sven­son Miss Pren­der­gast and Jonathan made their way to the gym where the vault­ing horse had been promi­nent­ly placed. Mrs White was there to help Jonathan into posi­tion and to ensure he remained in that posi­tion for the dura­tion of the punishment.

Jonathan was asked to remove his trousers and under­wear and was then helped over the vault­ing horse. His feet one side his hands the oth­er he could do lit­tle but accept the 24 strokes com­ing his way. His bare bot­tom did  recov­er a lit­tle in the hour since the pre­vi­ous hair brush pound­ing and the crim­son had light­ened a lit­tle to a deep red.- there were also notable white blotch­es which would not remain white for long. The sit-spot just under­neath the but­tocks had hard­ly been touched and would be the con­cen­tra­tion of at least 18 of the strokes to come. Miss Sven­son asked Mrs White to adjust her posi­tion by hold­ing Jonathans hands and tak­ing a step back which had the result of mov­ing the tar­get bot­tom upwards.

With the desired posi­tion hav­ing been achieved Miss Sven­son hand­ed the horse­whip to Miss Pren­der­gast who said to her son that he will remem­ber this thrash­ing for the rest of his life and let rip right in the cen­tre of his but­tocks with a force which con­tra­dict­ed her demure frame. The sec­ond and third strokes were sim­i­lar­ly deliv­ered just above and below the first and the final three of her allot­ted six seered into the white blotch­es turn­ing them a deep red.

Miss Sven­son decid­ed that a minute break was appro­pri­ate for all con­cerned the ini­tial 6 had been giv­en with quite some force and it was impor­tant to ensure Jonathan’s well being.  Miss Sven­son then took up  the horse­whip and flexed it through the air a cou­ple of times to get its mea­sure  – she had used the instru­ment before but not for some time.

Miss Swen­son asked Mrs White to take a step back to ensure that the sit spot was ful­ly acces­si­ble and let rip first on the left side and then on the right. She then stopped to allow the strokes inflict­ed to reg­is­ter and the antic­i­pa­tion of the 12 to come to heighten.

Mrs White checked on Jonathan to ensure he was ok and apart from a few groans he  seemed fine. It was decid­ed that the remain­ing strokes could be giv­en and these were despatched with a short break after the first 6. The scar­ring on the sit spot ensured that it would be a few days before Jonathan could sit comfortably.

Miss Pren­der­gast had already made arrange­ments for a friend to take Jonathan home as she knew that she her­self would hard­ly be able to do this or indeed com­fort him later.

Miss Sven­son con­firmed to Mrs White  that as Jonathan’s moth­er Miss Pren­der­gast was short­ly to be very sound­ly caned by her and invit­ed her to assist but to leave imme­di­ate­ly after the last stroke and Miss Pren­der­gast had been helped from the vault­ing horse. Mrs White who had of course had her per­son­al space vio­lat­ed by Jonathan read­i­ly agreed.

Miss Sven­son took a for­mi­da­ble senior cane and walked to the gym. Miss Pren­der­gast was already there when she and Mrs White arrived. Miss Pren­der­gast was asked to remove all her low­er gar­ments which she did quick­ly- hav­ing often been on the giv­ing end she knew not to antag­o­nise her  pun­ish­er still further.

Mrs White and Miss Sven­son then helped Miss Pren­der­gast over the vault­ing horse still in posi­tion from the horse­whip­ping of her son Jonathan. Miss Sven­son flexed the senior cane through the air and then sud­den­ly WHHOOOSH – the first stroke land­ed absolute dead cen­tre – these would be giv­en in groups of 6. The rest of this quite exten­sive pun­ish­ment was com­plet­ed – Miss Pren­der­gast had found out what It was like to be on the receiv­ing end and would do bet­ter to ensure that Jonathan’s behav­iour did not get her bot­tom a repeat of this punishment..