Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


2012 Story Competition fourth entry by Michael!

Oh stop moan­ing, you sil­ly bitch.’
Miss Sven­son stopped dead in her tracks out­side the staff room door. She could hard­ly believe her ears. The lan­guage of the gut­ter! And used by one of her own teach­ers! As she marched into the staff room to inves­ti­gate, shak­ing with fury, the full grav­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion became clear. The man using this offen­sive term – one which the well-bred Miss Sven­son regard­ed with utter abhor­rence – was none oth­er than Michael Dean, the head of the Eng­lish depart­ment. And the object of his abuse was Miss Pren­der­gast, the new geog­ra­phy teacher.
What were they talk­ing about? Miss Sven­son didn’t know and didn’t care. NOTHING could excuse such revolt­ing­ly sex­ist lan­guage by any man, let alone a man in a posi­tion of author­i­ty, respon­si­ble for teach­ing chil­dren how to behave. It called for exem­plary pun­ish­ment and, my God, she intend­ed to admin­is­ter it.
‘I want to see both of you in my study after school,’ she said, sweep­ing out of the room like an aveng­ing fury. She was still so angry when she reached the sanc­tu­ary of her study that she took out her senior cane and swished it angri­ly through the air, like a ten­nis play­er prepar­ing for action.
At the appoint­ed hour, Mr Dean and Miss Pren­der­gast pre­sent­ed them­selves out­side her study, and the no-non­sense Miss Sven­son got straight to the point.
‘If you think I am going to tol­er­ate a male teacher speak­ing to a female teacher in that man­ner, Michael, you have anoth­er think com­ing. I am going to cane you, severe­ly, and as you are a grown man, you will get a man-sized pun­ish­ment – twen­ty-four strokes, pants down.’
‘But, Miss Svenson – ’
‘No argu­ing! I have made my deci­sion and I intend to stick to it. Miss Pren­der­gast, I am extreme­ly sor­ry that you have been treat­ed in this way, but at least you will have the sat­is­fac­tion of see­ing the wrong­do­er get his just deserts. You will wit­ness the can­ing, at close quar­ters. In fact, you can assist me by prepar­ing Michael for his pun­ish­ment. Will you kind­ly remove all his clothes except his shirt and underpants?’
‘But, Miss Svenson – ’
‘I said, no argu­ing! Pro­ceed, please, Miss Prendergast.’
The young geog­ra­phy teacher need­ed lit­tle prompt­ing. She undressed Mr Dean as direct­ed, mak­ing sure that the process was as humil­i­at­ing as pos­si­ble, then led him to the pun­ish­ment bench, bent him over, lift­ed his shirt out of the way, and on the instruc­tion ‘Bare his bot­tom’ from Miss Sven­son, low­ered his under­pants to the top of his legs.
‘Thank you, my dear,’ said Miss Sven­son, impressed by her pro­fi­cien­cy. ‘Now where would you like to view the pun­ish­ment from?  It’s up to you.’
‘I think…’ Miss Pren­der­gast hes­i­tat­ed, then whis­pered. ‘I’d real­ly like to see his face as you cane him, if that’s all right.’
‘Of course,’ said Miss Sven­son.  ‘He will NOT be smil­ing. I can promise you that.’
And so it was arranged, with the strate­gi­cal­ly seat­ed Miss Pren­der­gast look­ing Mr Dean straight in the eyes as the cane lashed down on his back­side. But there were to be two more twists in the tale.
‘Please, Miss Sven­son,’ said the young geog­ra­phy teacher, after the first twelve strokes had been admin­is­tered, ‘could I change my posi­tion? I would rather like to see the marks of the cane. I have nev­er seen a can­ing before.’
‘Of course, dear,’ said Miss Sven­son, who prid­ed her­self on the accu­ra­cy, as well as the sever­i­ty, of her can­ings. With Miss Pren­der­gast in her new posi­tion, she laid on the remain­ing twelve strokes with cold, cal­cu­lat­ed fury. Then, on impulse, she turned to the oth­er woman.
‘Do you think Mr Dean has learnt his les­son? Or would you like to rein­force it?’
Miss Prendergast’s response was imme­di­ate. ‘I would cer­tain­ly like to rein­force it. Michael, get over my knee. Miss Sven­son, pass me your slipper.’
For the next five min­utes, the woman who had been called a bitch belaboured the already sore and striped bot­tom of the man who had called her a bitch until he was beg­ging for mercy.

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