Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


2012 Story Competition eleventh entry by John!

The Last Laugh’  by John James

Out­side the door of the head­mistress’s office Eleanor Dod­son stood ner­vous­ly antic­i­pat­ing the con­se­quences of her actions. Miss Sven­son was known to be a strict dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an and Eleanor knew full well that yes­ter­day she had crossed the line of what could gen­er­al­ly be expect­ed from a mod­ern pub­lic school teacher.
As Eleanor was busy straight­en­ing her skirt, a voice from from the oth­er side of the door called for her to enter.  Miss Swen­son seat­ed on a leather chair behind a sol­id oak desk cut an even stern­er fig­ure than usual.
Seat­ed on the oppo­site side of the desk was Eleanor’s neme­sis, twelve year old John Jones.    And he was smirking.
“Do you know why you’re here Miss Dod­son?” Elsa Swen­son asked.
The smirk on Jones’ face widened.
“I think so”, Eleanor said nervously.
“Then would you care to remind me of what it is you have done?”
“John had been behav­ing bad­ly all through the morn­ing,” Eleanor protest­ed vainly.
“So how did you deal with this provocation?”
Out of the cor­ner of her eye Eleanor could see John Jones’ cheeky grin grow­ing even wider.
“I put John over my knee, pulled down his pants and spanked his bare bot­tom until he begged for for­give­ness. I would do the same again.”
Miss Swenson’s expres­sion hard­ened.  “But you are aware are you not that as head­mistress I am the only mem­ber of staff per­mit­ted to admin­is­ter bare bot­tom spank­ings to the children?”
Eleanor felt on the brink of tears. “I just want­ed to teach him a les­son”, she protest­ed weakly.
“Nev­er­the­less, you have bro­ken school rules, and as such must be pun­ished accord­ing­ly.” Elsa rose to her feet.  “Please assume the posi­tion miss Dodson.”
Head bowed and tears welling, Eleanor stood up slow­ly. .“Does John need to wit­ness this?” she asked meekly.
“Jus­tice needs to be seen to be done Miss Dod­son”, Elsa Sven­son replied with­out com­pro­mise. “Now bend over.  It will of course be a bare bot­tom spank­ing. Jones bring me my cane from the cupboard”.
Not wish­ing to lose her job Eleanor obe­di­ent­ly bent over the desk while Jones, the lit­tle brat who had report­ed her, went glee­ful­ly to fetch the cane.
Even though she knew what was com­ing it still came as a shock for Eleanor to feel the hem of her skirt being raised above her waist by the strict head mis­tress, and her crisp white knick­ers pulled down below her knees.  It came as an even greater shock to feel the sting caused by the first stroke of the cane. Sev­er­al more strokes fol­lowed, each hard­er and caus­ing an even sharp­er intake of breath than the last.
It was so humil­i­at­ing for Eleanor to be spanked bare bot­tom in front of one of the pupils she taught but she just had no alter­na­tive but to take each swish­ing stroke as it land­ed.  There were six in all.  Six of the best.
After the can­ing was done Elsa con­tin­ued the pun­ish­ment by putting Eleanor over her knee and using the palm of her hand and then a leather strap to red­den the cheeks of her bot­tom still fur­ther.  Just how red her bot­tom was becom­ing Eleanor was able to see in the strate­gi­cal­ly placed mir­ror, a sight which only served to deep­en her grow­ing sense of humiliation.


You may rub your bot­tom now Miss Dod­son”, said Elsa after the spank­ing was over.  “I won’t ask you to stand in the cor­ner with your pants around your ankles, as you are staff, but I will next time.”
Feel­ing total­ly com­pli­ant now, Eleanor mas­saged the cheeks of her sore bot­tom and pulled her knick­ers back up.  John Jones who had been watch­ing this entire exhi­bi­tion with a great deal of amuse­ment was turn­ing to leave, already plan­ning what he would tell the rest of his class mates.
“And where do you think you’re going Jones?” Elsa said sharply.
Eleanor took great delight in see­ing the smirk dis­ap­pear abrupt­ly from the lit­tle brat’s face.
“But Miss..”
“No buts child,” Elsa snapped, “It still falls upon me to pun­ish you for your class­room mis­be­hav­iour. Now bend over.  Miss Dod­son please pass me the cane.  You may not be allowed to do the spank­ing but you can assist me, and I think a red bot­tom for you to show  to  John’s class mates might be just the tick­et. Isn’t that right Miss Dodson?”
“Yes, Miss Sven­son”, Eleanor replied.
And then down came John Jones’ trousers and under pants, expos­ing to the two ladies the twin globes of his bare white bottom.
And Eleanor could not dis­guise her look of tri­umph as the first stroke swished down on his quiv­er­ing but­tocks.  After all, it was she who was going to have the last laugh.

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