Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


2012 Story Competition ninth entry by Ken!

Ken had met Minx­ie in a chat room.  She was keen to join Ken and he arranged to take her to see Miss Sven­son and Miss P.  They met at Lon­don Bridge and Ken was delight­ed to spy a school­girl look under Minx­ie’s coat.

There was whis­pered chat about what might hap­pen, some smil­ing and even laughing.

On arrival Miss P told both to remove shoes and accom­pa­ny her to the study.  Ken was a reg­u­lar vis­i­tor but Minx­ie new to it all.  Miss S knew Ken had as usu­al been exhibit­ing him­self on the Inter­net and deserved a harsh reminder.  His behav­ior in the Lap Danc­ing Club earned him severe pun­ish­ment before, but Miss S and Miss P had become aware he had not stayed away since his last vis­it to the Study.

With­out much fuss Miss S told Ken to drop his trousers and get over her knee. A severe spank­ing ensued with his under­pants being peeled down and a flur­ry of slip­per and hair­brush spanks applied.

All the time Minx­ie and Miss P looked on and mur­mured in admi­ra­tion at Miss S’s accu­ra­cy and neat­ness-togeth­er with their amuse­ment at Ken’s embar­rass­ment and red bot­tom cheeks.

After what seemed a long time to Ken, Miss S sent him to the corner.

Then Minx­ie was ush­ered in her short skirt to go over Miss S’s lap.  She obeyed and her skirt went up.  Miss S began a slow method­i­cal hand spank­ing, dur­ing which she removed the sen­si­ble knick­ers Minx­ie had been wearing.

Miss P looked on and thought what a love­ly female bot­tom it was under the spanks.  Ken looked from his cor­ner and became huge­ly excit­ed.  His flam­ing cheeks for­got­ten as he saw Minx­ie’s bot­tom so pret­ty, full and red.

Inad­ver­tent­ly his hand wan­dered to release his erec­tion from his under­pants and he was unable to resist a slow stroke or two to con­firm his excite­ment.  Miss P noticed and began to stare, Miss S was spank­ing well but saw Miss P stare at Ken form an angle clear­ly mak­ing Ken’s naked erec­tion visible.

The atmos­phere in the room changed.

Get up Minx­ie.  Go to the wall.  Away from naughty Ken who needs some sharp cor­rec­tion this instant.  You Miss P wipe the smirk off your face, avert your eyes and begin to savour — or fear!! what I will do to you next.

Minx­ie was in tears, her bot­tom hav­ing evad­ed spanks for many years.

Ken was dry mouthed and dev­as­tat­ed he had been “caught” not only by Miss P but also more sig­nif­i­cant­ly by Miss S.

Miss P was hor­ri­fied.  Her long black skirt was off and her slen­der fig­ure ready for Miss S to attend to.

A heavy tawse, cane (favoured drag­on type) and severe Jokari Bat would be applied to Ken deter­mined MIss S.

Minx­ie had alleged­ly craved the cane.  A more slen­der school cane would do for her.

Miss P, well, she was still show­ing stripes from a recent can­ing applied for tar­di­ness.  Miss S decid­ed the plas­tic brush with the ven­omous sting would do for her.

Miss S decid­ed she was tir­ing and so for some enter­tain­ment she’d have Minx­ie and Miss P deal with Ken first (Miss S would of course fin­ish to ensure severity)

Miss P would help Ken deal with Minxie.

Ken and Minx­ie would start on Miss P.


Miss S watched with delight as each “Spanker” applied strokes they knew would be com­ing back to them.  The ses­sion ran on and on.  The spanks were applied in short bursts until Miss S was con­vinced all the recip­i­ents were red enough.


The finale was Ken’s fullest pun­ish­ment when that dread­ed Jokari Bat cov­ered all the ear­li­er deliv­er­ies.  The bat in the hand of Miss S left a last­ing impression.


As Miss P blushed and re dressed, Ken and Minx­ie were allowed moments to dress and gath­er them­selves.  The train jour­ney to Lon­don Bridge was amus­ing as nei­ther Ken nor Minx­ie would sit despite numer­ous emp­ty seats.


They were both embar­rassed that the oth­er had watched — and equal­ly fas­ci­nat­ed by hav­ing watched.

As they part­ed com­pa­ny they decid­ed anoth­er vis­it would need to be some weeks away as they need­ed time.


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