Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Penge Penal Institute, 15 December, 6–30 pm

Penge Penal Insti­tute, 15 Decem­ber, 6–30 pm

DCO Pren­der­gast dis­ci­plined for neg­li­gence amount­ing to seri­ous pro­fes­sion­al mis­con­duct. A Penge youth, 18, hav­ing been sen­tenced to 36 strokes of the heavy strap, to be admin­is­tered by SCO Rod­well, it tran­spired that there was no such strap on the premis­es. When SCO Rod­well asked for an expla­na­tion, DCO Pren­der­gast replied that she had bor­rowed the strap to chas­tise her teenage daugh­ter, Har­ri­et, then omit­ted to return it to its usu­al place in the strap-box. She apol­o­gised pro­fuse­ly for the over­sight. SCO Rod­well informed DCO Pren­der­gast that, although her pre­vi­ous record was exem­plary, such slip­shod behav­iour could not be tol­er­at­ed. After she had pun­ished the youth with the medi­um strap in lieu of the heavy one, increas­ing the num­ber of strokes to 48, she put Miss Pren­der­gast over her knee, lift­ed her skirt and spanked her with the utmost vigour, ‘as a reminder to be more care­ful in future’.




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