Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Dear friends and clients

I hope you all are healthy and cop­ing in these dif­fi­cult times.
As I have lost all income from ses­sions, I have to rely on earn­ing a liv­ing from sell­ing video clips alone which is very dif­fi­cult.
So I am try­ing to find ways on get­ting by and its sev­er­al options if you want to sup­port. It is now pos­si­ble to pay for ses­sions in advance with a £10 dis­count per one-hour ses­sion. Please also con­sid­er buy­ing a few of my excel­lent videos so I can con­tin­ue pay­ing me bills.
Naughty girl spank­ing
Naughty boy spank­ing
I also sell clips on

Your sup­pos­rt is appreciated 

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