Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson





How long in advance do I have to book?

 Prefer­ably 24 hours or more in advance but occa­sion­al­ly I accept

Same day appoint­ments if you con­tact me in the morning.

What is your work­ing hours?

I usu­al­ly see clients between 11 am and 7 pm on week­days and between 12 pm and 6 pm on weekends. 

Can we chat on the phone first?

After we have exchanged some emails I will sup­ply you with a phone num­ber to con­tact me on.

Do you require a deposit?

On some occa­sions, I require a deposit.  If you have booked and can­celled sev­er­al times before, or if you want to book a ses­sion involv­ing some of my friends who have to trav­el to get here.


Are your loca­tions private?

My house is very pri­vate and there will be no one else present.

Do the neigh­bours know what you do?

I am very dis­creet and the neigh­bours don’t know what I do

Can I park nearby?

I offer pri­vate park­ing in my driveway.


Can we have a safe-word?

Yes if you wish

Are all your imple­ments safe and clean?

I always clean and dis­in­fect the imple­ments before and after sessions.

Can I bring my own implements?


Will you draw blood?

I always try to give prop­er pun­ish­ment with­out draw­ing blood.


Will I get marks?

It depends on how severe your pun­ish­ment is and also on your own body. Some peo­ple mark eas­i­ly oth­ers not.

How long will the marks last?

 Cane or bruis­es marks may last from a few days to a few weeks,

It is hard to esti­mate exact­ly as it can vary from indi­vid­ual to individual.

Can you cane with­out leav­ing marks?

It is almost impossible

Dress code

Can I be stripped total­ly naked?


Can I wear ladies knickers?

Yes you can bring your own or bor­row from me for an extra fee or £5

Can I wear a school uniform?

Yes, you can bring your own or bor­row blaz­er and tie from me,

I also have school skirts (only in small­er sizes), and tra­di­tion­al school knick­ers. The fee to bor­row school uni­forms is £10

Can I dress as a small child and wear diapers?

No, it is not part of my service

Can I wear elen­gat and pyjamas?

Yes you can bring your own or bor­row from me for an extra fee of £5

How do you dress?

I dress casu­al­ly for basic ses­sions but will wear a pen­cil skirt and heels for role­play session.

Can you dress in leather?

No I am a dis­ci­pli­nar­i­an, not a dominatrix.

Can you wear a school gown and mortarboard?

Yes, I can for a role­play ses­sion but as it restricts my move­ment I pre­fer to wear it only for part of the session.

Can you wear seamed stockings?

On spe­cial occasions 

Can you wear a short skirt?

The length of my skirt is not negotiable 


Can we chat first?

Yes if that is what you want

Can we go straight into the role?

Yes that is what I usu­al­ly do

Can you pun­ish me for some­thing real?

Yes please email me details before the session.

Can you play my aunt?

No, I don’t offer domes­tic role play

Can you play my mother?

No, I don’t offer domes­tic role play

Can you play a female pro­ba­tion officer?


Can you play my wife?

No, I don’t offer domes­tic role play

Is it ok if I cry?


Can you make me cry?

A tricky ques­tion, it may or may not happen

Can you make me scream?

Scream­ing is not accept­able, I have neighbours!

Will you humil­i­ate me?

I dis­ci­pline and that is humiliating

Can I be restrained?

I don’t have facil­i­ties to restrain

Can I be gagged?


Can I kiss your feet?


 Can we hug?

A hug at the end of the ses­sion is fine but it’s not the main event

 What if I get aroused?

I expect you to con­trol your­self, if you cant you will be sent to the bath­room to cool your­self down.

Can I masturbate?

Not in my presence

Why don’t you offer a hap­py ending?

I am not a sex worker