Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Archive for March, 2015



Thursday, March 26th, 2015

My col­lec­tion.….


About time wasters and newbies who are too scared.…

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

I have post­ed about time wasters here in the past but I think its time to do it again. There are times when more than 50% of my book­ings get can­celled again or the per­sons just don’t show up. Rea­sons for can­celling tend to be  a  fam­i­ly cri­sis,  a sud­den busi­ness trip abroad,  sud­den ill­ness in the fam­i­ly and of course the car breaks down and the phone don’t work. 

Occa­sion­al­ly some­one are hon­est enough to tell me that the rea­son for can­celling is that they are scared, find it all too intim­i­dat­ing, got cold feet, note sure this is what they real­ly want etc.

So lets have a look at the prob­lem… you con­tact­ed me and told me that you have been think­ing about spank­ing for a long time and you real­ly want to try it.  You have per­haps been think­ing about it for years. You have been scan­ning trough the inter­net search­ing for some­one who can give you that red hot bot­tom you so intense­ly desire. You stopped by me as I seem “nor­mal”  I don’t oper­ate in a dun­geon and I don’t wear leather corset and high boots. You decid­ed to take the plunge and you sent me that short note.

Imme­di­ate­ly after you sent it, one part of you wish I would­n’t  respond, while the oth­er one knows this must hap­pen, oth­er­wise your life will nev­er feel full.  I get back to you quick­ly and we agree on a date for a first meet­ing.  Your e excit­ed and wish it could hap­pen right away. You email me some details about your fan­tasies and I say that is fine. I try to assure you that you have no rea­son to be so scared, as I am actu­al­ly quite a nice per­son. I send you detail includ­ing direc­tions and a phone num­ber, that you must call to con­firm the appoint­ment. You are still excit­ed and want to go trough with this. Its only a few days to the appoint­ment but as the day go by you fear start sneak­ing back in again.

Sud­den­ly the fan­ta­sy is turn­ing into real­i­ty! It all seem so scary, you have to trav­el to an unknown place and you are meet­ing with a total stranger. You will be expos­ing your bot­tom and even more scared your vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Sud­den­ly your fear takes over and it all seem impos­si­ble. You want to for­get about it all and you decide to can­cel.  You are afraid that I might try to con­vince you, so you decide to tell me you have to go away on a busi­ness trip. This way you get time to think it all through one more time and still keep the door open. You want to keep a door open in case you should build up enough courage to try again lat­er.  You know deep down that this need you have will not go away. You can bury it for a while but it is only a mat­ter of time before you a back look­ing at my web­site and wish­ing you had tak­en the first step back then.

I can under­stand that it is scary to give in to your own desire…because your desire means to give up con­trol and to sub­mit to pun­ish­ment. I tend to think that you are more afraid of your own feel­ings than of me. The biggest issue is to accept the part to you who crave sub­mis­sion and pun­ish­ment. I offer to guide you in a lov­ing but firm way and to help you ful­fil your own desires and dreams. You are of course free to leave any time if you don’t like it. I can be strict and even cru­el but only for as long as it takes to bring you to the space you long to be in. I will give you the encour­age­ment you need on the way to get there but I can­not help you ful­fil your dreams unless you take the first step trough my door. As we all know, you can lead a horse to water but you can­not make him drink.

London spanking got a facelift

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

I have spent some time chang­ing the look of Lon­don Spanking

Check it out here

The naughty boys room

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

I have stained the old oak floor and I am very hap­py with the result. It is now an exten­sion to the school room.

Traditional school knickers…

Friday, March 6th, 2015

It is some­thing about those thick blue, green or maroon school knick­ers from the 50s, 60s and 70s that fas­ci­nates a lot of grown men or should I say boys of mature age. Many of my clients like to wear them and I reg­u­lar­ly get e mail from peo­ple who com­ments on the type of knick­ers used in my videos. I guess one could real­ly use the word knick­ers fetish when some­one col­lects them and have the attic full of unopened bags bought throung mail order over decades. One such boy who had a very large col­lec­tion decide it was time to have a bit of a clear out and gave me a chunk of his trea­sure, a num­ber of knick­ers  still in their bags.

These knick­ers are not for small boy they are rather large and come in the tra­di­tion­al colours as well as some more exper­i­men­tal ones as yel­low and orange. God knows why the pro­duces decide to do that, but they may have an appeal to someone.

There­fore I will offer them for sale to any big boy who real­ly love to be a naughty school boy.  The knick­ers come in two styles and mak­ers. The first one is as top pic­ture below and made by Ros­alind Woods Made in Con­gle­ton Eng­land they dont have size but I would say they are extra large.  Colours are Yel­low, Mint, Light Green, Grey, Cream, White, Pur­ple as well as the tra­di­tion­al  Navy blue, Bot­tle Green, Maroon and Brown.

In addi­tion to these I also have a dif­fer­ent style Made by Sarah Heart, they are all size L, bot­tle green and have a pock­et on the back.  Price for these kick­ers are £10 each if you buy direct­ly from me,  if you want me to ship,  it will cost an extra £4.

Switch sessions with Rosie Cleopatra in Earls Court

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Rosie played the part of Joan­na the maid in two of my spank­ing videos and I real­ly enjoyed spank­ing her plump bot­tom. It real­ly has a shape per­fect for spank­ing and I think many of my friends and clients also would like to have the pleasure.

(a trail­er with from Joan­na the maid here http://www.spankingtube.com/video/47293/joanna-the-new-maid-trailer )

Rosie and I have decide to try some­thing dif­fer­ent and there­for  we will offer switch ses­sion in her pri­vate flat in Earls Court London.

Ses­sion will be divid­ed in 3 parts first I will spank Rosie’s gor­geous bot­tom until it is read and glow­ing, I may also be tempt­ed to use some imple­ments. Then you get to put her over your knees for anoth­er hard spank­ing. This may end with a can­ing from you or from me. Then in the last part of the ses­sion its your turn to get a spank­ing from both of use, first OTK and then bent over a chair for a hard strap­ping or can­ing that will send you home with a very sting­ing bot­tom. Sounds like fun? Well we think so.


A second study in South East London

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

I real­ly love my new school­room in Gilling­ham but I know it is a bit too far for some peo­ple. I was there­for trilled when I was offered an oppor­tu­ni­ty to keep a study in my old place in Penge South East Lon­don. It is small­er than my new school­room but every­one who knows me know that I will cre­ate a great atmos­phere in any space.  I can now offer a choice between two loca­tions for great spank­ing and can­ing ses­sions for the con­vince of my clients.

So you want me to spank your wife.…

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Over the years I have quite few enquires from men who wants me to spank their wife of girl­friend. Some have been gen­uine but a lot of them have not.

Sad­ly very often these types of enquiries are pure fan­ta­sy and the wife or girl­friend is not even aware of it.

Some­times I also receive reveal­ing pic­tures or an offer of reveal­ing pic­tures of the wife or girl­friend. I sus­pect it may not be a pic­ture of her all, but rather some­thing found on the inter­net. I won­der why any­one would think I am inter­est­ed in look­ing at these type of pictures.

Due to the amount of fantasy/ time wasters / non­sense I will always answer this types of enquires and ask the wife to phone me to con­firm her consent.

So if you want me to spank your wife please bear in mind that I will require a phone call from your wife to con­firm before I will engage in fur­ther discussions,

Privacy and discretion

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Pri­va­cy and dis­cre­tion is very impor­tant to me and of course to my clients.

Some times I get wor­ried new­bies ask­ing me if my place is dis­creet and if we will be pri­vate. Some peo­ple are so wor­ried about this issues that they don’t ever take the step and try how a spank­ing feels like.

I cer­tain­ly under­stand why peo­ple are wor­ried but some times their fear has been blown out of propo­si­tion. Some peo­ple even imag­ine that I would secret­ly take pho­tos of them and post it on the inter­net. When peo­ple are so full of fear, they may not be ready for a spank­ing ses­sion at all and they may need more time to think things over.

The oth­er option is to try to be ratio­nal and under­stand what I am and what I real­ly do. I have been in the spank­ing busi­ness for some years now, first in North Lon­don where I lived for 4 years. I was very care­ful so my neigh­bours did­n’t sus­pect any­thing and they nev­er did as far as I know.

After that I was based in South East Lon­don for 3 years, and yet again nev­er any strange looks or ques­tions. My present place out here in the Med­way is in a quite part of town and is very pri­vate and dis­creet. The neigh­bours are busy with their own lives and no one are real­ly interested.

When it comes to myself I am of course aware of peo­ples con­cern and I have some rules I follow.

Obvi­ous­ly I would nev­er take a pho­to­graph of any­one unless they ask me to. I only post pic­tures online of mod­els who have filled in a con­sent form and 99% of the time, they are pro­fes­sion­al mod­els. I nev­er post pic­tures of clients online even if they ask me to.

I nev­er call clients on the phone unless they have left a mes­sage and asked me to. I don’t send unso­licit­ed email unless you have asked for it or have signed up for my mail­ing list.

When you come to my place We will be pri­vate and you will not bump into oth­er clients leav­ing or com­ing. It is extreme­ly import to me that clients feel secure and com­fort­able and that is why I move out here.  I have a pri­vate space were you can enjoy spank­ing and cp ses­sion with­out worries.