Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Archive for May, 2011


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Thurs­day 21 Octo­ber 1952

Will boys nev­er learn? You would have thought that Bagshaw would have thought twice about break­ing school rules after his last vis­it to my study, less than a week ago. I gave him a good hid­ing with my heav­i­est strap and you would have thought he would have learnt his les­son. Not a bit of it! There he was again in the Fri­day after­noon queue of boys wait­ing to feel the wrath of their head­mistress. ëBagshaw, remind me what I said to you after our last interview,í I said, icy calm. ëíThat next time it would be the c‑cane,í he stam­mered. ëAnd?í I said. ëAnd on the b‑bare b‑bottom,í he said, in a ner­vous whis­per. †ëThen what are you wait­ing for, your stu­pid boy?í I snapped, indi­cat­ing the chair over which it was cus­tom­ary for boys to bend. As he low­ered his pants, I was glad to see that the marks of his strap­ping were still there. I like to leave a mark. No point in thrash­ing boys oth­er­wise. And I was about to leave six more…



Miss Svensonís spanking story competition, an update.

Friday, May 27th, 2011

I have received a lot of sto­ries so far but can still accept some more.†The sto­ries will be pub­lished here in the blog start­ing in June.The win­ner will be picked at the end of June and he will get a free 40 min spank­ing session.Good luck to all.



From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Sat­ur­day 16 Octo­ber 1952

Tea with Har­ry Baines, my pre­de­ces­sor, who has retired to East­bourne. We com­pared notes about cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment and found we had a lot in com­mon: (a) a con­vic­tion that a sore bot­tom is bet­ter than a pris­sy moral lec­ture; (b) that, if you explain to boys exact­ly why you are thrash­ing them, they will accept the thrash­ing philo­soph­i­cal­ly; and © that there is noth­ing to beat the sound of a cane crash­ing into a tight­ly bent-over bot­tom. It strikes ter­ror into any­one lis­ten­ing out­side, next in the queue, and gives a lot of qui­et plea­sure ñ the sense of a job well done ñ to the wield­er of the cane. At one point, Har­ry stooped to do up his shoe-laces and, at the sight of his broad bot­tom, I could feel my cane arm twitch­ing. Hmmm.


Miss Svenson’s spanking story competition!

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Miss Sven­sonís spank­ing sto­ry competition!†This is how it works you must get cre­ative and write a spank­ing sto­ry which includes Miss Sven­son. It obvi­ous­ly must be your own work and you must agree to have it pub­lished on my web­site. The best sto­ry will win a free 40 min­utes spank­ing ses­sion. Please send your sto­ry to me and I will pick the lucky winner.

Come on boys what are you wait­ing for this is your chance to show us how good you are!


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Sat­ur­day 16 Octo­ber 1952

Tea with Har­ry Baines, my pre­de­ces­sor, who has retired to East­bourne. We com­pared notes about cor­po­ral pun­ish­ment and found we had a lot in com­mon: (a) a con­vic­tion that a sore bot­tom is bet­ter than a pris­sy moral lec­ture; (b) that, if you explain to boys exact­ly why you are thrash­ing them, they will accept the thrash­ing philo­soph­i­cal­ly; and © that there is noth­ing to beat the sound of a cane crash­ing into a tight­ly bent-over bot­tom. It strikes ter­ror into any­one lis­ten­ing out­side, next in the queue, and gives a lot of qui­et plea­sure ñ the sense of a job well done ñ to the wield­er of the cane. At one point, Har­ry stooped to do up his shoe-laces and, at the sight of his broad bot­tom, I could feel my cane arm twitch­ing. Hmmm.


The Birch

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

This one was made by Thor and was brought to me across the north sea (thank you Thor). It is easy to make cost basi­cal­ly noth­ing and it is a lot of fun to use. If you won­der if it stings I can assure you that it does.†Unfortunately they have a short life and I need a new one.


Til de norske som kikker paa hjemmesiden min…

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Jeg vet at det er en del norske som kikker innom. Hvor­for ikke sende meg en mail fortell litt om deg selv og kan­skje komme en tur til Lon­don og faa en god spanking .….


Time wasters again.…

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Sad­ly I have to point this out again as it hap­pens too often that peo­ple book a ses­sion and don’t show up. If you book a ses­sion you should fol­low it through. If you are not sure you are ready then please don’t waste my time.




From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Mon­day 11 Octo­ber 1952

.… with­out hav­ing to take tough deci­sions some­times. Mass pun­ish­ment are not my idea of jus­tice but, when I paid an impromp­tu vis­it to 5A, who were being taught Latin by Mr Grimes at the time, and found the entire class in uproar, throw­ing things at each oth­er, I wast­ed no time try­ing to track down the ring-lead­ers, but strapped the whole class there and then, with their trousers at half mast. Twen­ty-three boys, twen­ty-three sore, throb­bing bot­toms, and all over in less than ten min­utes. So much more effec­tive than detention…


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Mon­day 22 Sep­tem­ber 1952

I am still shak­ing with fury after an unpleas­ant episode with an obnox­ious boy called Hoskins, the son of the local green­gro­cer. He had been sent to me for throw­ing a piece of chalk at anoth­er boy ñ the kind of infan­tile behav­iour that absolute­ly infu­ri­ates me. I prob­a­bly strapped Hoskins a bit hard­er than usu­al in con­se­quence. The ten strokes hurt and they were meant to hurt, but that is no excuse for what hap­pened next. As the last stroke land­ed, Hoskins let out a four-let­ter word of the vilest kind. I was flab­ber­gast­ed ñ and so angry that I put him over my knee, pulled down his trousers and pants and gave him a good wal­lop­ing with a wood­en hair brush which I hap­pened to have to hand. He was cry­ing like a baby by the end.